Our older boys had a high school golf tournament over at the coast earlier this week and we were able to turn it into a little overnight getaway for the whole family!
We loaded up our soon-to-be-too-small nine-seat Suburban (we
need one of these asap), left early in the morning the day before their tournament, dropped them off at the golf course for a practice round, and were able to check in early to our hotel room overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
It rained for the first half of the boys’ tournament but, by the time we checked out of our room at noon to head over and watch the second half, the sun had come out and it was such a beautiful afternoon!
Ranger got his first birdie (outside of his home/practice course) on hole #4! |
Thankfully golf carts were available for this tournament, making it possible for me to watch while we all enjoyed the sunshine and fresh ocean air!
We got to watch Ranger par hole 15, but missed his birdie on hole 17 since we circled back to watch Captain for a few more holes.
The boys both did great. Ranger had a new personal best and tied for 4th place!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Congratulations Captain and Ranger. Marilyn
2017-04-13 20:47:58
Ranger you and your brother Captain did a good job. Marion
2017-04-13 20:49:31
Congratulations to them both!
2017-04-13 22:45:16
Congratulatons to Captan and Ranger! Jessica, I have always admired your posts showing your family trips to the coast and to see the redwoods. My family is finally making a trip to Northern Califrnia/Southern Oregon this summer. Which beach is it that you have shown in your pictures of the beautiful coastline, tidepools, rocks, etc? It looks amazing, and I would like to see if I can fit it into our trip. Thank you!
2017-04-14 00:43:35
How fun! This beach is the Sporthaven Beach near the Brookings Harbor. We usually access it from the hotel, but I believe there is access just north of the hotel as well. If you walk south on the beach at low tide you can get through the key hole in the rocks to the tide pools on the other side. Further to the north you can find Harris Beach. I also love Secret Beach, but we haven't taken our children there yet. You can only access it at low tide and the last time we visited was before we were married. It is really beautiful! I don't know where all you will be visiting while you are out here, but Crater Lake is another incredible place to visit too if you have the time!
2017-04-14 13:54:37
have you guys ever thought of a 12 passenger van. we used to have one and it worked great till we had are 10th.
2017-04-14 14:00:11
We went back and forth between the twelve passenger Nissan NV and our nine seat Suburban the summer before last when we were trying to decide what to purchase… Originally we were going to go with a NV, but ultimately we decided buy the Suburban for the better gas mileage and four-wheel drive, which we've definitely been very grateful for this past winter! We ended up needing it many times to get out of our driveway and down the road with all the snow and winter storms. Once this new baby arrives we will be back to the same situation we were in for the previous four years after our youngest son was born – we were one seat short in our eight-seat Toyota Sienna, but the kids and I could still all fit. It's pretty rare that we are all in the car at the same time – just for Sunday Mass and any road trips we are able to take. Even though we had really started to think our five year old was going to be our last, we knew it was a possibility that we could end up needing another seat when we purchased the Suburban and here we are, but our oldest is driving now, #2 will be soon, and they both will be off to college in just two more years. Time is flying so quickly and we won't be short a seat for very long! I guess we'll see if I still feel the same once baby actually arrives 😉
2017-04-14 14:35:27
Hi Jessica, i would love to get my boys involved in golf. Just wondering what age your boys started at? Happy Easter! Katie
2017-04-17 03:47:57