Look who I found at the airport late Wednesday (10/30) night!!! They were supposed to land within 15 min of each other, but Clare’s flight came in a little early at 10:15, and James was delayed and landed at 11:25.
Three weeks ago, on October 10th, I managed to talk James into squeezing in a quick visit from Arizona on his ‘weekend,’ and then Clare from California! The little girls had been asking about James everyday and missing him so much. I got to fly down and see him recently but none of the rest of the family had seen him since those four days last February (while I was in bed recovering from my first surgery) after he graduated from the academy to quickly pack and move down to the southern border.
Keeping this secret was so HARD—I ended up having to tell Catherine, but the rest of the family had no clue! Well maybe a couple clues but I think they mostly thought I was just losing my mind! 😉

The toughest part was getting John home. He was originally coming for dinner and to stay the night to see my parents, but after a long day at work he still had some studying for one of his online UMary MBA classes, so texted saying he was going to come out in the morning instead… I finally just texted his girlfriend (who is off at college finishing her senior year) and asked her to help me convince him to come spend the night after he finished studying. She pulled it off and he got here about five minutes before we pulled back in the driveway at midnight! (Thank you, Lanie!)

It was so exciting bringing them home, surprising John and waking Sean up to see who was out in the living room! ❤️
A few video clips can be found over in my Instagram post.
I could hardly wait for our five youngest to wake up and find everyone here for the first time since August 2023. (442 days to be exact.) Way too long! It might be awhile before we can make it happen again since our oldest son’s requests for time off at Thanksgiving and Christmas were both denied. I couldn’t sleep and told Sean in the middle of the night that it felt like Christmas!

I shared a few more short video clips from early Thursday (10/31) over on Instagram.

We squeezed so much into our few days all together!!! My parents had arrived Wednesday afternoon just in time to carve pumpkins with us, so after all the early morning surprises we got to spend time with them too, my Uncle Tom and Aunt Toni came for an afternoon visit, then we hosted our annual All Hallows’ Eve party Thursday evening!

Friday started with Mass for the feast of All Saints, brunch with my parents before they started the long drive back to Southern Oregon and early voting for our college girl and a few others (the rest of us voted on Election Day).

I had booked a photographer for Friday afternoon. That had really confused some of our kids since two of their siblings weren’t expected to be here! When I told John he asked, “Will James and Clare be around?”
I just answered “Wouldn’t that be nice?!” and he added “so no”… 😏
This was our very first professional family picture and we asked the photographer to also take individuals of everyone. We really wanted to do something like my mom did 20 years ago while you can still see the age span between the oldest and youngest, and before the older ones start getting married.

A quick photo on the front porch just before he arrived. ❤️
It was drizzling outside so hopefully the family picture turns out! Then we had a family movie night after dinner.

Saturday I got up early and started making Apple Puff Pancakes for everyone! This has been a fall family favorite forever and I had to squeeze it in while they were all home.

Then the kids played card games, FaceTimed with my youngest brother and their newest cousin and just enjoyed the remaining time we all had together before we had to take James back to the airport on Saturday afternoon. Clare flew back to Thomas Aquinas College very early Sunday morning. We were definitely grateful for the extra hour of sleep! There were lots of tears… It makes me so happy that they all love each other so much and having this time was such a gift. ❤️

O Good God, we thank Thee, that Thou hast given us children, made them heirs of heaven by holy baptism, and entrusted to us their training. Penetrate us with a sense of responsibility; assist us in the care of their health, but especially in the preservation of their innocence and purity of heart. Grant that we may teach them early to know and serve Thee, and to love Thee, with their whole heart. Grant that we ourselves may carefully avoid all that we must forbid them, and may assiduously practice all that we should inculcate to them. We commend them, O God, to Thy paternal care and to the guardianship of Thy holy angels. Bless, O heavenly Father, our little efforts! May our children’s advancement in years be to Thy honor, and may they persevere to the end! Amen.
~ from Mother Love