Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

by | Dec 14, 2016 | Advent and Christmas, Christmas 2016, St. Lucy | 5 comments

Santa Lucia
by Katherine Hyde
based on traditional Swedish lyrics
Night treads with heavy step
Round yard and hearth
Woods brood in darkness now
Sun’s gone from earth
But through the darkness comes, 
With brightness glowing, 
Saint of the heav’n-ly light, 
Our Savior showing
Maiden so sweet and fair, 
Bright candles in your hair, 
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Child of the holy light, 
Banish the dark of night, 
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Night now goes great and mute
Silence rules all things
What is that murmuring
As of an angel’s wings

There on our threshold
White-robed and shining 
Comes she with bread to spare
Our need divining

Maiden so sweet and fair, 
Bright candles in your hair, 
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Child of the holy light, 
Banish the dark of night, 
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Darkness shall soon depart
From vale and mountain
She brings good new to us
Light like a fountain
Soon day shall rise anew
Daystar is coming
In skies of rosy hue
Salvation’s dawning

A Special Nameday Gift – St. Lucia Original Painting from Sleightholm Folk Art
and St. Lucia Doll from The Little Rose Shop (I’ve been dying to give her this doll since I placed the custom order for it based on one of Heather’s paintings earlier this year!)
Maiden so sweet and fair, 
Bright candles in your hair, 
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

Child of the holy light, 
Banish the dark of night, 
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Santa Lucia and Star Boy Coloring Pages from Waltzing Matilda

Here’s the link to the recipe for Saint Lucia’s Braided Bread.
Scroll through all our past St. Lucy posts here

Santa Lucia, ora pro nobis! 


  1. Guest

    So sweet!

    2016-12-14 02:11:37

  2. Tracy Smith

    So beautiful and so many cooperative children! (mine aren't always so cooperative) :/ Looks like another beautiful feast day celebration! Happy St. Lucy Day!

    2016-12-14 16:50:44

  3. Karen H

    It does my heart good to see this precious celebration of Santa Lucia's Day. Surely your children will bring His joy to the world as they grow up, having been given so much love in all these wonderful faith filled celebrations.

    2016-12-15 03:25:33

  4. akasleen

    So lovely! So, so lovely…

    2016-12-15 05:43:36

  5. Debbie

    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos from your Saint Lucia celebration. Such a wonderful custom you have taught your children. They are so precious! Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Expectation along with The Fourth Sunday of Advent…We have been enjoying a special Advent Season in our home…We have so many lovely feast days and prayers in our Catholic traditions to celebrate. Blessings for a happy new week for you and your family…

    2016-12-19 03:12:25


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