Pregnancy Pictures & Online Baby Pool

by | Jun 1, 2017 | Baby News, Prayers for Children, Precious Moments: 08, Pregnancy | 15 comments

Happy Feast of the Visitation (OF) and the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (EF)!

It has been so much easier to share little updates and pictures over on Instagram this pregnancy, but I wanted to go back and record some more of those memories here on the blog too.  It’s hard to believe that our “baby” will turn six this year, it’s been nearly three years (June 13, 2014) since our last miscarriage, and that we have been blessed with another baby to love. We are so excited to meet her whenever she decides to arrive! Thank you all for the encouragement and prayers!

May 30, 2017

Saturday was amazing and I was so relieved that the nausea and hip pain was minimal for the baby shower! 💗 Sunday I wasn’t able to make it through Mass without throwing up, and then was barely able to finish the drive home with the kids due to swollen ankles and leg/hip pain, even with using cruise control as much as possible. I spent Sunday through today in bed (on call doctor’s orders) due to the swelling, leg pain, contractions, severe headache, and nausea. I came very close to calling someone to take me to the hospital last night. My mom had to come pick me up to drive me to today’s appointment since I was still too weak to drive myself. (Thank you so much, Mom!) I got to see our baby girl, even though she was hiding her chubby little face behind her arms and feet, and be reassured once again that everything is still going well and the contractions are making (very slow) progress! It won’t be too much longer before we get to hold her and see her wearing this beautiful rose covered gown that was on our doorstep when we got back home today! 💗#36andahalfweekspregnant #ultrasound #decadeofroses #takehomeoutfit #countingthedaystojune24
May 27, 2017

My baby girls❤️ We are getting all dressed up for a baby shower this afternoon!🌹#36weekspregnant #countingthedaystojune24

May 16, 2017

“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 
– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

First thing I read this morning after waking up and it was exactly what I needed to hear as I prepared to take the older kids where they needed to go now that the other drivers are gone for at least a couple weeks. (I told our 15 year old that I’m taking him to get his permit in case I need someone to drive me to the hospital!) I haven’t had the best attitude with all the extra challenges and crosses lately… I am trying harder to offer it up for my father-in-law and all those who are in need of prayer. Looking forward to meeting this baby girl, but hopefully not until after her Daddy gets back home! #tiredmomma #tryingtoofferitup #almost35weekspregnant #difficultpregnancy 

I’ve always been considered high risk, and they have all been hard (nausea throughout the whole pregnancy, preterm labor/bedrest with a number of them, etc) and my last (three years ago) ended in yet another miscarriage, but I think I might have been better at coping when I was in my 20s and early 30s! I also didn’t realize how messed up my lower back and hips were (from last year’s broken tailbone) before this pregnancy. Not much that can be done about it right now, but I’ve been seeing a chiropractor/physical therapist each week which is helping keep me somewhat up and able to walk, at least most days. It continues to get harder as baby gets bigger and at my last ultrasound she measured 2 weeks ahead of schedule and in the 70th percentile! The bad news is that it is very likely, with the current position of my previously broken tailbone, that I will rebreak it during delivery with the “good news” being at least it could “break back to where it should be.” I’m trying not to worry… 

May 1, 2017

“Love can accomplish all things. Things that are most impossible become easy where love is at work.” – St. Therese 🌹❤️ 

This has been one of my most physically challenging pregnancies, but every time I get to hear her heart beating, feel her kick, or see her sweet little face, it makes it a little easier to persevere and offer it all up. Thank you all for the continued prayers! We are so grateful for this surprise baby girl of ours and I can’t wait to kiss those chubby cheeks of hers NEXT MONTH! 😍😘
 #icanfinallysaynextmonth #mayday #stjosephtheworker #orapronobis #32weekspregnant #butshesmeasuringover34 #countingthedaystojune24
April 30, 2017

So glad last week is over and the sun is shining this beautiful Sunday afternoon! I spent last Sun-Tues in bed, then finished the rest of the week catching back up at work and going back and forth to town for lots of different doctors appts – some for me and some for the kids. Thankfully everyone is finally getting over this latest virus that arrived Easter Sunday! Even though I have two more doctors appts tomorrow, and a couple more later in the week, I am really excited to get another peek at our youngest baby girl tomorrow afternoon! Please say a prayer that everything still looks good! 💗 #32weeks2days #countingthedaystojune24 #55dayslefttogo #ificansurvivethatmuchlonger
March 27, 2017

They love feeling the baby kicking and later this afternoon, since Sean and the four big kids are off on a road trip for the day (spring break this week!) to watch one of my brother’s golf tournaments #GoBeavs, they’ll get to tag along to my appointment and hear her heart beating too! 💗 #27weekspregnant #countingthedaystojune24

Telling his baby sister “a secret” ❤️ #bigbrotherbabysister #countingthedaystojune24
March 17, 2017
Yesterday afternoon (limping along) on my way to my doctor’s appointment: 100 days left to go! Seems like forever (I’ll never survive 14 more weeks of this!) and so soon (I haven’t done anything at all to prepare!) at the same time. #99daystogo #26weekstomorrow #countingthedaystojune24
.: Online Baby Pool :. 

My ultrasound and doctor’s appointments went well yesterday. Due to the issues I’m having with my hips and lower back, and the likelihood of re-breaking my tailbone during delivery, my doctor has recommended scheduling an induction for June 17th, when I am 39 weeks pregnant, rather than waiting to see if I go to my due date on June 24th. I have never made it to my due date and have only made it to 39 weeks a few times. I’m guessing it will be sooner. After seeing my chiropractor/physical therapist today, she thinks the baby has dropped since last week and is wondering if I’ll even make it to next weeks appointment. We’ll see! Sean and our oldest son started the drive home today and should be back home by tomorrow night. Hopefully I can at least make it until then.

Would anyone like to try and guess when she will arrive? 

I’m not sure what it will be yet, but there will be a some sort of little prize for the winner. 

For reference, here are the past stats:

Captain: 5 days early, 10:24 am, 7 pounds 2 ounces, 20 inches

Rascal: 7 days early, 11:19 am, 7 pounds 11 ounces, 19 inches

Twinkle Toes: 10 days early, 12:55 am, 7 pounds 4 ounces, 19 1/4 inches

Chiquita: 21 days early, 9:54 pm, 7 pounds 4 ounces, 18 1/2 inches

Snuggles: 3 days early, 10:37 pm, 8 pounds 5 ounces, 20 1/2 inches (He was also due on June 24th, 10 years ago, just after I started this blog!) 

Rose: 10 days early, 11:49 pm, 8 pounds 1 ounce, 19 inches

Bud: 6 or 16 days early (depending on which due date you went with – cycle or early ultrasound), 10:02 am, 7 pounds 5 ounces, 20 inches

Update: Congratulations to the winner!

Prayer for a Happy Delivery to St. Elizabeth, to St. Anne, 
and to the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Elizabeth, through the great blessing which, at the birth of thy son John, thou didst receive from God, I beseech thee to obtain for me the grace that I may be preserved from all danger, and happily bring my child into the world! Amen. 

Venerable mother, St. Anne, obtain for me, through thy ever-blessed child, the Blessed Virgin Mary, that no accident may befall me, but that my child may come safe and sound into the world. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of my Redeemer, through thy high prerogative and thy only Son, I pray thee to obtain for me the help and blessing of God, that I may happily surmount the pains of delivery, and that my child may receive the grace of holy baptism! Amen. 

– prayer from Mother Love


  1. Elizabeth Carreon

    Offering my own crosses for you. I hadn't realized how difficult this pregnancy has been. Having been through a couple of difficult pregnancies (the last one being one of them) I can empathize with you. But, the results….(that moment they are in your arms, the first cry, smile make those moments worth every moment). We are looking forward to your announcement of her arrival. And will continue to pray for you all. God bless you!

    2017-06-01 03:37:20

  2. jbc2789

    Praying for you and your sweet baby!

    2017-06-01 04:15:35

  3. Karen H

    Oh Jessica! Brave soul! My heart goes out to you, what a tough, tough pregnancy. I only experienced nausea in one of my pregnancies, and that only off and on for a few weeks (and it was hideously debilitating), so I am in awe of your making it through an entire pregnancy. Add to that the pain due to your tailbone injury and the host of issues you are enduring – oh my goodness – how do you do it?! It must be grit and Grace. God bless you, dear Jessica, for carrying on day in and day out, no matter the trials. You are in our prayers and we are all eagerly anticipating the birth day of your precious daughter – and no more nausea! xoxo

    2017-06-01 15:11:17

  4. Barbara

    If possible, please let us know when you go into labor so we can pray with you!

    2017-06-01 16:33:57

  5. Debbie

    Dear Dear Jessica, Thank you for sharing these lovely pregnancy photos with us! I continue to ask Saint Gerard each day for his powerful prayers for you and your precious little one in your difficult pregnancy. You truly are an amazing mother! As the days draw closer I can only imagine the anticipation and excitement that you and your husband and children feel. I will continue to pray for a safe delivery and a healthy strong baby girl to join your beautiful family. Our daughter is now expecting their first baby and she too is enduring a high risk pregnancy. She is 12 weeks along. You have been such an inspiration to me as I follow your posts. May God Bless you with strength and comfort Jessica during these last days of your complicated pregnancy. I pray for the severe pain you are enduring to subside after the birth. Very soon you will be holding a tiny precious miracle in your arms. Sincerely, Debbie

    2017-06-01 16:48:23

  6. Marie

    I love the Mother Love prayer book! I can't wait to meet your little one and read the name! I will be praying for you during these last few days!!

    2017-06-01 17:56:05

  7. Joy65

    The pics are wonderful, that gown is adorable (I used that kind for ours until they wore out), praying for your last few days that they can get better and you can get some relief.

    2017-06-01 19:08:40

  8. Marilyn

    Thank you for the latest update concerning your pregnancy. Those photos of your baby girl are precious. Prayers for you and the baby. Hope you feel better. Marilyn

    2017-06-01 22:05:37

  9. Marion

    Prayers that you will be feeling better. Your baby girl is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Marion

    2017-06-01 22:24:23

  10. Maggie

    I prayed those three beautiful prayers for you, Jessica. Thank you for your blog.

    2017-06-02 00:21:26

  11. Kathryn

    Continued prayers for you and your sweet baby! Did the Strep B protocol work for you, if you were able to try it?

    2017-06-02 01:43:54

  12. Sandra

    Praying for you and your family. Your sweet baby will be here very soon:)

    2017-06-02 12:37:35

  13. Lisa

    Hi Jessica, Just wanted to let you know I placed you and your precious little one on the tomb of soon to be Blessed Solanus Casey in Detroit, MI this morning, asking him for his intercession for a safe and happy delivery! God Bless you and your family!

    2017-06-02 18:49:07

  14. Karen Grant

    Praying for you. My last pregnancy was incredibly difficult in many ways, so I know the frustration well. Praying that the baby comes soon.

    2017-06-03 20:20:35

  15. Watch Series

    Hey Jessica, I love the Mother Love prayer book! I can't wait to meet your little one and read the name. Prayers that you will be feeling better. Your baby girl is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    2017-06-08 20:14:13


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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