When our daughter requested a Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party for her 7th birthday, I knew we were in for a sweet adventure. With bright colors, adorable decorations, fun party games, and lots of great friends, it turned out to be an incredible celebration!
She had been talking about it for months and had literally invited “everyone and their grandparents!” as one of her sisters told her oldest brother when he asked who would be coming. It was so much fun to bring her party theme to life and create all sorts of special memories for her and her friends!

I started my planning by ordering a couple handmade Strawberry Shortcake and Lemon Meringue dresses from Blu Moon Design over at Etsy! My girls are pretty tiny (just now outgrowing sizes 5 and 3) so I ordered them size 7 and 5 so they’d have extra length and fit for awhile. I also ordered this Strawberry Beret and these Green & White Knee High Striped Socks and paired them with their AG Peek-A-Boo Wellies since I forgot to look for brown Mary Janes. Super cute!

On the day of her birthday, the weather was gorgeous and we were also incredibly blessed to have three Sisters from the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart join us for the birthday party! Our little girls had just spent the previous two days with them at Morning Star Day Camp and their presence added such a special touch to the day, making it even more meaningful and memorable.

My Uncle Tom and Aunt Toni also came to the party! We have really loved having them nearby since we moved up here six years ago. My mom is the 8th of 13 children and he is the eldest. He reminds me so much of my grandmother and it’s so fun to hear him share stories with my children. The birthday girl was especially excited to receive her very own jar of his special homemade jam in her birthday gift from them!

She so wished that her cousin and oldest brother/godfather could have made it, but they both called and she got to visit with them over Facetime.

Homemade Decorations

Other than buying a couple red plastic tablecloths (this makes clean up so much easier) I made my own banner and food labels! I shared all of the printables I created here.

We also filled the book cart with lots of berry and spring/summer themed books including a few new ones!
- The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear
- Evie the Strawberry Fairy (Book 2 and Book 3 in series look cute too!)
- The Blueberry Pie Elf
- A Time to Keep
- How to Make an Apple Pie and see the world
- Strawberry Shortcake and the Big Balloon Race
- Strawberry Shortcake Advanced Coloring Book
- We are the Gardeners
- Strawberry Hill
- Little Blue Truck’s Springtime
- Flower Fairies of the Spring
- Flower Fairies of the Summer
- My little Garden
- The Very Berry Counting Book

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party Menu

Good morning. Welcome to Strawberryland. You can’t see it? Just a dot on the map. Ah, finest strawberries this side of the rainbow. The personal strawberry patch of Miss Strawberry Shortcake. She lives in a shortcake. That sounds like fun. And she tends to her fun in the rain and the sun. That’s Custard, her calico cat on the floor. But we’ll let them both sleep for just a dream more.

Main Dish and Sides
- Pupcake’s Brats and Hot Dogs
- Cafe Ol’e and Burrito Donkey’s Chips and Bean Dip
- Guaca-Mole
- Berry Patch Fruit Salad (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries)
- “This side of the Rainbow” Orzo Pasta Salad

- Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Cake
- Strawberry Shortcake’s Creamy Cookie Dip
- Strawberry Shortcake Trifle
- Chocolate Covered Strawberries
- Mini Blueberry Muffins
- Lemon Meringue Pie (from Birdie’s Pies)
- Apple Dumplins’
- Angel Cake’s Heavenly Cookies
- Huckleberry Pie (or rather Wild Huckleberry Jam)
- Raspberry Tart’s Cream Pie (from Birdie’s Pies)

- Orange Blossom’s Party Punch
- Strawberry Lemonade
- Lime Chiffon’s Sparkling Limeaid
- Lem and Ada’s Sparkling Lemonade
- Peach Blush’s Sangria (adults only)

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party Games!
I ran across some great game ideas for our Strawberry Shortcake theme! I also considered Strawberry Bingo or some of our lawn games from our Anne of Green Gables Birthday Party. Here is what we ended up doing:
Strawberry Stomp

For this game, children try to keep all the “strawberries” ( red balloons ) up in the air while the music is playing. When the music stops all the kids grab a “strawberry” balloon. Draw a name from a hat (or whatever you have on hand), and that child must bust their balloon and complete the challenge inside to win a prize. Keep the challenges short and fun. Some examples include:
- Rub your tummy while patting your head
- Twirl around five times fast
- Sing your favorite song in a funny voice
- Crabwalk across the floor
- Give out three berry nice hugs
- Describe your favorite yummy dessert
- Options are endless, come up with additional ideas!
After completing the challenge, the child rejoins the game but won’t be called again to pop a balloon. Make sure you have enough balloons so every child can grab one when the music stops. (Have twice as many balloons as players.) To make the balloons look like strawberries, use a marker to add strawberry seeds.
Supplies: Red Ballons, Music

Pie Making Race

A fun twist on a classic relay race! In this game, children are divided into teams, each given spoons to pick up “berries” (colored ping pong balls- red for strawberries, blue for blueberries and pink for raspberries) and run them to their team’s pie tin. It’s a delightful mix of teamwork, speed, and a little bit of friendly competition!
Each team is tasked with making a different kind of pie will only collect berries for that pie. For example, the team assigned to strawberry pie will only collect red ping pong balls.
To play: Scatter the different colored ping pong balls on one side of the yard. On the other side set up a table with a different pie tin for each team. Assign each team a kind of pie and give each player a spoon. At the start, everyone runs to the field of ‘fallen berries,” places one on their spoon, and rushes back to their team’s pie tin. The team that finishes their pie first wins.
Supplies: Red, Pink and Blue Ping Pong Balls, three Pie Dishes, White Plastic Spoons.

After the little kids completed their round all the big “kids” wanted a turn! Pink team won!

Catch the Purple Pie Man
“Aw, what’s the matter, kiddies? Did your can spring a leak!? (pulls off his disguise and giggles)“

The Peculiar Purple Pie Man, who lives in the Pie Tin Palace up on Porcupine Peak, is the notorious villain in Strawberryland. He is a mischievous, greedy baker who often seeks to undermine Strawberry Shortcake and her friends. In this game, he has stolen all the strawberry treats (candy). The kids must chase him to get them back.
To Play: Someone takes on the role as the Purple Pie Man. The children chase and try to tag him. When tagged, the Purple Pie Man must stop. The only way to be released is to throw out a handful of candy and make your escape while the children are all collecting it. Keep playing until all the candy is gone.
Purple Pie Man Costume: I ordered this Chef Hat, Bib Apron and Purple Mustache.

Since the Purple Pieman frequently referred to himself in the third person and always performed a quick jig after doing so. Mr. Sun describes him as a “misanthropic fathead with a skinny physique.”
You can watch the video over at Instagram!

All that running and basically being a “Human Pinata!” definitely wiped out the “Peculiar Purple Pie Man” but the kids are all still talking about that game. It was such a hit!

Honey Pie Pony
The kiddos also got to visit Honey Pie Pony, aka Chesterton, our new next door neighbor!

Strawberry Shortcake’s Birthday Cake

A bite of strawberry shortcake can turn any bad day around!

You can find our little birthday reel over at Instagram with a couple more video clips.
Birthday Gifts
She was given so many sweet and thoughtful gifts from all her friends! I had ordered her this cute Strawberry Shortcake backpack when it was on sale and some of her siblings got her some other 80s themed toys (Tenderheart Care Bear, My Little Pony) and a little Strawberry Shortcake doll. She also loved, loved, loved this set of pens from one of her friends and has been taking it everywhere!

Happy 7th birthday to our berry sweet and spunky girl!
Everything looks amazing! You give the best birthday parties!
Thank you! 🙂 I really enjoy planning them for our kids.
Wonderful memories for your family!