Apple Puff Pancakes

by | Oct 20, 2009 | Autumn, Recipes | 17 comments

Early this morning, before my children woke up, I was catching up on a few posts in my Google Reader and ran across Kimberly’s Apple-y Goodness. Oh, it looked too yummy! I quickly clippedthe recipe, realized I had everything I needed to make it (yay!), printed it out, and headed to the kitchen to get started.

It was very easy to make and was SO SO SO delicious!! In fact, my children kept asking if I could make it again Saturday morning so that their Daddy can have some. I think we will!

The recipe was originally from The Farm Chicks Cookbook. (Oh, and I doubled the recipe, using two pie pans, for our family.)

Apple Puff Pancake

  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter (1/2 stick)
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 apple, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
  • 5 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • Dash of salt
  • Maple syrup or confectioner’s sugar for serving

Heat the oven to 425 F. Place the butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a 9-inch pie pan.

Heat in the oven until the butter is melted and bubbly – 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, stir well and mix in the apple slices. Return to the oven and bake for 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine the eggs, milk, flour and salt in a blender or food processor and process until frothy – 1 minute.

Pour over the apple mixture. Bake until the cake is puffed and the center is set – 18 to 20 minutes.

Serve warm with maple syrup or sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar.



  1. Robina

    yummy. you know what we'll be having for breakfast tomorrow morning. I still have so many apples leftover. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous

    Oh that looks so yummy!!! I am printing that out!

  3. Therese

    YUM. It sound delicious and easy. Definitely going to try this one.

  4. Mary @Cheerios

    Mmmm! yum! what kind of syrup do you use?
    I am looking for a new kind-maybe with not so much sugar amounts!!! But then again…thats what makes the syrup soooo yummy!
    God bless, Mary

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Personally, unless the syrup is a fruit syrup, I only like real maple syrup. Perhaps that is because, growing up, it was all my mom purchased, even though it was expensive. (We just couldn't use very much, or else we'd be in trouble! lol!)

    Hubby on the other hand has always liked Mrs. Butterworth's (which is pure poison in my mom's opinion! lol!), and I won't touch it… though it is SO MUCH CHEAPER! (especially right now!)

    This morning I just drizzled a little bit of real Maple Syrup on each serving.. The Pancakes really didn't need much at all since they had all those caramelized apples on the bottom already.

    I wish we had a Trader Joe's around here since they have a Maple Agave Syrup Blend I would love to try…

  6. Christine

    Printing right now. Looks good for company!

  7. Lisa Sweet

    Great minds think alike!! (Or read the same blogs) I, too, read Kimberly's blog and made that same Apple Puff Pancake for our breakfast this morning.
    We totally concur with your family's opinion…very, very yummy!!

    Do you think, to make it in a 13 x 9 pan, you would double or triple the recipe? quadruple?

    I'd have to agree also, Jessica, that only real maple syrup will do (after all, I live in New Hampshire) Mrs. Butterworth's is sacrilege! But, I ran out of the real stuff, and guess what is in my fridge?! Yup, Mrs. B….don't tell the syrup police…

  8. Erin

    I made this for breakfast today – it was delicious!! We didn't even use syrup and it was great. I just ran out of maple syrup last week… and the maple/agave blend from TJs sounds good. I happen to be making a TJ's run in the next few days when I am near one while visiting my parents – so I will look for that syrup there! I do so wish we lived closer to one as well!

  9. Nancy Carabio Belanger

    Wow! I've never made anything like this and am printing it out right now! I have noticed you have lots of Pampered Chef things…I LOVE Pampered Chef too! It's funny how much of their stuff is in my kitchen and I don't even sell it!

  10. Jessica Gordon

    I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did!!

    Nancy ~ I DO have a LOT of Pampered Chef in my kitchen… It helps make up for our kitchen. 😉 I have found that their Stonewear is the only thing that bakes food evenly in my old Harvest Gold oven… I started selling it when our oldest was a newborn, but have done very few shows over the year… I really do not like giving actual kitchen shows. I do try to have one catalog show and one open house each year to keep my ability to sell, and if I time it right, purchases the new products each season at a discount. =)

  11. Jessica Gordon

    Oh and Lisa, I am horrible at modifying recipes like this… That is why I ended up using individual pans. If you try it in the 13×9 successfully, I would love to hear how you did it!

  12. Anonymous

    We tried it yesterday…. it was sooooooo good!!! I am also with you on the syrup… hate that other stuff, it is poison!!!

  13. Shelly

    already put this in my Word – this should make a nice autumn bkfst tomorrow!! [for the kiddos – unfortunately not me!!]

  14. Mrs. What's-her-face

    I saw your facebook post the other day and today just felt like trying something fun for breakfast and made the Apple Puff Pancake. Little man ate it so quick I didn't know if I'd actually given him some! We loved it! Thank you so much for sharing, Jessica!

  15. Jessica Gordon

    Yay! So glad you liked it! (And I didn't know you had a blog!) 🙂

  16. Anonymous

    This was good. It puffed up nice and high compared to some other recipes I have tried. I will make this again.


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