College Bound: Thomas Aquinas College

by | Aug 14, 2023 | College, High School, Home Education, Precious Moments: 04, Thomas Aquinas College | 13 comments

College Bound: Thomas Aquinas College

Last December I shared our curriculum for the year, a little bit about how we have homeschooled for high school, and the current plans we had for our latest high school senior to graduate with enough credits to finish an AA in just one more semester after graduation… A month later, to the day actually, those plans changed.

Our daughter asked if she could just graduate a semester early (at that point she already had fulfilled all the requirements and had more than enough credits to graduate with the Magna Cum Laude diploma from Kolbe Academy), drop her spring classes (no point since TAC doesn’t accept any transfer credits), get a job (she has LOVED working as a receptionist for our favorite orthopedic surgeon this year), and apply to Thomas Aquinas College.

When she decided to apply in January I told her it was going to be a long shot… It was getting late for fall applications, she had dropped math her junior year after completing Algebra II (she had finished her high school requirements and it wasn’t necessary for the online degree she had been working towards – my own SAT math scores were part of the reason I wasn’t accepted to TAC years ago), and she also hadn’t done any college test prep since her Freshman year of high school (no need since she was already taking classes from Franciscan and Holy Apostles which were the two colleges she had been considering for the online degree)

She crammed for a week and quickly took the CLT (did amazing!), wrote her five essays (she let me read them and I was impressed), and submitted her application by mid February. She found out just two weeks later she was accepted!

The admissions office had tried to reach her but, with her new job, she hadn’t been checking emails or answering her phone. She ended up getting the news when they picked her up at the airport on March 2nd for an Open House. It had been 7 years since her first visit to the campus!

So much for my plans of her finishing her degree online and keeping our college kids closer to home in the future… I’m sure going to miss having her home but I am excited for her too. It’s also a bit of a bummer that her dual-enrollment classes won’t transfer, but I know they definitely helped prepare her for the rigorous education she’ll be receiving at Thomas Aquinas College!

I’ve honestly been in denial that she would actually decide to go… but flights are booked and her suitcases are packed! We fly her down in the morning… Please keep her in your prayers!

“Go forth without fear for thou hast a good guide for thy journey!” -Saint Clare of Assisi


  1. Natalie

    How exciting! Thank you for sharing! I am so happy for your daughter and your family. Praying for your travels and her time at TAC!

    • Jessica

      Thank you! Really appreciate the prayers! 🙂

  2. Eva

    Congratulations! My eldest considered going there, but decided it was not for him and never applied. He decided to go to St. Vincent instead, graduated, and is now in law school. We all visited the campus, though, and thought it was so pretty.

    • Jessica

      I haven’t heard of St. Vincent before! And law school, that’s so great!

  3. Karen H

    Hearty congratulations all around! What a dedicated scholar she is, you must be so very proud ~ and so you should be. You and your hubby need to take a bow ~ Proverbs 22:6 comes to mind!

    • Jessica

      Thank you, Karen. Definitely proud of these young adults of ours! Please continue to keep them in your prayers!

  4. Jan Chapman

    Congratulations to your daughter! I know you are very proud of her, but yes, it’s so hard to let them go!

  5. Marion

    Congratulations Wishing you success and happiness in your college years.
    God Bless

  6. Joan

    Congratulations on your acceptance to Thomas Aquinas College. God Bless.

  7. Marilyn

    Congratulations and continued success in your studies at college. God Bless.

  8. Jennifer

    I have my first high school senior this year and would love to hear more about your children’s college experiences so far. So many things to consider when picking a college! What sold her on TAC?

  9. Becky

    How exciting! :o) Thank you for sharing this wonderful news. I love hearing about the different experiences of homeschooling through high school. We just dropped off our son James at Ave Maria University in Florida last week–the college decision process wasn’t as straight-forward as we thought it would be, but he is in the perfect place for him! I love seeing how God’s plan unfolds for each of our children.

  10. Jennifer Barlow

    Oh! Congratulations to her! What a lovely young woman she’s grown up to be.


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