Easter Sunday is coming up fast – it falls on April 21st this year and is just three weeks away!
Once again I’ve been trying to round up gifts to fill our children’s Easter Baskets. We always love giving our children books on Easter and Christmas. In addition to new books, we usually include something that represents each child’s patron saint (or something representing one of their personal favorite saints), art and/or writing supplies, a small toy or two (when our older boys were little I loved using LEGO sets as filler instead of Easter grass!), and some symbolic Easter candy (I’ve made my own in the past, including these Easter Symbol Chocolate Coins, or purchased it at the store) in the Easter Baskets. We also usually put together a “Family Easter Basket“, incorporating various Easter symbols (you can find gift ideas based on Easter Symbols here).
Below you will find the list of books we’ve picked out this year for each of our children. As I have shared before, I’m always collecting books to give our children on their birthdays, Easter, and Christmas. Some of the books I have purchased from Amazon, Sacred Heart Books and Gifts, or St. Augustine Academy Press, some have been purchased on sale online or at local bookstores, and some have been given to me as review copies from the authors or publishers.
Note: Before I share the book list, I do want to remind you all that I haven’t read all of these books yet. I made my decisions based on recommendations, reviews, publishers, and the past work of some of the authors/illustrators. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Custom Missal Cover for his set of Liturgy of the Hours
The complete set of the official English edition of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) from Catholic Book Publishing contains all four volumes of the translation approved by the International Committee on English in the Liturgy. Includes the current St. Joseph Guide for the Liturgy of the Hours, the Liturgy of the Hours Supplement, and Inserts for the Liturgy of the Hours. Printed in two colors and bound in bonded leather, this complete four-volume set of the Liturgy of the Hours includes handy ribbon markers and features a gold-stamped spine and elegant gilded page edging
Over the last year, starting with Easter, we gave our eldest son this set of prayerbooks. This year I had a custom cover made for him. Eventually I’d love to have a cover for each book, but he’ll start with just using it for whichever book he is currently using and switch them out.
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
This book was conceived and written by the great St. Alphonsus Liguori to help us grow in the knowledge and love of God and in appreciation for what He has done for us. Designed to be prayed in front the Blessed Sacrament each day over the course of a month, users of this powerful book cannot help but grow closer to Christ. Visits to the Blessed Sacrament provides a wealth of spiritual treasures, including:
- 31 days of meditations and fervent prayers of love by St. Alphonsus toward Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
- A daily “Visit to Our Lady,” short prayers of confidence in the enormous power of Our Mother’s help
- An act of Spiritual Communion for each day, reigniting our love for Our Lord even when we cannot receive His Body and Blood in the Eucharist
This new Premium UltraSoft edition is both beautiful and durable, making it perfect for constant visits to Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, and the ideal gift for loved ones desiring to come closer to Christ. Features a ribbon marker and gilded edges.
“Here, then, is our heaven on earth–the Most Blessed Sacrament.” – St. Alphonsus Ligouri
Many Christians have found coloring to be a helpful tool in focusing both the mind and the heart on a given quote, prayer, or meditation? By helping you take a mainstream practice with spiritual overtones and make it more explicitly prayerful, this book will help you move beyond mindfulness into true meditation in a Catholic sense. If you’d like to take time to reflect on what a particular saint might have to say to you today, here is an excellent way to make space in your life for that kind of reflection: we’ve paired short biographies and meditations with the opportunity to color the page assigned to that particular saint. Accompanying the images are texts so you can meditate on the words and stories of these saints, each of which is connected to a particular virtue.
Heroic Catholic Chaplains
(also available from Sacred Heart Books and Gifts)
For nearly 200 years—standing alongside our heroic military men and women—have been heroic Catholic priests risking their lives to carry wounded soldiers to safety and to console, anoint, and absolve the dying.
Heroic Catholic Chaplains spotlights the stories of these courageous, selfless, holy priests who volunteered to bring the Mass and the sacraments to American troops, while also offering them their friendship and spiritual counsel.
I bought this leading up to Christmas with my boys in mind and then decided to give it to one of my brothers-in-law (our new pastor). I ordered another copy for our oldest son’s Easter Basket!
Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962)
This is the most complete missal ever produced in the English language. We have included everything and have produced a missal that is affordable while being of the highest durability. The Roman Catholic Daily Missal will become your life-long liturgical companion at Church, at home, and on the road. All new typesetting not a photographic reproduction: clear and crisp type. According to the 1962 juxta typica (typical edition) of the Missale Romanum, 1,980 pages, All liturgical texts in Latin and English (both Propers and Ordinary), All readings in English (Douay-Rheims translation) and Latin, All music in Gregorian notation, Ordinary with rubrics in red, Gilt edges, 5 liturgically-colored non-fraying ribbons, Smythe Sewn, rounded back binding with durable, leather-like Skivertex polymer gold-embossed flexible cover, Rounded corners on pages and cover, Reinforced 80 lb. resin-impregnated endsheets for extreme durability, Printed and bound in the USA on the highest quality natural Bible paper imported from France especially for this missal. Fully and thoroughly indexed.
He asked for a Missal to use for the Latin Mass back before Christmas, but we weren’t able to get him one at that time… The local Catholic bookstore just had a great spring sale and I picked this up for him! It’s also available from Fraternity Publications. This is one of the missals that I have for myself and love using at Mass.
Lord of the World
It is a world seemingly without conflict. There are no battles, no religion. Imagine!
And yet, all is not well. There is a war going on. The Godlessness of the world, disguised in comfortable Humanism, gnaws at the minds and souls of the people. Euthanasia is rampant, a way to escape a sterile and meaningless world. Only the ghettoized, underground Catholic Church and its few remaining adherents struggle to keep Christianity alive.
Pushed to edges of society, their biggest and most important conflict comes in the form of Julian Felsenburgh, the leader of the new world order…and an Anti-Christ.
It is left to Father Percy Franklin and the small band of remaining Catholics to fight this, perhaps, final battle of Good vs. Evil; Christ vs. Anti-Christ.
Written more than 100 years ago, Lord of the World remains just as profound today as it did when it was first published.
I’ve been wanting to read this one and plan to as soon as he is finished with it!
SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere
Revised to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, and covering new topics such as urban survival and terrorism, the multimillion-copy worldwide bestseller SAS Survival Handbook by John “Lofty” Wiseman is the definitive resource for all campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers.
From basic camp craft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster.
Our eldest son spotted this one when we were visiting the “oldest book store in Oregon” and pointed it out to me as a suggestion for his younger brother. I think he’ll love it too!
Custom Cover for the Prayer Book she received last Easter: Blessed Be God
This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions, compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz, includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including: St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Laboure. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, Precious Blood, Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before. The promises set forth in this book show that God is eager to grant us many favors–if we will just pray!
Last year she received this prayer book in her Easter Basket. This year she’ll be getting a Missal Cover for it as well. She has really loved this prayer book and now our 13 year old would love a copy of her own too!
The Thoughtful Girl’s Guide to Fashion, Communication, and Friendship
Finally! A practical guide for girls on the art of communicating through your words, actions, dress and demeanor that you are a person with value and dignity.
The Thoughtful Girl’s Guide presents a thorough exploration and explanation of that dignity and value by asking questions for self-reflection and by telling the stories of famous (and not so famous) people.
In our world which is so confused about the very basics—the value of human life, the meaning and purpose of sexuality, why beauty matters, and what exactly constitutes true freedom—this book is much needed.
This book makes clear that communication is ultimately about mutual respect, virtue, and friendship, and then, shows YOU how to pull it off! Read more…
Be sure to subscribe to TAN Books for sale notifications! I was able to order this book (and a number of others) at 40% off during one of their sales.
Rose in Bloom
Before she wrote Little Women, Louisa May Alcott told this story of a ninteenth-century girl finding her way in society.
In this sequel to Eight Cousins, Rose Campbell returns to the “Aunt Hill” after two years of traveling around the world. Suddenly, she is surrounded by male admirers, all expecting her to marry them. But before she marries anyone, Rose is determined to establish herself as an independent young woman. Besides, she suspects that some of her friends like her more her money than for herself. How can Rose tell who her real friends are? Is there anyone she can count on?
My copy of Eight Cousins that I received on my 10th birthday is a childhood treasure and I gave Twinkle Toes a copy of it for her 10th (Caroline themed) birthday. I think now that she’s older she’ll love the sequel too!
Blessed Be God + Cover
This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions, compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz, includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including: St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Laboure. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, Precious Blood, Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before. The promises set forth in this book show that God is eager to grant us many favors–if we will just pray!
Also available from Fraternity Publications.
Further Up & Further In: Understanding Narnia
Further Up & Further In: Understanding Narnia by acclaimed Catholic author Joseph Pearce invites readers to return with the eyes of an adult to C.S. Lewis’ magical land entered through that most important wardrobe in literary history.
Beloved by generations of readers, The Chronicles of Narnia are thought, erroneously, by some to be “mere children’s stories.” In this volume, Pearce thoroughly debunks the error as he skillfully explains why there is nothing “mere” about such stories.
Rather, the Narnia books contain profound insights concerning the human condition. Pearce, however, goes beyond even that and illuminates the deeper riches and profound truths found therein: the highest truths, in fact, those concerning God.
Marian Consecration for Children
At the turn of the 18th century, the French priest, St. Louis de Montfort, became a warrior for his queen. Few preached on the role of the Mother of God better and with more passion than him. St. Louis spread far and wide the practice of Marian consecration, a means by which we give our entire selves to Jesus through the hands of his mother.
Gress weaves in tales of saints, kings, queens, knights, and princesses as a way to teach children about virtue, courage, and their spiritual mother who loves them. In addition, she draws valuable spiritual lessons from contemporary stories such as The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Winnie the Pooh, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and many other fables and fairy tales that have brought children’s imaginations to life for decades.
When I noticed the spiritual lessons from some of her favorite stories, including the Chronicles of Narnia, I had to get this one for her.
Flight into Spring
Opposites: Sally Day Hammond is vivacious, tiny, coddled and Southern; Charles Horne is silent, tall, unbending and Northern. The American Civil War has just ended. And a marriage is to be made between these two? When Charles brings Sally Day back to live with his strict New England family, little wonder that tensions rise to the breaking point. But Sally Day has mettle; in the desperate honesty of this young couple’s conflict, both young hearts may yet stretch and truly meld.
Catholic Prayers
Containing more than 100 carefully selected prayers, ranging from prayers all Catholics should know by heart, to prayers invoking the saints, to morning and evening offerings, Catholic Prayers is a must-have for all Catholics. Catholic Prayers is divided into four sections of distinct prayers for different occasions: Beloved Prayers, including basic prayers such as the Our Father and Hail Mary, and classic prayers like the Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and more. Powerful Prayers for special needs and certain assistance, like the Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy; Prayer to St. Jude, the Patron of Hopeless Cases; and prayers to Saints Joseph, Rita, Anthony, Philomena, and many others! Favorite Prayers that have been used by Catholics for centuries, such as Morning Offerings, litanies, the Prayer of St. Francis, the Offering of St. Ignatius, and other favorites. Special Prayers for specific petitions, such as the prayers to St. Peregrine for the healing of cancer, St. Raphael for purity, the Fatima prayers, and dozens more!
My Holy Cards
This beautifully designed soft leatherette Card Holder has 20 clear page sheets, holds up to 40 Cards.
Our kids all have albums that they keep their Holy Cards in, but I think this little book will be a great way to carry along some of his favorites to Mass and Adoration.
Look around for better prices. I only paid $5.25 for it on sale at a local book store (plus tax… I’m still adjusting to having sales tax added to everything. Not only did I not have to pump my own gas in Oregon, I didn’t have to pay sales tax either. Oregon had a few good things about it! 😉
In the first volume, you’ll dive into the life of Christianity’s boldest heroes of the Faith, including:
St. Patrick, St. Jerome Emiliani, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Henry Morse, and St. Joan of Arc,.
Saint Chronicles (Collection 3 + Collection 4)
(also available from Sacred Heart Books and Gifts)
In this spectacular graphic novel (volume 3) you’ll meet: St. Anthony of Padua, St. Ava, St. Samson, St. Bernadette, and St. Charles Lwanga.
In volume four’s thrilling stories of saintly men and women you will meet: St. Willibrord, St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Stanislaus, St. Rose of Lima, and St. Dominic.
Join these remarkable saints as they boldly pursue lives of holiness. Let their profound faith and unwavering devotion to God’s will inspire and sustain you as you confront evils in our own day and time.
…And Now Miguel
He wanted to be treated like a man, not a child. Every summer the men of the Chavez family go on a long and difficult sheep drive to the mountains. All the men, that is, except for Miguel. All year long, twelve-year-old Miguel tries to prove that he, too, is up to the challenge, that he, too is ready to take the sheep into his beloved Sangre de Cristo Mountains. When his deeds go unnoticed, he prays to San Ysidro, the saint for farmers everywhere. And his prayer is answered . . . but with devastating consequences. When you act like and adult but get treated like a child, what else can you do but keep your wishes secret and pray that they’ll come true.
(also available from Sacred Heart Books and Gifts)
In book three of the series, twelve-year-old Will Wilder is back to protect the town of Perilous Falls after he’s given a talisman with a lock of Samson’s hair. But a new dark demon will force family secrets to be revealed, friendships to be tested, and Will’s strength to be pushed to the limit…. Will Wilder yearns to join the Perilous Falls Middle School football team. But he was never big enough or strong enough to make the cut, until he comes in contact with a talisman containing the fabled locks of Samson. But using the Amulet of Power attracts dark forces to Perilous Falls like moths to a flame. Suddenly, hunched creatures are shadowing people around town, graves are being disturbed, the music of a mysterious DJ lulls half of Perilous Falls into a stupor, and to top it all off, Will is convinced that a teammate may be a demon himself! As he tries to identify the demon before it causes untold havoc, Wilder family secrets will be unlocked, the limits of physical strength and the power of friendship are tested–and Will might even score a touchdown or two.
Book 3 in the Will Wilder Series by Raymond Arroyo.
The story of Margaret and her friend the Pope continues with Book 3 in The Pope’s Cat series. This latest adventure has Margaret experiencing the prayers, penitence, liturgy, and excitement of Holy Week in the Vatican and Rome—from the joy of Palm Sunday in St. Peter’s Square, to foot-washing in a Roman prison, the solemnity of Good Friday, and the expectation of Easter. She learns about Jesus and the meaning of his Passion, visits important new places such as The Sistine Chapel, where she seems to pray beside the Pope, and the Roman Colosseum, where she learns that many early Christians were martyrs for their faith. Margaret’s friends, the Swiss Guards, are watching over her, and she manages to eat (she still loves to eat!) some interesting foods, even though it’s Holy Week. Oh yes, and she sleeps a lot.
Seven Holy Sleepers
The Seven Holy Sleepers are a beautiful example of the fortitude of the early saints during the Roman persecutions; they were willing to give up everything for the love of God. These Seven Holy Sleepers may inspire you to strive for that same fortitude. You will love reading this again and again, admiring the Seven Holy Sleepers’ nobility and the miracle God worked for them. The rhyming style will make it easy for children to memorize while they look at the beautiful pictures. Soon they will be ready to read it to you!
We also have a copy of Anna Kuck’s Saint Philomena: Daughter of Light in our collection of saint picture books.
Jesus, Make Me Worthy + Cover
Originally published in 1960. A prayer book for young Catholics in a language so simple that every child can understand, combining much useful instruction for Communion and Confirmation with a large selection of devotions and prayers. It is truly a beautiful little book. Ideal for First Holy Communions and Confirmations, but suitable for any occasion (or no occasion). Everything a Catholic child must know about the practice of the Catholic Faith & spirituality…all packed into 287 pages. Includes tons of prayers and over 90 illustrations (over half are in full color).
He and his older sister will both be recieving their First Holy Communion at our new parish this May! They are so excited. He will love finally having his own prayer book too.
Prince Martin Wins His Sword
Prince Martin is on a quest. A hard one. To win his sword, he must prove he’s brave, loyal, and true – the virtues of a knight. As he walks in the woods, the crow’s caw shatters the silence. And what he discovers in the clearing steals his breath away. Now he must decide: hightail it home……or do the bravest thing he’s ever done. Try to help. Children will adore this story about what it means to be a true hero because of the heartwarming ending, the electrifying art, and the fact that it secretly rhymes. Get it now.
I went with the Full Color Paperback Edition, but you can also get it in hardcover or grayscale paperback.

Captured by brigands! Notorious highwaymen have Prince Martin and Sir Ray by the short hairs. Held for ransom, the kid and the canine are completely helpless . . . or are they? Do kind acts have unforeseen consequences? Kids will adore this tale of courage and compassion because of the playful rhyming verse, electrifying full-color art, and unforgettable surprise ending. Get it now.
While walking to school one day, Andy meets a lion and soon makes a new friend. A tale of gratitude and helping out our neighbors, children of all ages will love this retelling of the classic folktale “Androcles and the Lion.”
I ran across this book and the one below while visiting a little bookstore in Northern Oregon. I think my children will love them both!
Reacquaint yourself with the familiar Bumble Bee and Earthworm, as well as discovering new species such as the Giant Mesquite Bug, Lily Moth and Picasso Bug. This informative, practical, and beautiful guide is part of a new nature series designed to encourage creativity through exploring the outdoors.
God the Father’s Loving Plan
The narrative of salvation history comes alive for young and old in God the Father’s Loving Plan, the second book in Teaching the Language of the Faith Series. This full color book, available both as board book and as a larger paperback, recounts the mysterious initiative of the living God as he engages with his creation—with men and women of faith down through the ages. Drawing from the rich treasure of biblical language and doctrinal understanding of our Faith, and illuminated by iconographic illustrations, the plan of our heavenly Father unfolds in seventeen spreads from Creation to the fullness of time in Jesus Christ, the incorporation of believers into Christ’s mystical body, and the promise of the Lord’s glorious return.
I was so happy to discover the release of this new book to follow up to our copy of The Saving Name of God the Son!
We’ve had a little paperback copy of this book for years and I’m so happy to see this lovely version available now!
Whose Chick Are You?
(New Board Book Edition)
Tap! Peck! Crack! Pop!
The board book edition of Caldecott Honor–winning artist Nancy Tafuri’s Whose Chick Are You?is full of humor, love, family, and suspense, and is ideal for sharing with babies and toddlers.
So sweet… Perfect for my little Honey Bunny!

Journey through the garden in this environmentally-friendly board book made from 100% recycled materials.
Little Books for Catholic Kids
Little Books for Catholic Kids Box Set includes 6 children’s books with inspiring life lessons. Books set includes:
- I Can Change the World!
- Lessons from Jesus
- Love and Serve Others
- Love Your Neighbor
- My Guardian Angel
- When Do I Pray?
So precious! We already have many board books but I couldn’t resist adding this darling set to our collection.
on ANY order at Sacred Heart Books & Gifts with coupon code: roses
(Please note: Coupon code limited to one use per customer. Valid through end of April 2019.)
(Winner will be announced on April 13th!)