I love the new Teaching the Culture of Life with the Lives of the Saints series from Culture of Life Studies!
This month I printed out the Pro-Life Valentine’s Download to use with my children which includes:
- 4-page instant download.
- A mini lesson on St. Valentine which shows students how to use Valentine’s Day to spread the pro-life message that everyone matters. Everyone is valuable. And everyone is loved!
- Two sets of Valentines templates which you can print out on cardstock, decorate, and make others feel special on Valentine’s Day!

This was such a great follow up to having just recently watched the EWTN coverage of the March for Life in Washington D.C. as we continue to work towards fostering an attitude of respect for all human beings in our children.
Love the Valentine's and the figure of ST. Valentine.
2020-02-12 19:19:47
2020-02-12 21:12:50
What are the chances of seeing even ONE person you know, what to speak of BOTH sons and their friends in a crowd of TENS of THOUSANDS marching?!! Sure sounds like a blessing from Him to you! 😉
2020-02-13 00:29:38
Such sweet ideas as usual! God be praised and thanks for the inspiration.
2020-02-17 20:43:24