Each year on the eve of St. Nicholas Day (Dec 5th) our children are usually up late writing their letters to St. Nicholas and the Christ Child ✍️
We adopted this little tradition many years ago inspired by Maria Von Trapp: “… And there is still one very important thing to do for Advent. According to Austrian custom, every member of the family writes a letter to the Holy Child mentioning his resolutions for the weeks of Advent and listing all his wishes for gifts. This “Christkindl Brief” (letter to the Holy Child) is put on the window sill, from whence the Guardian Angel will take it up to heaven to read it aloud to the Holy Child…”
Our children just tuck their letters into their shoes or slippers on December 5th for St. Nicholas to deliver to the Christ Child.✨

Eve of St. Nicholas resources: Letter to Baby Jesus Printable from Revolution of Love

A paper twirled Manger and Star ❤️
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

Reading their sweet letters is always my favorite! ❤️
I just realized many of the links were broken in our Advent post due to the transfer from Blogger.. They have been updated!
Beautiful tradition!