During our visit to the East Coast last summer, my brother and I were able to visit the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native-born United States citizen to be canonized a saint.

Unfortunately, we arrived to the Stone House and White House after hours so they were locked but we were able to look in the windows to see the rooms in which St. Elizabeth Ann Seton taught, cooked, went to Mass, and (maybe) died.

We tried to figure out if this is the bed where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton died but there are also rooms upstairs in the White House so we weren’t sure. If any of you know which room she passed away in, let me know!

In the picture to the right, you may notice a small building in the cemetery. That’s the Mortuary Chapel where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s body was eventually placed. Her son, William Seton, was away at sea at the time of her death but when he returned six months later, he had this chapel built in honor of his mother. Her body was then transferred to the chapel’s vault until the time of her beatification.
St. Elizabeth’s body is now inside the Shrine’s Basilica (we were also not able to enter due to after hours). It was such a blessing to be able to visit this shrine. Having written a paper on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton a few months before this trip, I was so excited to be able to see her home and learn more about her life in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Wow twinkle toes! That is so cool! I think you have done an amazing job, keep posting !
2021-02-21 00:28:52
I just love being able to visit historical sites and they're 100 times more exciting when they're from Catholic history! That's so awesome you got to visit there. Great job on the blog post! God bless, Sarah H.
2021-02-21 01:07:59
Thank you for sharing your visit to this important site where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton lived, worked and prayed.
2021-02-21 04:48:55
This post has prompted me to find a book on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Thank you!
2021-02-21 14:43:19
I think you had it right about which bed she died in. My family went on an inside tour and I think that was the same bed. Not the exact same though bc they had to burn the original bedding cause of germs, but still!