Another Giveaway

by | Jan 16, 2009 | Contests, Giveaway | 67 comments

Just like last year, I am going to give away another Finders Key Purse Key Hook. Since they don’t make a rose, I decided to go with, the turquoise flower. Isn’t it cute?!

Here’s the deal: To enter, please leave a comment with your favorite birthday memory, I’d love to hear them!! (You can see a few of mine here.) You have through Sunday night to leave your comment, and sometime on Monday I will draw a name and announce the winner.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Sara

    Turquoise is one of my favorite colors! 😉

    My favorite birthday memory is the year I had a party and my mom made me a “maxi” dress and a pink tower cake.

  2. Shelly

    one of my favorite birthdays was my 16th.

    My friends through a surprise party for me in our basement – i don’t really remember too much of what we did…but what I will always cherish is dancing with my dad that night. He spoke a few words about how he couldn’t believe his oldest was 16 and all. It’s a very comforting memory, being in my dad’s arms that night. One i’ll always remember.

  3. Lori

    This year my honey took the week after Thanksgiving off. My birthday was included in that time off. So…. it felt like my birhtday lasted a week! It was beautifully blessed!

  4. Anonymous

    My husband threw me a surprise party for my 30th. I had never had a b-day party before!
    Thank you so much!

  5. Jamie Jo

    First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Many blessings to you are wished and prayed for you!!

    I have to say, I think every year is my favorite. My birthday is in Sept and I always seem to get kind of sad I guess (it's the only time of the year I get like this) right before, I don't know, summer ending, I'm not sure why I do, but then the day comes and it is always wonderful, cards, calls and lots of love!!

    Don't put me in, I have a "key purse"( Thank you Jessica) and I also won the m&M's in the last contest…if I won this one it would seem as if you rigged it!!! 🙂

  6. Megan

    One of my favorite Birthdays was, well, last year. We do Civil War Reenactments, yes even in the winter. Though it really depends how high up you are in the state of NM.
    We camped at this lovely old fashion motel/RV Park and went to the only restaurant (Yummy Mexican food), which was located 20 mins in the next town.
    I devoured a strawberry cheesecake and drake a little bit of margarita. A real treat, because it was the first alcoholic drink I had since I was pregnant and gave birth to my second son.

  7. Angela

    Hi Jessica,
    I don’t remember how old I was (maybe 30??), but my husband gathered the entire family at a pizza place for a surprise party for me. I never knew what he was up to, and he did it all on his own. It was so sweet of him!



  8. Christine

    Happy Birthday!! You are amazing. I used to love to go to the beach with my friends when I was in high school for my birthday. I just found your blog yesterday and have one question. Do you sleep?? I find you very intimidating. Can I send my kids to your house? Or better yet, can I be one of your kids??? I am in your same situation with a 7 year old son, two girls 5 and 3 and twin boys 18 months old. How on earth do you do it? May God continue to bless you and I aspire to be like you. Keep the blog up for even though you seem to good to be true, I find you very inspiring. I just have to figure out what I need to do to get where you are.

  9. Christine

    My favorite birthday was my last birthday when I turned (gasp) 40! My children served me breakfast in bed and then silly stringed me. Oh I was feeling the love!

    (I love contests)

  10. Mrs. Murphy

    The year I turned 30 we moved to WA and bought our first house, I was pregnant (of course) trying to get some kind of school work done and juggling toddlers…well my husband completely FORGOT my birthday, I knew it the whole day. When I asked, is it time for cake? He sputtered and flustered, then swept his hand around and said, well I got you a whole house this year, Happy Birthday! Sigh, gotta love em!

  11. Anonymous

    I don’t have a favorite birthday memory, but I do love getting my ice cream cake from Dairy Queen each year. It is a wonderful tradition that I always look forward to.

  12. Anonymous

    Feliz Cumple Anos Jessica…I would sing “Las Mananitas” to you but, that wouldn’t be a gift…trust me.

    So here is one of my favorite birthday memories:

    It was a couple of years ago, age 35, and I was at the end of my pregnancy for our now, 2 year old daughter.

    I had joked with my husband that I felt more like a gorilla than a mom. I was feeling….well BIG..tired and not up to celebrating anything but labor.
    haa haa haa

    Anyway, my husband and dear sister-in-law got together and planned a day of pampering. I was treated to a 1 1/2 hour massage, manicure/pedicure, a lovely lunch with my husband, while my SIL babysat all the other kids. Mind you, our kids with hers number 9 kids under the age of 11.

    Then, when I thought the day could not get better, I walked into my SIL’s home to find the whole family there holding a cake and was treated to a loud chorus of Happy Birthday.

    The topper of the whole thing was the large gorilla that was used as decoration for my cake. My husband has a sense of humor! It was a very good day.

    Have a wonderful day Jessica. Make memories and enjoy it.

    God bless,

  13. Aimee Landreneau

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May Our Lord shower sweet blessings on you this year.

    My favorite birthday memory was my 18th. My mom surprised me with a trip to California to spend the week with a dear friend.

  14. Regina

    happy birthday

  15. Regina

    Happy birthday

  16. Regina

    HAppy birthday

  17. Regina

    HAPpy birthday

  18. Regina

    HAPPy birthday

  19. Regina

    HAPPY birthday

  20. Regina

    HAPPY Birthday

  21. Regina

    HAPPY BIrthday

  22. Regina

    HAPPY BIRthday

  23. Regina

    HAPPY BIRThday

  24. Regina


  25. Regina


  26. Regina


  27. Regina


  28. Regina

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. elm

    I have a couple special birthday memories… 31 was way better than 30!! Someday I’ll tell the 30th birthday bummer story. For now… the 31st.

    When I turned 31, I was traveling nearly all day. I had been out to Ohio to visit my grandma and aunt. My return flight was on my birthday, so I was a little sad not being with the kids and my hubby all day. My flight arrived in Medford at 10 pm. Get to the car and drive home… wasn’t to be home until nearly midnight!! When I got home… there were streamers hanging from our ceiling and the kids all in jammies on the couch jumping and yelling “Surprise!!!” “Happy Birthday!!” Those 15-20 minutes were the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday, Jessica! My favorite birthday was in 2006… Pentacost fell on my birthday, and my oldest received her first Sacrament of Reconciliation, although I was home, sick and didn’t get to be there. My second favorite birthday was in 2005, when we held a party for our 10th anniversary and had oodles of friends over and my sister came down from MI and baked two WONDERFUL cakes. Our anniversary fell on a Thursday, so we had the party that Saturday, my birthday! I was 32 that year, pregnant with our third, and fell on my open dishwasher door that evening and broke it! oops! And I thought that 31 was a great year… you are in the time of life that Our Lord had his public ministry. It’s supposed to be the most productive time in your whole life, and from reading your blog, I’d say you are living up to that really well! God bless you today and always!

  31. Jennifer G.


    My favorite birthday memory is also a surprise party back in middle school. I had NO IDEA! Then my mom took us all out for chinese food and jokingly drove by my crush’s house telling me that she had arranged for him to sing me “Happy Birthday”! There was so much giggling and screaming going on as we approached his house! It was all a joke though! Then we had a sleep over in the basement. Fun times!

  32. Anonymous

    My favorite birthday was my 12th. My mom’s best friend made a doll cake and taught me how to decorate it. To this day, I think of her when I decorate a cake for my children.

  33. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday, Jessica!
    My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 21 and my husband was out to sea. The girls at work surprised me in the office … I never had a surprise party before; and it still is the *only* one I ever had. That was a LONG time ago!

  34. Gina

    My favorite birthday was my 30th. My daughter was born four days later. We had just lived through a hugh ice storm in Western New York. We didn’t have any power, not a lot of food and we freezing cold. But the day of my birthday all I kept thinking was any minute I was going to be mother. To this day that was the best present I have ever received.

  35. imcatholic

    I really don’t remember any birthday that has been extra special hmm. I guess I will have to change that next year.

  36. Anonymous


    My best friend (and sis-in-law), who lived over 1,000 miles away at the time, surprised me by bringing me breakfast in bed on my 29th birthday! She and her family (with 5 little kids) had driven over 1,000 miles! I had just talked to her on her home phone 1 1/2 days earlier! I’m still amazed.

  37. Shelly

    ummm… and mine should read “threw a surprise party” – just in case you take off for misspelled words! LOL

  38. Trina

    Happy Birthday Jessica! You are number 1!!

  39. Trina

    Happy Happy Birthday Jessie!

  40. Trina

    Oh Jessica, You are sooooo young!

  41. Trina

    Happy Birthday to one of my most wonderful friends!

  42. Trina

    We have so many wonderful memories together! Happy Birthday!

  43. Trina

    Roses are red…

    Happy Birthday!

  44. Trina

    Violets are blue…

    Happy Birthday!

  45. Trina

    Violets are blue…

    Happy Birthday!

  46. Trina

    Have a HAPPY Birthday…

  47. Trina

    Cuz we all love you!

    Happy Birthday!

  48. Trina


    did I mention Happy Birthday???!

  49. Trina


    did I mention Happy Birthday???!

  50. Trina


    did I mention Happy Birthday???!

  51. Trina

    Happy Birthday!

  52. Trina

    You are incredible!

    Happy Birthday!

  53. Trina

    You are a rare specimen of beauty!

    Happy Birthday!

  54. Trina

    Inside and out!

    Happy Birthday!

  55. Trina

    I wish I could give you a hug!

    Happy Birthday!

  56. Trina


  57. Trina

    I officially love you more than Regina!

    Happy Birthday!

  58. Trina

    But that is not why I posted so many times!
    Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!

  59. Trina

    I just want to win!!!!

    NO – – JUST KIDDING!!!!

    It is because I do love you and wish God’s many blessings on you this wonderful day!
    Happy Birthday!


  60. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica 🙂

    I meant to leave a comment yesterday to tell you Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a good one 🙂

    My fav B-day was last year, when I was able to go on a retreat. God gave me many gifts there!

  61. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica 🙂

    I meant to leave a comment yesterday to tell you Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a good one 🙂

    My fav B-day was last year, when I was able to go on a retreat. God gave me many gifts there!

  62. JoAnn

    Aww just like what we were talking about at Tarascos! lol

    Favorite birthday memory is either when we had that bunco party 😉 or my 7th birthday when mary and i got our FIRST bikes!!

  63. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Jessica!!! =D
    My favorite Birthday would have to be………………
    The year we celebrated it with both us (me and Joann) and Jennifer at the same time! She had slaved away with sweat and tears all day on her cheesecake ..aka her favorite dish ever! And well…as mom was carrying the cake over to the counter at that long-awaited time when everyone was eagerly waiting for the flames on the candles to be transformed into a room filled with smoke covered wishes.. Suddenly……..CAAAAAA-PLOW! ….slip…silence…jaws dropped…hearts stopped… tears flew…. all within the instant this precious delicious unearthly cheesecake met its doom as it crashed and smashed into the wood floor filthy from uncountable kid’s outside shoe footprints……..the next note on happy birthday song met an immediate flat which ended it all.
    Who knows whether the culprit was an untied shoe lace, a water spill on the floor, or just a pair of slippery socks that caused this horrible scene…but whatever it was… it sure made the other cake taste that much better! 😉

    I think the reason this is my favorite birthday was the simple fact that everyone was there to celebrate it…all 12 kids… with their voice-gifted father and graceful mother. =oP All together to experience this unforgettable cake catastrophe! And that’s the day that the “5 second rule” at the Murphy’s turned into the “10 second rule”…(allowing us to get at least half the cake into a bowl perfect for cake pudding with some candles mixed in here and there..)

    The End.

  64. Anonymous

    I’d love to be entered! My favorite memories are the fun cakes my mom made us growing up. Each year it was a different theme. The beautiful doll cake was my favorite.

  65. Our Catholic Family

    My favorite birthday was the one my mom went all out on. She had me invite all my friends. We planned on nearly 2o people showing up, all but one from my church youth group.

    My mom is famous for her homeade pizza. But, the insider tip is that her pizza rolls are even better! She had those with homeade marinara and all kinds of finger foods. Homeade cutlets and hand cut fries baking in the oven. Not to mention my favorite cake. A round cake surrounded by cupcakes (carrot cake as always).

    Well, as it turns out a big youth rally was held a few days before the day. And, only one person showed it. It was the one person not from my church youth group.

    I remember it and count it as a favorite not because only one person showed up. But, I realized a few things that day. One, my mom slaved away for me and my friends. Sacrafice. Even though I hurt because friends didn`t show I knew she did too. All that preperation…

    And, I learned that you can call lots of people friends. But, you have very few *friends*.

  66. Erin

    Happy Birthday to you!!! This might sound a bit strange…but one of my most memorable birthdays is when I turned 18…my birthday a lot of times falls on Ash Wednesday (includin this year)…and that year ir was also the funeral for my “second mom”‘s mother. I played the piano in the church choir, so I played for the funeral and then spent the day with the family. It was a special day to celebrate the true gift of life of someone and so many memories…really brought the gift of life and birthdays to the true meaning…and in the midst of their grief they even had a cake for me presented at teh end of the reception!!

  67. Erin

    Happy, happy birthday:)


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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