... I finally took it out of the box.Now what??

... I finally took it out of the box.Now what??
The other day Jamie asked for any suggestions on how to make hair for St. Francis. Since Snuggles will be using my little brother's old St. Francis costume this year (for St. Anthony), Jamie motivated me to make a new hair piece. (My brother had one, but it would be...
I am still working on finding the best routine for fitting our new Math Program into our schedule, and we have fallen a bit behind of where I had hoped to be by now. I had started second guessing myself, and was wondering if switching from Saxon had been the best...
Sara had the most correct answers! Five out of ten is pretty good I say! Nobody was able to guess numbers 2 and 5. I was pretty sure no one would know number five (though I highly recommend the movie!), but number 2?? I thought for sure someone would get it, though a...
Shelly tagged me for a Movie Line Meme... I am generally horrible at remembering movie lines; I didn't recognize any of the ones Shelly quoted. Sorry Shelly! I've only seen one or two of those movies, and it has been ages since. However, I still want to play along, so...
It sounded good, and tasted even better! Yummmm!!!!Thanks Rachel for the quick and easy recipe!
Our friend Marc just released another great video for Jennifer Porter of Faith 2 Action. It was featured today at World Net Daily. In her column Jennifer says, "I encourage you to watch it and forward it to everyone you know in an effort to sound the alarm before it's...
Dressing up as dearly beloved Saints for our All Hallows' Eve Party and All Saints' Day (and anytime really!) is a much loved tradition in our family. It is a wonderful way to teach our children even more about the saints, since they learn so much through playing and...
A friend of mine just completed this awesome 4-minute You Tube video, and launched a new website: America's Choice Now.We have a moment in time here that we may look back on for the rest of our lives — a moment to make a difference in our nation's direction on the...
I just wanted to post a quick reminder for the next upcoming From Thy Bounty Fair that will be posted this coming Monday, October 27th, over at Catholic Cuisine.I will be hosting this particular Fair, and the theme is as follows:Hallowed Days: All Saints and All...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.