Another Soldier of Christ! ❤️
Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
On September 14th, our sweet “Rose” received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Joan of Arc. Our pastor, Fr. Rapoport, FSSP, administered the sacrament, as he had been given faculties by the diocesan bishop. Unfortunately her dad was out of state on wildfire assignments (he was gone for a couple months this past summer..) and two of her siblings down south working and off at college couldn’t make it either, but the rest of us were able to be there for her special day!

Her dad and I gave her a beautiful missal cover and her own Latin Mass missal. She ended up choosing the 1962 Daily Roman Missal (like mine) instead of the New Roman Missal: Father Lasance (that her dad and some of her siblings have – I watch for sales at Sophia Institute Press for this one). We love both of them! The Daily Roman Missal is a little smaller and easier to hold for smaller hands.

Aunt JoAnn flew in from Oregon to be her confirmation sponsor and surprised her with a pair of stunning crucifix hoop earrings to wear for her Confirmation. She choose St. Scholastica as her patron who happens to be a twin, just like her sponsor!
We weren’t able to find a dress she loved as much as the one her older sister picked out, so she borrowed the dress! (She also borrowed it for her My Fair Lady birthday party last December. It’s such a fun dress!)

I loved getting to hold my little niece/goddaughter during the Mass. It was so special having JoAnn and baby Lucy here to celebrate with us.
Since I was still recovering from my second leg surgery (one of my first times wearing dress shoes/flats instead of a boot or flip-flops!), we kept things simple for the celebration. A Costco cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries made for the perfect dessert.

She was also gifted this beautiful rose bead rosary handmade by her Great Uncle Tom, with beads from my grandmother’s (her great-grandmother’s) rosary making supplies. ❤️ 😭 🌹 So incredibly special!

(Find the pictures from our oldest three, number four, and number five’s Confirmations in the archives.)
O Heavenly Spirit! Third Person of the adorable Trinity! Whom I have received and most fervently adore, deign to take eternal possession of my soul; create and maintain therein the purity and sanctity which become Thy temple. O Spirit of Wisdom: preside over all my thoughts, words, and actions, from this hour to the moment of my death. Spirit of Understanding! Enlighten and teach me. Spirit of Counsel! Direct my youth and inexperience. Spirit of Fortitude! Strengthen my weakness. Spirit of Knowledge! Instruct my ignorance. Spirit of Piety! Make me fervent in good works. Spirit of Fear! Restrain me from all evil. Amen.
St. Scholastica, ora pro nobis!
She looks lovely! May she have many, many blessed years!
Thank you, Nancy!