You may remember this past summer, I asked for prayers. I would like to share a poem that my sister wrote about:Precious Gavin**If you click over, be prepared to shed a few tears, and please continue to pray, especially for my little brother.

You may remember this past summer, I asked for prayers. I would like to share a poem that my sister wrote about:Precious Gavin**If you click over, be prepared to shed a few tears, and please continue to pray, especially for my little brother.
After reading this post, and thinking about the state of both the Church and our country, I wanted to share the following letter with you all. It was written by a very holy pastor (who is a dear friend of ours and also the Pro-life Director in our Archdiocese) in...
Today, we will be having a Holiday Foods and Feast Fair over at Catholic Cuisine. I am really looking forward to reading through the different traditions and recipes that will be shared!Whenever we are headed out to my parents for Thanksgiving or Christmas, my mom...
FOR TODAY: November 17th, 2008Outside my Window... it is foggy and damp right now, but the forecast says that it will be sunny today!I am thinking... about my little sister, and I am so excited that she is pregnant again as well!From the school room... I am heading to...
With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, I am finally pulling out our books about Thanksgiving as well as ordering a few from our library.The books we will be reading during these next couple weeks include:Cranberry ThanksgivingI wished we owned this book, but...
Since I am just so competitive, when I saw the following quiz over at Regina's, I had to see what my results would be...You Are Chinese CheckersYou live a hyper, fast paced life. You rarely ever slow down.You are good at juggling many things at once. You are the...
FOR TODAY: November 14th, 2008Outside my Window... the sun has finally come out after a long week of rain. It is just beautiful outside!I am thinking... about Dawn's thoughts on blogging and I couldn't agree more. She has such a lovely way of putting thoughts into...
With Thanksgiving later this month, I decided to hold our November Little Flowers' meeting at the beginning of the month, and so we had it last night! With the recent time change, it was dark before we even left home, and I noticed that the girls were much more mellow...
I mentioned in my post Fasting and Feasting for All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day that "I had also hoped to make Sugar-Candy Skulls this year, but unfortunately I never got around to ordering the supplies." Well, I was so surprised when a box...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.