Small Things With Great Love

by | Sep 7, 2018 | American Girl, Catholic Cuisine, Kids in the Kitchen, Mother Teresa, Saints | 11 comments

“St. Teresa gave her life to the poorest of the poor,
She brought the love of Christ to the easy to ignore, 
Chugga, chugga, choo, choo!
She heard the call while on the train,
the Missionaries of Charity would help to ease their pain.”
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Missionaries of Charity Doll Habit from The Little Habit
My girls are amazing! While I slept from 2:00-6:30 pm yesterday (I finally got some of that extra sleep I’d been praying for… I just couldn’t keep my eyes open following the two shots the doctor gave me to stop an allergic reaction to a wasp sting/bite that caused my face to swell… Ouch! Thankfully my 18 year old was around to drive me to and from town and then take his sister to the orthodontist.) my girls baked and decorated Chai Cupcakes for Mother Teresa’s feast day!

You can find all sorts of additional ideas in honor of Mother Teresa in the archives

St. Teresa of Calcutta, Pray for us!


  1. Jennifer

    You forgot, "and took pictures!" I think this blog is going to become a lovely family affair. : )

    2018-09-07 05:13:41

  2. Penelope

    So scary about the wasp sting! Hoping and praying you are fully recovered today!

    2018-09-07 10:57:36

  3. Jann Elaine


    2018-09-07 15:14:20

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, I'm fine and feeling back to normal. Thank you! I won't be going out on the deck without my shoes on again though 🙂

    2018-09-07 15:30:12

  5. Marilyn

    Jessica I hope you are feeling better. Your girls are such lovely young ladies. They are a treasure. Marilyn

    2018-09-07 20:42:38

  6. Marion

    Thank You for sharing the celebration for St. Teresa Of Calcutta. You have very thoughtful daughters. Prayers that you are feeling okay. Marion

    2018-09-07 20:44:54

  7. Joan

    Sorry about the wasp/bee sting. When we go out we try to cover up as much as possible. Love the aprons. Joan

    2018-09-07 20:49:52

  8. Debbie

    Oh what sweet girls you have…their cupcakes are lovely…they are both so talented like their Momma. I hope that you are feeling much better from that wasp sting. They can be terrible. Our son was stung coaching college football a few ago and unbeknown to him and us– he also was allergic to bee stings and had a severe reaction to the sting. Thankfully there was an ER very close by. The swelling happens so quickly. His eyes actually swelled shut right away. He now carries an Epipen with him in case of an emergency…Such a blessing for your son to be home and able to help get you to the doctor right away and help with errands while your sweethearts were in the kitchen baking special treats for their siblings. Take Care.

    2018-09-08 19:44:22

  9. dld

    Your girls do such a beautiful job.

    2018-09-09 01:49:01


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