Here is the list of books we picked out for our six children who will be home for the feast of St. Nicholas this year:
.: For Chiquita – Age 16 :.

The complete and unabridged text enhanced with more than 70 illustrations by Robert Ingpen Includes an additional story by Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Tree”
“The perfect gift for children and adults alike, Charles Dickens’ tale of self-discovery has become one of his most famous and best loved works. On Christmas Eve the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge is haunted by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley, who warns him that he will be visited by three spirits. During the night, the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come show Scrooge the scenes of his youth, the poverty-stricken Christmas currently being endured by his loyal clerk Bob Cratchitt and his crippled son Tiny Tim—and the lonely future that awaits him if he continues in his grasping ways. He awakes on Christmas morning chastened by his nocturnal experiences, and resolves to be a better man. This volume also includes Dickens’ short story, “A Christmas Tree,” with its evocative description of the delights of the season. With stunning, atmospheric new illustrations that evoke Dickensian London at Christmas time, award-winning artist Robert Ingpen has worked his wonders on this timeless tale.”
St. Nick might also bring her this special surprise that I received as a “free gift with purchase” one year and have been saving to give her at some point.
.: For Scout – Age 14 :.

“Zhang Jian is a master artist of interior glass painting. He celebrated Christmas as a child before the Communist Revolution overturned his simple and beautiful world. But he never forgot the sights, smells, good cheer, and happy anticipation of that joyous season.
Familiarity with the enchantments of Christmas is a rare thing in China. Throughout his life, quiet Jian draws on this private inspiration to craft especially lovely Christmas ornaments for girls and boys across two oceans, bringing financial success to the glassworks factory where he is employed.
After Midnight Mass, overcome with sacred emotion, old Jian designs and paints one last ornament with the intention of inspiring the men and women of his country to understand who they are in relation to the Christ Child.
Christmas Blossoms is an impassioned and imaginative tale that explores the fascinating irony of our most cherished Christmas objects, both sacred and secular, produced by the artists and craftsmen of Communist China. In their imaginations, in the depth of their hearts, what do these artisans think of the mangers, the shepherds, Santa Claus, and Mother Mary? Of the star, the bells, the holly, and the Wise Men? Most significantly, what do they make of the Holy Child who exists at the heart of the West?
A story for young and old, parents and children alike, this beautifully illustrated novella captures how the Christmas spirit endures and stirs hearts despite the antagonistic forces of commercialism and oppression. And it will touch your heart as well. Prepare to be swept away as you witness the precious moment when Christmas returned to China.”
.: For Rose – Age 11 :.
“What happens when Saint Nick awakes on Christmas Eve with a sore throat and itchy nose? Find out in a Christmas story families and little ones will treasure: The Night the Saints Saved Christmas.
With beautiful illustrations and a memorable rhyme, this children’s book tells the story of a magical Christmas Eve when the saints unite to deliver the presents and concludes with a touching reminder about the true meaning of Christmas.
Children will enter more fully into the reason for the season and learn why we give gifts at Christmas, while growing deeper in their love and appreciation for the saints who watch over us and help us.”
“The gifts are a symbol
of God’s glorious love –
undeserved graces
sent from above.”
.: For Bud – Age 9 :.

“No gift is too small for Jesus when it is given with humility and love.
Joel is seven years old and is the son of the Kings’ stableman. With his Dad, he is traveling with the Magi as they follow the star to Bethlehem, to meet the newborn King. All of them are bringing very special gifts, such as gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But Joel is the only one in the caravan who isn’t carrying a gift for the new King. Since he knows how to whittle wood, Joel decides to carve a little camel for the baby. Soon he discovers that his humble gift is more special than all the others.”

.: For Grace – Age 4 :.
The Gifts of the Animals: A Christmas Tale
The gentle beasts of sky and earth
prepare their stable for Christ’s birth.
With a beautiful narrative by author and poet Carole Gerber and stunning and intricate art by renowned Japanese artist Yumi Shimokawara comes one of the most anticipated Christmas gift books ever published. The Gift of the Animals shares the miraculous offerings the humble animals in the manger gave to the baby Jesus.
The birds on the roof of the lowly shed
prepare a pillow for His head,
with feathers pulled from downy breasts . . .
mice carry them to where He’ll rest.
.: For Joy – Age 2 :.
“Come!” drummed a woodpecker one cold, wintry day. “A baby is coming. There’s work to be done!”
One by one, from field and forest, the animals make their way to a barn. The cow has sweet-smelling hay to offer the baby. The bluebird has the gift of song. And a lamb has soft, cozy wool. But the shy little fox has nothing to offer . . . or so he thinks. With its gentle text and warm, expressive illustrations, this irresistible take on the Nativity story invites even the youngest child to discover the truest gifts of the Christmas season: the ones that come from the heart.
“Little ones love Christmas, and they love to count. These two pleasures come together in this delightfully illustrated new title from author/illustrator team Paul Thigpen and John Folley.
In A Child’s Christmas Counting Book, the rollicking rhyme and alliteration of Thigpen’s charming verse about the birth of Jesus will entertain young ears, while Folley’s magical illustrations, rooted deeply in traditional sacred art, will engage young and old alike.
With this companion to A Child’s Christmas ABC Book, also by Thigpen and Folley, you and your child can recall together the Nativity story as you count from 1 to 10. From “1 little Boy” to “10 tuckered travelers” sleeping in the nearby inn, the masterful craftsmanship of this book’s words and images will make it, like its companion book, a Christmas family favorite for generations to come.”
Aren’t the illustrations just gorgeous!?!
.: Giveaway :.
Once again this year I will be hosting FOUR Advent and Christmas themed giveaways! Here is the first giveaway in preparation for the feast of St. Nicholas:
Prize #1 – Set of Five Cookie Stamps with Recipe Booklet
Congratulations Laura D!
Your suggestions are one of my favorite preparations for Christmas gift giving. Thank you for always finding such lovely recommendations!
Thank you for this opportunity! God bless, Lisa
This is amazing! I would love to win the St Lucy box as we have a Lucy who would love this in addition to our usual St. Lucy celebration!! You can’t go wrong with the books either! Thank you so much for this giveaway!
I look forward to this post each year- great suggestions!
So many wonderful books! I didn’t realize John Folley had done another book – it is definitely going on the wish list!
Awesome suggestions as usual!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.
The Saint Lucy box looks amazing. I have wanted to get more into celebrating her feast day with my daughters.
We never get to see these types of books on our shelves at book stores, thanks for the suggestions coz since I've been following you I order most books for my girls from overseas and started this lovely tradition at our home for St.Nicholas! A blessed Advent to all and God bless us everyone!
Love seeing your recommendations! Would love the Saints and Christmas Stories or the St. Lucy box
I love the cookie stamps! We always love your ideas!
Nice collection again this year!
Thanks for sharing! Hoping to be a lucky winner this year:)
Have loved your blog for years! God bless you.
Thanks for the giveaway
Thank you for the giveaway! I'd love the St. Lucy set or the set of books from Susan Peek as my first choices. Thank you.
So glad this is up, I found you right before Christmas last year and couldn't use your advent stickers for books, and so I have been waiting for these posts 🙂 so I can start preparing.
All the prizes look lovely, I'd pick #3
Everything is amazing as usual. Thank you Jessica.
Everything as always is amazing. God Bless y'all!
Ohh, the St Lucy package looks lovely! My youngest adores St Lucy!
I look forward to all the new book recommendations each year, thank you 🙂
I enjoy your posts, and especially appreciate the pictures of the children when they are dressed as their favorite saints.
Have loved your blog for years, and was anxiously awaiting this year's recommendations 🙂
another wonderful giveaway!
Such wonderful book, as always! One year I hope I'll win the cookie stamps…:)
All the prizes are great but I especially love the cookie stamps!
I love all of these beautiful books! Such a lovely tradition to pass on those books one day. God bless your work!
This is a great opportunity to grow in our faith as a family during this beautiful season of Advent. We wil enjoy St. Lucy's Box and the 2 New books od Sophia's Institute. Thank you ❤️
Love the cookie stamps and Lucy box!
Thank you for sharing! I always love seeing the new book recommendations. All these prizes are great especially the new ones from Sophia Press and cookie stamps.
We would love to win the collection of Saints and Christmas stories!
All those books look wonderful!
The new books from Sophia Press look great!
Thank you for sharing! I would love to win the St. Lucy box; my daughter was born on her feast day 🙂
Thanks for the recommendations! I think I would like to win the St. Lucy collection most of all. I finally have a daughter who’s now 2 and will be interested in this Saint especially. Thanks for the chance to win!
I always look forward to and love your suggestions! Any of these prize packages would be a great addition to our Christmas!
Yay. I would love any of these!! Saint Lucia is my patron saint and who brought me home to the church.
I look forward to this list each year! It’s been lovely adding to our home library such great titles!
I look forward to this list every year, it’s been a great way to add really great books to our home library, especially since so many of these titles are (sadly) not available at our local library or bookstores. Thanks!
looks lovely
You are my resource for buying books for our family. My Lucy would lovee the gift basket!
I look forward to your book posts. (My kids tell me that I don't need anymore books!
But books are my thing.) All of these are wonderful!! Two of my kiddos got married in 2021. My daughter who got married in February is having her first baby (our first grandbaby) in January 2022.
Always love your posts!
I look forward to the new books you find each year.
Thank you for sharing your books for this year. It’s early so I still have time to purchase!
Thank you – I always appreciate your lists…and the chance to win some fabulous items!
I love all the suggestions and couldn’t pick a favorite prize- I think I like the cookie stamps best?
I always go to your blog first for book suggestions! Thank you for the giveaways.
'Un embarras de richesse'! How do you do it?! Thank you for finding the very best, you've done all the search work for parents. Bless you!
Some great book suggestions here! Thank you!! I'd choose the cookie stamps or Joseph's donkey book set.
Than you for another fun giveaway and for the book suggestions. I always love them. Would love any of the prizes 2-4.
God bless you for doing this. It is always so nice to see books and such that are in line with the Catholic faith. Such a great resource.
Would love to win the TAN books package! And I just love looking at the posts of your life in Idaho close to the TLM – how we would dearly love to move there!
I can't thank you enough for starting me on this tradition years ago. We now have a wonderful library and reading the books together has become an important part of our family holiday. Thank you! I want the two new books! 🙂
Thank you! What beautiful books for many ages. 🙂
Yay! Your lists arrived in my inbox! I love your book lists –thank you, thank you for taking the time to make them. Many blessings to you and your family this Advent season!
What a beautiful tradition you have for St. Nicolas Day. I e always loved your book selections.
Love the Donkey and Bluebird books – thanks for the book recommendations!
Thank you for all the work you put into these booklists. I've used them for years to fill shoes and Easter baskets. Lately they've been a great comfort to a newly-homeschooling mom. When in read-aloud doubt for the liturgical year, there will always be Shower of Roses.
I would love Prize 3 or 4. I always look forward to your book posts.
Beautiful Giveaway Thank you!
These are such beautiful prizes! I always love the books that you share!
I definitely have my eye on the cookie stamps!
Lovely books, as always! Thank you for hosting the giveaway.
Thank you for the wonderful book recommendations, I always look forward to this post!
Wonderful suggestions! My littles would especially enjoy the St. Lucia box and the new books from Sophia Press. I’ll have to add a few of these to my shopping list this year.
I love your blog and all the wonderful ideas you share with us on how to build our Domestic Churches! I have learned so much from you ~ thank you!
Thank you for all your inspirations! I look forward to each of your posts.
Thank you! You always have such lovely ideas.
Thank you! You always have such lovely ideas.
Thank you! You always have such lovely ideas.
Wow, that Child's Christmas Counting book looks incredibly beautiful! Also love the cookie stamp set – so rustically festive. 🙂 Glad bless you this Advent!
I love your book lists, always so inspiring.
Natalie McDonald
I would love to win #3 Christmas books.
Your giveaways are always great! I would love some cookie stamps!
Thank you for the inspiration!
Thank you for the lovely book ideas! Looking forward to a joy filled Advent.
Wonderful giveaway!
Your inclusion of "The Saints who Saved Christmas" solved a debate I was having with myself 😆. Thanks!
Beautiful books, worth checking out!
Uh oh! I wonder if it was similar to the debate my husband and I had over it? It took some convincing on my part! I thought it was a fun book, showing little fun facts about the lives of some of the saints, and ended with the real reason for Christmas and that gifts are undeserved and symbols of God's love.
Love this!
I'd prioritize 3, 2, 1. 🙂
Love the saints and Christmas stories!
I really like the cookie stamps and St. Lucy's saint box. I always enjoy your blog, especially around this time since you showcase so many wonderful ideas for gift giving. – Laura G.
Thank you for these beautiful suggestions!
I would love prize 1 or 2, but everything looks beautiful! – Jenna Osborne
We love love books! These look great! Thanks for all your great suggestions!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I would love the cookie stamps! What a fun idea! But these all look great 🙂
I love these posts! Thank you!
I always enjoy reading through your book lists to get ideas for my family. Thanks for the giveaway.
Always look forward to this collection every year.
I love the St. Lucy box!
More lovely book ideas to add to the booklist! 🙂
Wow!!! All of these book selections look amazing! I love using your list to find great quality books for my kiddos!!!
A great list, as usual. Love the idea of the Saints saving Christmas! Thank you for sharing.
I am so excited for Advent and Christmas this year. Thank you for always sharing all your beautiful suggestions and gift ideas. God Bless!
Wow!!! All of these book selections look amazing! I love using your list to find great quality books for my kiddos!!!
Thank You So Much!
I love the St. Lucy box!
Thank you for the book recommendations with detailed pictures. We discovered Red and Lulu, one of our favorites, this way too. We’d love to win the cookie stamps.
What an awesome giveaway! Those cookie cutters are so cute and that St Lucy Box is amazing!!😍
My Christmas picture book library thanks you again this year! Wonderful new books!!!
Thank-you so much for the opportunity!! The prizes are all so wonderful, especially the ones that include books. 🙂 May God bless you and your beautiful family!! ❤️
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I come back year after year for your recommendations for growing our home library.
Thank you for this giveaway! You are my go-to site for book recommendations and feast celebrations!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Thank you for your wonderful book recommendations!
Yay! I always know it's time to get ready for Advent when I see your annual posts. Thank you for doing this every year.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Thanks for great ideas!
Thank you for sharing the books you picked out for your children and other ideas to celebrate the Saints and Our Lord.
Love these book suggestions. You are one of my goto accounts for gift ideas.
Oh my, so many beautiful and inspiring ideas for Christmas and St. Nicholas gifts. Thank you for aways sharing such great ideas!
You are one of my favorite accounts for Christmas ideas!
Great ideas! You are one of my favorite accounts for christmas ideas!
I love all of the books!
I always use this post to find the new goodies!
I would really enjoy the St. Lucy gift box! Any of the books would be wonderful as well!
Your book lists have been indispensable! I wish we had more children, so I had more reasons to buy more. ☺
I got really excited when I saw your giveaway and new finds!
Thank you for organizing these giveaways! Joesph's Donkey looks wonderful; all the books look wonderful.
Every year I look forward to your Advent and Christmas book and gift ideas… thank you so much for doing this every year!
Saint Anastasia for my Anastasia! 🙂
The boosk in prize pack 4 look so beautiful!
Thank you for sharing your book picks. I would like to cookie stamps.
I would love to win the new books from Sophia Press!
These are beautiful. Thanks you
These are beautiful prizes!!!!
We’d love to win the St Lucy basket! We just named our baby Lucy after her!
Over the many years I have followed you, your blog has brought (still brings) so much joy.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I always enjoy this site. I especially like the St. Lucy box and the Collection of Saints and Christmas Stories. Thanks!
I like the cookie stamps. Honestly though, not one of my favorite giveaways you’ve had
What a great giveaway! We would especially love to win the collection of Saints and Christmas stories.
Would love the St. Lucy box!
I'm always excited to see you have a new post! Really enjoy following your beautiful family and all of your traditions. You inspire us.
I always appreciate discovering new or new or new-to-me books and resources! Thanks for sharing your finds and ideas, as well as the raffle opportunity. Peace and All Good! -Renee
I would love to win the St. Lucy box. I was in Malmo Sweden 20 years ago and bought a Christmas ornament there of St. Lucia.
I read your blog all of the time when my older ones were little. Now I just came across it again when looking for Saint Nicholas ideas for my youngest children! I still love it!
Enjoy all your blog posts. Thank you for all the ideas you share.
I recently stumbled upon your blog and can't wait to use it for our little ones. I'd love the St. Lucy box. Thank you for all the time and work you put into it.
Thank you for offering this generous giveaway!! I would especially love to win the books in prize numbers 3 and 4! 🙂
Thank you so much for all the time you spend putting together these posts….I just love reading through all of your amazing ideas!! I can't decide between the Saints and Christmas Stories set and the Joseph's Donkey set…they both look really cute!!! :). God bless you!!
This is a great resource as I look to build our book collection. I would love the St. Lucia basket – my 6 year old was St. Lucia for All Saints this year and loves the St. Lucy's Day traditions 🙂 thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity!
Such a beautiful compilation of books! Thanks so much for the recommendations!
I should have a comment on her already but I just want to add, I also love prizes #1 & #4. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful ideas.
Thank you for your time and for sharing!!
Thank you for your posts. I have a goddaughter who would enjoy many of these items. My kids are almost all grown (one senior in high school). Our St. Nicholas program follows Liturgy next Sunday. This was a good reminder to put something special together for my goddaughter and her sister.
Thank you for this beautiful post! I have been eyeing those st. Nicholas cookie stamps for years now:)
Love all of your ideas for St Nicholas and every feast day!! Thank you!
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway, and as always, inspiration of beautiful books to share!
Thanks a lot. For many years I've been printing your templates for the coins as well. 🙂 Love your blog and all the recommendations. <3
I would love to win the St. Lucia set. I've been wanting to start celebrating her feast day.
I so appreciate you books, gift lists, and liturgical ideas over the years. Thank you!
I look forward to all your booklists, recommendations, and giveaways at this time of year.
Thank you as always! I look forward to your suggestions every year, and we've found many new favorites from your lists!
Thank you so much for this generous giveaway! We just live looking at all your suggestions.
We would love the cookie stamp set. As the kids have gotten older cookies have become more of a project that the kids have taken on. What a great addition those stamps would be! ❤️
Thank you for putting together these lovely giveaways and also for sharing your book recommendations. I always check your blog when I'm looking for books for my kids.
I love the St. Nicholas stickers! This will be the second year I will use them. I love all of the prizes!!
Thank you for your inspiration! Love your books and ideas!
You always have such great ideas on your book lists! Thanks for the opportunity. I love the cookie cutters and the St. Lucy Box.
Thanks for always sharing!! Blessed Advent season.
Thanks for sharing with us. Blessed Advent season!
Those cookie stamps! 🤩
This is such a generous giveaway! Those cookies stamps especially make me excited!
Thank you for the great book suggestions!
Thanks so much for the great suggestions! You have such amazing giveaways! May God bless you and your Advent season!
Another great blog. I bought so many books off these recommendations! Thanks!
You always have the most wonderful books to recommend!
All wonderful giveaways, thank you. May you and your family have a blessed Advent season!
The art work in A Child's Christmas Counting Book is just- Swoon! Thank you for sharing your gift of gifting. Advent blessings.
That 2020 photo is so special.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Thanks for sharing all of your finds and having another great giveaway.
What an inspiration your blog is to form family feast traditions!
thanks for your give aways! I would love anything that your giving away! a small family starting and hopeing to learn to homeschool anything is appreciated I love it