“And after you gave suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, and strengthen you.” – 1 Peter 5:10
I had a little extra time before yesterday’s ultrasound, non-stress test, and doctor appointment, so I decided to visit the hospital and birthing center so we have a general idea of where to head once labor begins. Seemed like a good idea.
The nurses were so kind, and the birthing center is nice, but while they were showing me around I broke into tears and couldn’t stop crying…
I don’t know if it’s just all the changes this time (new state/hospital/doctors) combined with pregnancy hormones, if it’s the fear or anxiety over what’s coming soon knowing just how many things can go wrong, or if I’m still dealing with some PTSD. My last two times at the hospital were for
our last baby’s birth (the day after my FIL passed away after a traumatic pregnancy) and then just over a year ago with my brother and SIL for
the stillbirth of my beautiful niece.
I’ve been reading this book throughout this past week whenever I can find a little extra time and it is exactly the encouragement and motivation I’ve been needing. Thank you, Mary!
Here are a few more updates I’ve shared over at Instagram this month:
She had her arms covering her face for most of this morning’s ultrasound, but everything is looking good and she measured 5lbs 13oz.
Some diapers showed up in the mail from a dear friend and the girls found our box of baby clothes!
My brother and sister-in-law also generously gifted us with the lovely crib they had purchased for Millie. We never did replace the crib we had donated prior to our last surprise pregnancy, but I’m so grateful to have one again for this little one. My parents were able to bring it up when they came for the boys’ graduation party and the girls helped me set it up last weekend!
I have been trying to decide on whether to order the
Arms Reach Co-Sleeper (We have a narrower bed following our move, plus our 2 year old still ends up in bed with us each night, so I feel like we might need something like this or a different bedside bassinet? Any suggestions?), a
double stroller or
bike trailer/stroller (Would it get used enough to justify the expense? Still can’t believe the golf team sold my old double stroller for $15… Maybe the bike trailer that doubles as a double stroller would make more sense?), and possibly a
baby swing (I’ll have less helpers this time around with half my teens leaving for college soon).
I signed up for the
Amazon Baby Registry to save ideas and to be able to get the 15% off completion discount on whatever we decide to purchase.
Would anyone like to try and guess when she will arrive?
Our due date is August 19, 2019. For reference, here are all of the past stats:
Captain: 5 days early, 10:24 am, 7 pounds 2 ounces, 20 inches
Rascal: 7 days early, 11:19 am, 7 pounds 11 ounces, 19 inches
Twinkle Toes: 10 days early, 12:55 am, 7 pounds 4 ounces, 19 1/4 inches
Chiquita: 21 days early, 9:54 pm, 7 pounds 4 ounces, 18 1/2 inches
Snuggles: 3 days early, 10:37 pm, 8 pounds 5 ounces, 20 1/2 inches (He was also due on June 24th, 10 years ago, just after I started this blog!)
Rose: 10 days early, 11:49 pm, 8 pounds 1 ounce, 19 inches
Bud: 6 or 16 days early
(depending on which due date you went with – cycle or early ultrasound), 10:02 am, 7 pounds 5 ounces, 20 inches
Grace: 16 days early
(almost 20 days early, but labor wouldn’t progress due to hip issues. I was pretty much in labor that whole week), 1:56am, 6 pounds 15 ounces, 19.5 inches
Mother of God, remember me!
Our Lady of Childbirth, pray for us!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
I have used the Arms Reach Mini for 5 babies, mainly as a bumper if I’m nursing on that side. It works great for naps and as a changing table (holds all the diapers, wipes, newborn clothing, blankets, etc!!). I love that it is small and doesn’t take up as much space in our tiny bedroom. Our 3 y/o still sneaks in most nights!!! Prayers for you. 🙏🏼❤️😊
2019-07-31 16:03:51
She'll arrive August 3rd in the early morning hours. She'll weigh right at 6 lbs. God Bless y'all.
2019-07-31 17:16:53
Correction on the weight sorry for the oops——-she'll weigh 8lbs. 60z.
2019-07-31 17:18:05
Praying for you!
2019-07-31 17:30:44
Praying for you! I can totally relate to the anxiety before birth. After #6 I didn't think I could ever do that again. But here came #7 at age 40! Now I really don't know if I can do that again…..haha. Pax Christi!
2019-07-31 18:14:02
Praying for you Jessica!
2019-07-31 20:21:58
How exciting!!! I love the baby pool, that was so much fun 🙂 Praying for you.
2019-07-31 23:11:39
God bless you all. Praying for you. Blessed Mother, St Gianna and St Gerard intercede for you. Aug 15 at 125am. 7lbs 14oz.
2019-07-31 23:12:25
I love love love the arms reach cosleeper- best purchase and i’ve Used it for 4 babies now, but it travels so well and is so small, we’ve used it on vacation for toddlers as well!
2019-08-01 02:32:03
Did you get the regular sized cosleeper one or the mini version?
2019-08-01 02:40:55
Thanks, Aleesa! 🙂
2019-08-01 02:41:12
Thank you, Crystal!
2019-08-01 02:41:24
I've said "never again" following my last three deliveries! I really didn't think I could after last time… but here we go! So far this pregnancy has been easier (easier isn't the right word – more like not as traumatic) though and I'm praying the delivery will be too? Probably wishful thinking! 😉
2019-08-01 02:44:44
Thank you for the feedback! I tried going to a couple stores hoping to compare the regular to the mini, but can't seem to find them anywhere locally. I need to look up the dimension differences.
2019-08-01 02:45:47
Aug. 10 is my prediction. I added up how many days early your kids were and divided the number by how many kids you have. Prayers for a smooth delivery!
2019-08-01 06:51:03
Praying for you and baby every day, Jessica! Such an exciting and overwhelming time for your family … Isn't that book wonderful? I read it just last week, and wish I had had it when I was childbearing.
2019-08-01 13:13:47
Another vote for the Arms Reach mini co-sleeper. Love mine! I had borrowed a regular size from a friend and it was way too big (to me, it seemed even bigger than a pack-n-play). The mini fit perfectly in our (small) bedroom and I could wedge it in the corner so it was nice and secure. 🙂 Also, I like how small it is for easy moving from room to room if I need another place to lay baby that is “safe” from toddler hands. 😉 Prayers for an “easy and smooth” delivery and healthy baby! I’ll be following suit in about 10 weeks myself. :-0
2019-08-01 13:44:39
Many congratulations, so excited for you. But please be careful with all the wireless tech (cell phones, 3D scans, wifi… etc…) None of it has been proven safe. Many non industry funded studies show biological effects. Much love x
2019-08-01 14:43:44
Love, love my arms reach! I used to have the regular but felt it was too big for our room! Mini is perfect!
2019-08-01 17:29:22
The baby will arrive August 15. Thank You for sharing the ultra sounds. Joan
2019-08-01 17:57:17
Thank You for sharing the ultra sounds. Baby has a personality already. I think she will come the 11th of August Marion
2019-08-01 19:58:18
The baby will arrive August 9th. Thank You for the pictures of the baby. They are beautiful. God Bless. Marilyn
2019-08-01 23:28:50
Aug 6? Transfiguration of the Lord 😁 blessings for a safe peaceful delivery! Wow our due dates are separated by only four days!
2019-08-03 02:51:08
Offering a prayer that all will be well with you and your precious babe.
2019-08-03 11:28:30
Prayers for you and your little sweetheart. With so many special feast days between now and the 19th perhaps she will arrive on the 5th ~ Our Lady of the Snows Feast Day…and perhaps Mary will be part of her name? Such an exciting time for you and your family anticipating the arrival of this tiny treasure from heaven…
2019-08-03 20:16:14
🌹👼🏻Praying for you and your baby girl every day now Jessica,sending love from Norway. 🍃🌸 Emma
2019-08-05 09:51:22
Praying for you Jessica and your little one! I've been reading your blog for years and it has always been such a blessing. Thank you for all you do and for sharing your faith.
2019-08-07 03:36:15
Arms reach mini is our favorite!!
2019-08-13 12:35:35