Ever since our move and this new pregnancy, the only big feast day celebrations that have been happening at home are the ones that mean the most to our children
(patron saints) and
the ones that they are willing to help with. The feast of St. Joseph is always one of their favorites
(cream puffs are always included in the menu!) and it is our 11 year old’s middle name-day, my middle name
(Jo) and both of my parents names
(Patrick Joseph and Josephine) so we have lots of extra devotions to dear St. Joseph around here!
It actually all came together quickly and easily! In the afternoon, once the baby fell asleep, Rose and I made a quick trip to Trader Joes while some frozen dinner rolls for the kids to shape were defrosting. Meanwhile Chiquita baked a spice cake in our “cathedral” cake pan since St. Joseph is the patron of the universal church. We picked up fruit, drinks, flowers (red, white and green for the Italian flag), and some Italian desserts. When we got back home the all shaped a few rolls, and then the three oldest left for golf practice while I finished setting up the treats. The food maybe took an hour to prepare – bake rolls, boil pasta, bake fish (12 fish for the 12 apostles!), and make an AIP pizza – so not much longer than I generally spend making dinner. While I cooked the little ones rounded up all our St. Joseph themed toys, statues, and all of their St. Joseph holy cards from their holy card albums. Finding some of my candles was the biggest issue… I couldn’t remember where they were packed/unpacked. I am still adjusting to living in a new home after nearly 19 years in our old home!
Traditional Breads in Symbolic Shapes
St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Foster Father of Jesus, Pray for us!
St. Joseph the Worker, Pray for us!
We pulled out St. Joseph Holy Cards and Holy Cards from the funerals of Loved Ones to place on our St. Joseph Altar. Grapes • Host & Chalice • Nails • Ladder • Chalice • Saw • Lily |
St. Joseph, Patron of the Dying, Pray for us!
Sacred Heart • Scapular • Cross • Crown of Thorns • Monstrance and Host • Butterfly |
Fish • Candle • Rosary • Star |
St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, Pray for us!
I keep getting teary eyed every time I start thinking that this could be the last time I have our two older boys, who will both be graduating high school this spring, at home for many of these feast days… Please keep them in your prayers as they discern where they will be heading in the fall!

“However many saints you have as your intercessors, be especially devoted to Saint Joseph, who can obtain a great deal from God.”
– St. Teresa of Jesus
Truly impressed with your St. Joseph Altar. Our Mother Church (we are a Chapel church) does a huge St. Joseph Altar with a special procession for the children.
2019-03-27 17:00:13
This is beautiful!! Looks like you had a blessed feast day! I hope I can use this as inspiration next year. We've always wanted to have a St. Joseph altar but never have. God bless!
2019-03-27 18:38:57
So, so beautiful! You touched my heart when you mentioned getting teary-eyed over your two oldest boys. Yes, I spent most of last school year getting choked up when I looked at my son, knowing he would be off to California for Thomas Aquinas College this year. We live in Virginia, so it is a long way away. One thing that I must say, if it's any consolation, is that the four years fly by. He is my sixth child to go to college. It is a beautiful experience to watch your child flower.
2019-03-28 22:25:12
Your kids look SO happy! God be praised!! Thanking good St. Joseph for all of his intercession 😁
2019-03-29 04:28:00