UPDATE: Book sale has ended! Thank you to all who purchased books from us this year!
I’ve been stalling on having another annual book sale since we moved in 2018… It’s hard to believe that we have been in our new home for nearly 5 years now! On top of still having a few boxes of books that were never unpacked due to lack of shelves, plus the annual new school year additions, I am really starting to feel the effect of not doing our yearly cull. There are books stashed everywhere!
I finally had a free afternoon to take pictures for another book sale! (I had the extra motivation of an earlier than usual ski lesson bill coming up, after just paying this semester’s college tuition!) If you are interested in purchasing any of the items in this post, please leave a comment listing the books you would like, along with your email address. (The email address box is part of the comment form here at Shower of Roses and it won’t be displayed publicly.) I will send you a private email with your total, including shipping.
Once payment is recieved, I will ship your books via USPS media mail which usually takes 7-14 days. Shipping will be added to your order by actual weight/media mail cost with a minimum shipping of $5.00. If you are local let me know and I am happy to arrange a time for pick up!
Please only request items that you intend to purchase and are able to submit payment for promptly. I can accept Paypal or Venmo. Comments are moderated, but I will do my best to approve/publish them as quickly as possible and update the post with “sales pending.” If multiple visitors request the same book it will be sold to the first request. I’m also open to reasonable offers on any of the books listed and will probably drop the prices on anything that is left at the end of the sale. Thank you!
Note: Most links are affiliate links.

Saxon Math 1 Teacher’s Edition (with Saxon Math 1 Student Workbook Part Two) – $15.00(sold)- Saxon Math 3 Teacher’s Edition – $15.00
- Saxon Math 5/4 Solutions Manual, cover is falling off – $2.00
- Saxon Calculus, ISBN 156577146X – $15.00
- Saxon Physics, ISBN 1565770056 – $15.00

Saxon Math Two Home Study Kit including Teachers Edition, Two Workbooks and Meeting Book (NEW), (Retails for $144.95 on sale at Rainbow Resource) – $50.00 or best offer(sold)

- Prentice Hall Physical Science, wear to cover, some creases to pages – $10.00
- Prentice Hall Chemistry, wear to cover, some creases to pages – $10.00
- Principles of Biology – $10.00
- Holt Physical Science – $10.00
- Exploring Creation with Chemistry: Second Edition – $15.00
- Focus on Elementary Astronomy Laboratory Workbook – $5.00

Fix It! Grammar Robin Hood Teacher’s Manual Book 2, 3rd edition, missing cover -$2.00Fix It! Grammr Little Mermaid Teacher’s Manual Book 4, 3rd edition, $5.00(sold)Fix It! Grammar Chanticleer Student Book 5, 3rd edition, New, $8.00(sold)Fix It! Grammar Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Student Book 6, 3rd edition, New, $8.00The Elegant Essay Teacher’s Manual and Student book, duplicate set, Teacher’s cover creased, Asking $25.00 for the set(sold)

- Kolbe Academy Study Guides – All in like new condition:
- The Merchant of Venice Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $4.00
- Wuthering Heights Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $4.00
- Oliver Twist Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $4.00
- Out of the Silent Planet Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $4.00
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $4.00
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide Only, Asking $2.00
- Human Generis Study Guide, Asking $2.00

Small Hardcover American Girl Books – $3.00 each or all 10 for $25.00 (sold)
- Kaya and the River Girl
- Kirsten and the New Girl
- Kirsten on the Trail
- Addy’s Little Brother
- Samantha’s Special Talent
- Felicity’s Dancing Shoes
- Felicity’s New Sister
- Felicity Takes a Dare
- Again, Josephina!
- Josephina’s Song
Paperback American Girl Books – $2.00 each or all 5 for $8.00
- Beforever The Sky’s the Limit Maryellen 1954
- Beforever The One and Only Maryellen 1954
- Beforever Taking Off Maryellen 1954
- Grace Stirs it Up
- Grace

Ollie’s Ski Trip, new, $4.00(sold)Window Stars, like new, $3.00(sold)- Aesop’s Fables, $1.00
- Swan Lake, $2.00
- My Baby Signs Book, $1.00
- Alpaca, $1.00

- Spanish Middle/High School, $8.00
- Exercises in Spanish Grammar, $8.00
- Spanish for You! Mi Vida, $4.00
- La Bible en Images, like new, $3.00
Bible Stories Coloring Book – a couple pages colored, Free with other item

- Great Expectations, Ignatius Critical Editions, crease across front cover, $4.00
- The Merchant of Venice, $4.00
- Hamlet, $4.00
- Oliver Twist, $2.00
- Guadalcanal, $6.00

These are also all in new/like new condition:
- Jorge from Argentina: The Story of Pope Francis for Children, $2.00
“I Am Therese”, $4.00(sold)- Anna Goes to a Party, $4.00
- My First Communion Journal, $5.00
Saint Nicholas God’s Gift Giver (comic book style), $8.00(sold)- Saint Bernadette of Lourdes (comic book style), $8.00
Classic Bible Comics, $10.00(sold)Liturgical Year Board Game, ISBN 081984604X, $2.00(sold)A Pocket Guide to Sacramental Reconciliation (2 available), $2.00 each(sold)- The Kid’s Book of Prayers about All Sorts of Things, $3.00
So Many Ways to be Holy, $5.00– (sold)A Little Catholic’s First Rosary Book Luminous Mysteries, $5.00(sold)

The Way of the Cross for Children (5 available), like new, $1.00 each(sold)Catholic Songs for Children, new in shrink wrap, $10.00(sold)The Mass Explained for Kids, new, $2.00(sold)A Story of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, new, duplicate, $5.00(sold)Contemplating the Way of the Cross, new, $2.00(sold)I Pray Every Day, new, $2.00(sold)I Pray the Mass, new, $2.00(sold)

The Book That Changed Everything, hardcover, new, Asking $7.00(sold)The Thief Who Stole Heaven, hardcover, new, Asking $7.00(sold)The Spider Who Saved Christmas, hardcover, new, Asking $7.00(sold)The Lady in the Blue Cloak, Hardcover, purchased used good condition, duplicate, $8.00(sold)Our Lady’s Wardrobe, hardcover, new, Asking $8.00(sold)- The Life of Jesus According to Saint Luke, new, Asking $7.00

The Usborne Book of World History, $5.00(sold)The Usborne Book of Explorers (From Columbus to Armstrong), $2.00(sold)The Boy Who Drew Birds: The Story of John James Audubon, new hardcover, bought two, $5.00(sold)Saint Brendan and the Voyage Before Columbus, new duplicate, $10.00(sold)Brendan the Navigator, new duplicate, $10.00 (sold)- Ben-Hur A Race to Glory, $1.00

These are all in new condition, duplicates of books we own:
The Harwood Mysteries – Shadow in the Dark, The Haunted Cathedral, and Fire of Eden – Set of three books: $25.00 for all three(sold)- Morning Star – $10.00
- A Single Bead, $5.00
- Leandra’s Enchanted Flute, $3.00
The Menagerie of Marsepink, duplicate copy, $2.00 (sold)

- Cooking by the Cross, Asking $10.00
Midwifery and Herbs, $3.00(sold)- The St. Michael’s Refectory Cookbook, $5.00
- Free for All Cooking: 150 Easy Gluten-Free, Allergy-Friendly Recipes the Whole Family Can Enjoy, $3.00
- Healthy Foods: An Irreverent Guide to Understanding Nutrition and Feeding Your Family Well, $2.00
- Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods, $3.00

- A Place to Belong: Letters from Catholic Women, new, Asking $10.00
The Catholic Workout: Build Your Body. Build Your Faith, Asking $5.00 (sold)- Parents, Children and the Facts of Life, new, $5.00
- God’s Plan for You, new, $5.00
- Is the Fetus Human?, Asking $2.00
- Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman’s Guide to Catholic Motherhood, $5.00
On the Other Side of Peace, inscription from author, $3.00(sold)30 Days with Married Saints, new, $10.00- Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine-Month Novena for Mothers to Be (inscription inside), Asking $5.00
- Abortion & Unborn Human Life, Asking $2.00

All in new condition, most were sent to my by publishers:
- The Wisdom of the Word, Hardcover, $5.00
Real Music (bought duplicate on accident, Hardcover with CD, $10.00(sold)- Mysterion, Hardcover, $5.00
- The Gift of Faith, $5.00
- The Generosity Habit, $5.00
- In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles, $5.00
- God’s Mercy Awaits You, $5.00
Hope. Always. Our Anchor in Life’s Storms. $5.00(sold)- The Strangeness of Truth: Vibrant Faith in a Dark World, $5.00
- Forgiveness: A Catholic Approach, $5.00
- To Know The Savior, $5.00

Edith Stein, $5.00(sold)John Henry Newman, $5.00(sold)G.K. Chesterton, $5.00(sold)St. Gianna: Her Life of Joy and Heroic Sacrifice, $7.00(sold)Saint Charles De Foucauld: His Life and Spirituality, $5.00(sold)Five Loaves and Two Fish, $5.00(sold)Drinking with your Patron Saints, Hardcover, $7.00(sold)Saint Mary Magdalen: Novena and Prayers, $1.00(sold)

Memento Mori Advent Companion, $5.00(sold)Memento Mori Desk Calendar, $5.00(sold)Remember Your Death Memento Mori Lenten Devotional, $5.00(sold)Ponder, Asking $5.00(sold)

- Beholding Beauty, new, $10.00
- Month by Month with Mary, new, $2.00
- The Rosary, new, $2.00
Advent and Christmas: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens, new, $3.00 (sold)- Mother of the Redeemer, new, $3.00
- Spring Meditations, new, $3.00
Catholic Funny Fill-ins, new, $3.00(sold)Catholic Funny Fill-ins Feast Days and Holidays, new, $3.00(sold)- Catholic Funny Fill-ins Saints Spectacular! , new, $3.00

- How to Serve, $5.00
- The Golden Arrow, new, $7.00
Prayer before the Eucharist, $5.00(sold)Jesus Speaking: Heart to Heart with the King, new, $10.00(sold)- The Wonders of the Holy Name, $1.00
- My Latin Mass Prayer Book, $2.00

Christian Prayer, $15.00 (2 Available)(sold)- A Grand Slam for God – $10.00
- The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen – $5.00
God Loves the Autistic Mind – $5.00(sold)Catholic Digest – 4 Past Issues – Free with shipping or pick-upBenedictus Issues (Jan-Jul 2023, Nov 22) – Free with shipping or pick-up

A few books from the boys time at Christendom:
A Catholic Introduction to the Bible (we somehow have three)… like new$25.00 (sold)Learn Latin from the Romans, $15.00- Essaying the Past, $10.00
The Founding of Christendom (multiple copies of this too!) … $20.00(sold)

I think these are mostly books from Christendom as well.
Immortal Poems of the English Language (two copies), $3.00 eachThe Song of Roland, $3.00(sold)- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, $3.00
A Tale of Two Cities, $2.00(sold)- Piers Plowman, two available, $5.00 each
- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, $5.00
Saint Augustine Confessions, $10.00(sold)

English from the Roots Up, Asking $10.00(sold)The Good Shepherd & The Child: A Joyful Journey, Asking $10.00(sold)Life is Precious: A Culture of Life Unit Study for Elementary Students (with CD), Asking $10.00(sold)The Complete Illuminated Rosary, Hardcover, Like New, Retailed for $84.95, Asking $20.00(sold)- The Luminous Mysteries, Paperback, $10.00
Writing Our Catholic Faith Handwriting 2M, new, $8.00(sold)
Please leave a comment, or email me directly, if you have any questions.
Thanks for taking a look!
I’m interested in the following: Saxon 1 and 2, Fix It Grammar teachers manual 4 and 5, harwood mysteries set. I’m local to SJA
Typo – fix it grammar student book 5
Perfect! I was just going to ask. Pulling them all aside for you now!
Our Lady’ Wardrobe
St. Brendan and the Voyage before Columbus.
Local pick up…SJA parishioner
Pulling these aside for you now! 🙂
I would like all American Girls hardcover books please!
Thank you, Erika! I just sent you an email and have the set of books pulled aside for you!
Memento Mori desk calendar
Usborn World History
Usborn Explorers
St Nick comic
Thank you, Lorena! I have them pulled aside for you. Let me know when you’d like to stop by to pick them up! 🙂
I’d like (1) child’s luminous mysteries, (2) way of the cross 3 copies, and (3) catherine or Alexandria. Thank you!
Great, thank you! Were you wanting the “A Little Catholic’s First Rosary Book Luminous Mysteries, $5.00” or the “The Luminous Mysteries, Paperback, $10.00”? I want to make sure I pull aside the right one.
I’ll take the Book that Changed Everything, The Thief, The Spider, and the Blue Cloak ones please!
Ok! I have those pulled aside for you and will email you in just a little bit. Thank you!
I would like A Catholic Introduction to the Bible by John Bergsma and Brad Pitre. Thank you so much.
You got it! I will email you as soon as I figure out the shipping. Thank you!
I would please like Brendan the Navigator, Midwifery and Herbs, Real Music, and The Founding of Christendom. And is the Usborne Book of Explorers still available? It hasn’t been marked off the list, but I believe someone already requested it in the comments. Thank you!
Yes, you’re correct. The Usborne book had sold. I just got that updated. I just pulled the rest aside for you and will send you an email once I figure out the shipping cost. Thank you!
Hi there! English from the Roots up, please!
I have it pulled aside for you Mary 🙂
God Loves the Autistic Mind
The Catholic Workout
The Way of the Cross for Children
Pulling them aside for you now, Chloe! I’m email you in a couple minutes once I get them boxed up and weighed. Thank you!
I would like the two copies of Christian Prayer, Ponder and the Advent and Lenten Momento Mori books. Thank you.
Great! I’m boxing them up for you now and will email you with the total in just a few minutes. Thank you so much!
I would like The Complete Illuminated Rosary. Thank you.
Boxing it up and sending you an email shortly. Thank you!
Hi Jessica! I would love to purchase –
Advent and Christmas: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens
G.K. Chesterton
Saint Charles De Foucauld: His Life and Spirituality
Contemplating the Way of the Cross
The Menagerie of Marsepink
Hope. Always. Our Anchor in Life’s Storms
Prayer before the Eucharist
Jesus Speaking: Heart to Heart with the King
Catholic Funny Fill-ins
*Thank you for this awesome book sale!
I have these all pulled aside for you Karen! Thank you! I’ll send you an email now.
I’m interested in ‘The Good Shepard and the Child” Do you have any other books by Sofia Cavelletti?
I have it pulled aside for you! I think I have another book by her as well, but not one I’m selling at this time. We have company about to arrive for dinner, but I’ll email you tomorrow morning to get your mailing address etc.
Hello! If they are still available, I will take:
Pocket Guide to Sacramental Reconciliation
Writing Our Catholic Faith Handwriting 2M
Drinking with your Patron Saints
Classic Bible Comics
Thank you Jessica!
They are available and I’ll pull them aside for you! We have company about to arrive for dinner so I’ll email you in the morning!
Thank you! :-)
I would like the Life is Precious unit study if it’s still a available. Thank you!
I’ll pull it aside for you and email you in the morning. Thank you!
I would like , So Many Ways to Be Holy, I Pray Everyday and I Pray the Mass, The Mass Explained for Kids, please. Anything else that might be good for Kindergarten Faith Formation?
I’ll pull these aside for you and send you an email in the morning. Thank you!
I sent you an email this morning! Let me know if you didn’t get it for some reason. 🙂
Hi Jessica, I’m back! I hope these books are still available (and I’m sorry for the extra trip to the post office..) If these are still available I’d love to get them:
1. I am Therese
2. A Pocket Guide to Sacramental Reconciliation
3. Liturgical Year Board Game
4. The Way of the Cross For Children
5. On the Other Side of Peace
Thank you so much!
They are! I’ll pull them aside for you and email you later this evening. 🙂
YAY! Thank you and I’ll keep an eye out for your email😊
I would love the Catholic Songs for Children CD, if it is still available. 🙂
You got it! I’ll send you an email a little later today once I have a chance to package it up for you. Thank you!
Hi, Jessica! I’m really late to your book sale this year, but if it’s still available, I would love to purchase 30 Days with Married Saints. They are friends of ours from Lander! We’ll be at the 8:45 this Sunday and at Catechism Monday night if either of those times match up with times you’ll be at SJA. Thanks!