“All children are artists.
The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”
(Note: This post contains affiliate links.)
“MOM! I have that painting in my Famous Painting Card Set!” |
In July, when it was 109˚ outside during the hottest week of our summer, we spent some time inside studying art and finishing up Track A of our Meet the Masters Art Course, including the unit study on Pablo Picasso! I purchased the 10-Adult version and we all complete the lessons together as a family. I read the script which goes along with the online slideshow, with occasional modifications for the younger children. Our artistic little seven year old hasn’t had any trouble participating with a little extra help here and there, and even Rose, who is only 4, has loved the program and creating her own art alongside her older siblings.
.: Master Artist Introduction :.
Pablo Picasso (pe-KAH-so)
Spanish Painter (1881-1973)
The genius of Picasso allowed a review of the art elements previously introduced – line, shape, balance, and texture. The children investigated Picasso’s varied styles and were able to trace the transformation of this artist during his different periods of art.
Art Activity Emphasis: Cubist Compositions with line, shape and color
Media: Cut Paper, Black Marker and Chalk Stain
Vocabulary: Cubism, Blue Period, Rose Period, Warm/ Cool Colors, Portrait, Studio, Pattern, Classical Period, Abstract, Profile, Composition
Mom: Can you tell me what this painting shows?
Boy #1: Ummmm…. Santa… in Africa… Boy #2: With some really funny lookin’ elves?
Mom, laughing: It’s actually a family of circus people! It’s called Family of Saltimbanques.
.: Art Supplies :.
One 11″x11″ white construction paper (we used card stock instead of construction paper)
One 12″x12″ colored construction paper (variety of bright colors: blue, green, orange, violet, etc)
One 8-1/2″x11″ sheet of scrap paper
One black marker
Bright Colored Chalk
Guitar Line Drawing from Learning Packet
Glue Stick
.: Practice Technique – Picasso’s Composition :.
Can you tell that a couple of my children like to doodle on their worksheets?
.: Art Project – Three Musicians :.
I helped Rose copy the musical instruments over from the Guitar Line Drawing into the various boxes, she would tell me what she wanted where, on her folded white paper. She took over from there, tracing my pencil drawings with her black marker and then adding a colorful pastel stain with some of her favorite colors before mounting it onto the background paper.
The older kids switched around their artwork to see if their Dad could figure out who created which, after trying to convince him into choosing his favorite!
They all did an amazing job… I’d choose their artwork over Picasso’s any day! 😉
.: Additional Reading :.
We also checked the following books out from our local library:
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Those are so awesome!
2014-08-26 01:45:35
fantastic job! you are one very special, loving mama San x
2014-08-26 14:59:55
I have thoroughly enjoyed the posts you have shared for meet the masters! What delightful artists. Join job everyone. Keep creating for His glory!!!!
2014-08-26 16:02:25
This series looks so neat. I'm waiting until most of my gang gets a little older to do it, but looking forward to it!
2014-08-26 16:17:55
Thank you for these posts. You have intrigued me with this program. If my oldest is in 5th grade this year and I have 5 children total, do you suggest we purchase one 10-adult series and adjust for the younger ones as you did and why? Do you do any other type of art history studies or does this cover it for you all? Thank you!
2015-08-05 05:28:54