In March we put together our annual St. Joseph's Altar but I never got around to sharing the pictures. I thought I'd post them today in honor of the feast of St. Joseph the Worker! My husband and our oldest daughter are actually across the country over at...
Saint Joseph’s Day
We had our first St. Joseph Altar in our new home on the feast of St. Joseph!The "tavola di San Giuseppe" (St. Joseph's Table or Altar) is an Italian Catholic tradition. You can read about it over at Catholic Cuisine along with descriptions of some of the foods that...
The Catholic Child and Saint Joseph
Let us allow ourselves to be “infected” by St. Joseph’s silence! We need it greatly, in a world that is often too noisy, that does not favor meditation or listening to the voice of God. - Pope Benedict XVIThis year the Solemnity of St. Joseph was transferred to...
St. Joseph’s Day
We spent St. Joseph's Day on the road this year, on our way to visit my husband's parents. It was such a beautiful day filled with so many blessings! We finished loading the car at 4:30 AM (after way too little sleep!) and were on the road by just after 5:00...
{pretty, happy, funny, real} :: Leap Day
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life with Like Mother, Like Daughter. ~{pretty}The Seasonal Planner {Spring Edition}The Month of St. Joseph: Exercises for Each Day of the Month of Marchfrom the New Additions to Our March Book BasketHoly St....
New Additions to Our March Book Basket
Happy 3rd Sunday of Lent! It's hard to believe that Lent is nearly half over... And it is already time to start filling our book basket with books for March! I have a few new additions to our family's ever growing collection to share with you...
A Statue of the Holy Family for Dad and Mom
Even though many of my siblings were not able to travel home for Christmas this year - it ended up just being three of my brothers and I out of the twelve of us, unlike last year when nine of us were together - I was still able to coordinate a special gift to...
March Daybook
Outside my window…Hot, cold, sunshine, rain, and even hail. The weather has been all over the place the last few days!I am thinking...I mentioned in my February Daybook that I saw my doctor again for more blood work (to check my hormone balance) and a biopsy (on my...
Saint Joseph’s Day Cathedral Cake
To celebrate the solemnity we baked another cake in our cathedral shaped pan in honor of St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church! I also had a lovely new Blessing Block of this beloved saint to give to our son who celebrates a nameday on this special...
Our 2013 St. Joseph Altar
The St. Joseph Altar is an old tradition from Sicily. You can click here to read an explanation of how the tradition started. There are three tiers to the altar, representing the Trinity and the three members of the Holy Family; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Usually a...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.