Easter Baking
by Jessica | Mar 30, 2013 | Easter, Good Friday | 14 comments
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Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Our Family

A Little About Me
Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.
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Oh my goodness, Jessica! Everything looks amazing and I may have to try one of these – I'm always adding to Easter at the 11th hour!
I'm keeping Captain in my prayers. I hope he's feeling better soon! And I hope your Easter is uneventful from here on out.
Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!
This food looks amazing. I gained weight just looking at it.
Hope your little one gets better soon and I agree…no more sick around Easter!
Happy Easter!
I can almost smell the bread from those yummy pictures. Have a blessed Easter!
Happy Easter! Thank you for everything.
Just came back from a beautifull easter vigil in our Neo Gothic church. I am one of the sacristans so it has been een busy night. Couldn't sleep and decided to look at some of my favorite blogs. And then I read about your butter mold. Put my own wooden mold in salt water yesterday afternoon and forgot it completely. So thanks to you someone in the Netherlands is going to have her Easter breakfast with 'boterlam'. Blessed Easter for you and your family!
Beautiful! Your Paska turned out so pretty ~ what a special tradition! Keeping Captain in our prayers this week, hope he's feeling better soon! Wishing you & your family a Blessed Easter. 🙂
Wish I could bake like you. Seems that I don't have much reason to anymore though, as my beloved husband passed home to God last tuesday. My heart hurts so deeply.
Hi Jessica,
Praying for Captain. Please post an update when you have a chance. Antibiotic reactions can be rough.
I gained 10 pounds just looking at this post! Everything looks so lovely. And all my kids loved the little birds.
Hope Captain is ok. Sending many prayers.
He is doing a lot better! Still taking some Benadryl but it seems to be clearing up. Thank you! Last night it was my turn for another reaction and I came super close to having my husband take me to the ER, but I finally was able to get it under control with Zyrtec! I'm started to get frustrated with all these allergies!!
Happy Easter!
I popped over to your blog, but wanted to let you know here too that I am praying for you and the soul of your dear husband! I am so very sorry!
Thank you, everyone, and Happy Easter! Hopefully I will find a few free moments to update the blog soon!
♫ Joyeuse Pâques ♫ !!!
Bisous ♥ Marylin from FRANCE