O Blessed Mother, the sword is already in your heart. You foreknow the future of the Fruit of your womb. May our fidelity in following Him through the coming mysteries of His public life bring some alleviations to the sorrows of your maternal heart.
Traditionally called Candlemas, candles are blessed at Mass on this day to help us remember the words of holy Simeon who called the babe in his arms, “A light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of your people, Israel.” Luke 2: 32.
We also decorate cookies! I actually wasn’t home this afternoon and evening (a few of us ended up going to Ranger’s last out of town basketball game of the season) but that didn’t stop the kids from making our Candlemas Cookies with Drip Plates.
I left the supplies (and my camera!) on the counter and our oldest daughter took care of the rest. I loved looking through the pictures she took when we got back home.
Happy Candlemas! We made crepes for the first time using the recipe over on Catholic Cuisine since it was Friday and we needed a meatless meal anyway. Love the foreground/background shot with miss Rose and the one above that. Your children have such personality! Adorable!
2018-02-03 13:09:48
What cute pictures! Happy Candlemas!
2018-02-03 17:54:06
How nice the candles turned out. Thank You for sharing. Marion
2018-02-03 19:42:52
Jessica, you always make every special day such fun and inspirational. Joan
2018-02-03 20:19:54
I love those edible candles. The stripe cookies are one of my favorites. Thank You for the idea. Marilyn
2018-02-03 23:30:36
I will have to do this next year! Thank you for sharing! Your family is beautiful.
2018-02-04 03:58:48
Getting some hilarious pictures as your gang gets older, lol. Baby girl looks just like Ranger I think.
2018-02-04 17:45:49
How wonderful!!! Twinkle Toes is following in her Momma's creative footsteps in capturing this special family event with photos. How nice that she and the children were able to celebrate this Feast Day even with Momma away cheering on their brother. You have taught your children so well Jessica.
2018-02-05 18:22:50
Love the quote!!
2018-02-09 04:25:11