Solar Eclipse

by | Aug 22, 2017 | Astronomy, Science, Solar Eclipse | 19 comments

Projecting the Solar Eclipse onto paper 🌙 #solareclipse2017 #94percent



We also poked holes in cardboard, brought out a colander, and I put the solar eclipse glasses over my iPhone lens to take a picture rather than looking through them myself, just in case we ended up with bad glasses… The older boys did the same thing with their iPads, but still posed with the glasses!

Last Minute Solar Eclipse Snack

The heavens proclaim His righteousness;
and all the peoples behold His glory.
– Psalm 97:6


  1. jbc2789

    It was a great way to see the power and glory of God! Glad you were able to witness this with your sweet family!

    2017-08-22 01:30:57

  2. Sarah

    Oh how cool! Looks like you all had so much fun! We would have had about 70% visibility of the eclipse, but unfortunately we had cloudy skies and rain. I love the picture of the boys in the glasses. 🙂 God bless and keep you all!

    2017-08-22 05:41:14

  3. akasleen

    Genius snack idea!

    2017-08-22 10:57:33

  4. Christine M.

    What fun! We were able to go to Gower to the Benedictine nuns convent (put on by the Gordon family :). We had 2.5 minutes of totality. The kids had great fun, and it was wonderful to see the nuns! Hope all is going well. God bless!

    2017-08-22 13:29:17

  5. Joy

    GREAT pictures and a beautiful family. Glad they got to experience the Eclipse.

    2017-08-22 13:34:08

  6. Gina

    Go Sabres!!! 🙂 The pictures are wonderful.

    2017-08-22 19:50:24

  7. Marilyn

    Great idea with the cookies. The children are so lovely. Marilyn

    2017-08-22 22:44:39

  8. Marion

    Thank You for sharing your photos. The cookies look delicious. Marion

    2017-08-22 23:42:37

  9. Meagan Daoust

    Ha! I went crazy on theme foods (we didn't eat half of them) since we were driving down to the path of totality and I brought the Oreos because we did the same project when we studied the phases of the moon. Yeah, we just shoved them in our mouths while we watched, no phases, lol.

    2017-08-23 01:49:03

  10. Theresa

    Living here in northern Alberta, the eclipse was a lot like the sun going behind a cloud. We did not really notice anything different if you were just outside. Now the crowds at the space science center was INSANE 😉

    2017-08-23 12:47:39

  11. Jessica Gordon

    It was fun, even though we weren't able to drive north for the totality. Our forecast for all of this week is "Smoke" but despite the heavy layer of smoke covering our area we were still able to see the eclipse! God bless you and your family too!

    2017-08-23 16:11:14

  12. Jessica Gordon

    I was so happy I happened to have a box of cookies in the cupboard! The kids loved it.

    2017-08-23 16:13:38

  13. Jessica Gordon

    What a memorable day for your family! That is so great! We wanted to drive north for the totality, but it's just too hard to travel anywhere yet. I'm hoping the baby gets easier by the end of next month when we need to travel for the boys' Confirmations! I don't want to miss it!! 🙂

    2017-08-23 16:14:44

  14. Jessica Gordon

    I can't take credit for the idea. I've seen it before as an activity/snack for teaching the phases of the moon. It was perfect for the solar eclipse too!

    2017-08-23 16:15:41

  15. Jessica Gordon

    So awesome that you all got to see the total eclipse!! It was rather anticlimactic here with just 94% so the cookies helped with that. 😉

    2017-08-23 16:18:32

  16. Jessica Gordon

    The traffic on the freeway here has been crazy all week! So many out of state plates heading north and then back south. It did get noticeably colder here (my kids all ran back inside to grab sweatshirts or blankets) but only about as dark as it gets just before sunset.

    2017-08-23 16:20:16

  17. Debbie

    What a memorable event for you and your children to witness the eclipse! Thank you for sharing your Wonderful photos of this event. My favorite is of all eight of your Beautiful children! You and Baby Grace remain in my prayers. I too had a colicky baby boy 35 years ago and my heart goes out to you. It will get better Jessica.

    2017-08-24 17:14:25

  18. Guest

    So cool!!!

    2017-08-28 19:49:48


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