Summer 2020 :: The “Nun Run” Part One

by | Jun 12, 2021 | Benedictines of Mary, Gower, Nun Run, written by Twinkle Toes | 8 comments

Now that golf season has ended, and now that I have a lot of free time while I recover from my knee surgery, I can start back up on the posts!  You can find my past posts here: written by Twinkle Toes.

Last summer a group of us girls from St. Joan’s went on a “Nun Run” with one of our amazing priests. Our first stop was a visit to the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles at the Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus in Gower, MO. We started the trip off with 5:30 AM Confession and Mass at our church before heading to the airport to catch our flight.  
I have now been able to fly with two of my siblings for their first flights! She loved it! Especially the turbulence (not something I’m a particular fan of). I didn’t get many pictures during the flight (mainly because I was asleep for most of it) but it was so cool descending into Kansas City. 
When we reached Gower, one of the sisters (Sister Grace) showed us our rooms and made sure we were all settled in. Waking up early the next morning was hard, especially with the time change (4:45 Central Time is 2:45 Pacific Time), but after a few days we got used to it.

Our Daily Schedule at Gower:

4:45 Wake up
5:05 Matins and Private Prayer
7:10 Lauds, Prime, and Breakfast
8:45 Work (We mainly worked in the garden.)
10:50 Terce, Mass, Sext, Lunch
2:15 Exposition, None, Free time/Rosary
5:30 Vespers then Supper
6:45 Work
8:00 Compline, then bed

A picture from during Compline

After Compline is the Grand Silence (no talking) which goes until after Prime the next morning.

The nuns gave us a tour of their sewing studio during our final day at Gower and showed us how to make vestments and altar linens.

Emily and I happen to have the same godparents (small world!) so we took a quick picture together to send to our godmother.

While we were at Gower, we were able to see one of my close friends (the girl in the middle).

The singing at Gower was amazing! I’ve grown up listening to their CDs at home and to hear them in person was even more beautiful!

After Matins, we had some free time in the morning before Lauds which gave us time to say some private 
prayers and enjoy the sunrise each morning.
I loved every moment of our visit to Gower! From praying the Divine Office to working along side the sisters in the garden, every moment will be cherished! The amount of time spent with Our Lord in the Chapel was absolutely amazing and it helped me grow in devotion to Christ and our Blessed Virgin Mary. 


  1. olivia

    That is what a tabernacle should look like. Beautiful and right in the center of the church and everything focused right on it. Just beautiful.

  2. Karen H

    This is so refreshing – the purity and peace in these pictures, as well as in your description of their daily life, is so uplifting. I can't wait for Part Two!

  3. Christine M.

    Sounds like a great trip! What a small world. My girls and I had a work day at Gower too— only we just got to drive an hour. They loved it! The girl in the middle who is your friend often goes to our parish on Sunday too. 😊
    By the way, I heard your family watched Operation V—my kids were in that, “Davy” being one of them.
    Please tell your mom hi from me. God bless!

  4. Terra

    What a wonderful experience of beauty and growing in your Christian walk.

  5. Maja Johnson

    Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  6. Elizabeth Stephenson

    I just visited there a month ago! It is a beautiful place. 🙂

  7. Anonymous

    This was a most unique experience for you and your sister. Such a serene setting and how close both of you must have felt to our Dear Lord and His Mother Mary. I so enjoy the newsletters from these dear Sisters and one Sister especially has been blessed with the wonderful talent to draw. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. I pray that your knee will heal soon. Have a lovely summer Twinkle Toes.

  8. Unknown

    I have been considering converting to Catholicism and I was wondering what your belief on Creation/Evolution is? ❤❤❤


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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