For the Birds :: Simple Popsicle Stick Bird Feeders

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Birds, Crafts, Nature Study, Science | 7 comments

One day last month, after spending all morning watching the first flights of all the house finch fledglings from their nest on our front porch, we spent the afternoon learning about birds and crafting bird feeders using a bird themed box from AniMail.
After hanging them in a couple trees out front, it didn’t take the birds long to find the new feeders!
“Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” – Henry Van Dyke


  1. Jen

    I can't get any of the Ani-Mail links to work. Is the company no longer around?

    2018-07-20 04:10:01

  2. meditationsandmiscellany999229906

    I, too, am interested in the Ani-Mail kits. These look like fun, and simple for this fellow homeschooling mom of 8. God bless, Melisa

    2018-07-20 14:27:04

  3. Marion

    Great job Bud and Rose. We hope many birds come to your bird feeder. Enjoy watching. Marilyn,Joan and Marion

    2018-07-20 18:07:54

  4. Jessica Gordon

    I'm not sure. I will send Ani-Mail an email and find out. My kids really enjoyed the box!

    2018-07-20 18:12:36

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Yes! Really was fun and simple. I've not been able to manage much this past year but was able to pull this off and it was so nice to have everything ready to go and in one place! I sent AniMail an email to see if they are still available. There were a number of different themes.

    2018-07-20 18:14:33

  6. megan

    Hi Jen! I am sorry for the confusion. I was tweaking the site. Everything is up and running again 🙂 Thanks for your patience!! ~Megan @AniMail

    2018-07-20 23:37:56

  7. megan

    Melisa, I am sorry for the confusion. I have been working on the site. It is up and running again! Thanks for your interest. There are a few different boxes (I'm hoping to add more soon). I would recommend the birds or insects for some summer fun 😉 We are also doing a summer discount on shipping! Thanks for your patience! ~Megan @AniMail

    2018-07-20 23:40:29


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