A Costume for St. Maximilian Kolbe

by | Oct 26, 2009 | All Saints Day, Costumes, St. Maximilian Kolbe | 25 comments

My oldest decided he would like to be St. Maximilian Kolbe for our All Saints’ Party this year. At first I thought, “Oh, this will be so easy! I’ll just find a prisoner costume, add his number, and find some glasses.” He had other ideas… He wanted to look just like this picture, which Charlotte had used as inspiration for her coloring page:

Not as easy as I thought it would be… Especially since I’ve only used my sewing machine once, and this time I didn’t have a wonderful seamstress walking me through each step!

Anyhow, for the robe, I ended up purchasing a few yards of inexpensive grey fabric. I folded it in half and sewed a (extremely crooked) seam up each side and over to create the sleeves. I then just cut out a circle for his head, which, despite being careful, I still cut too big… Oh well! I then took the little remaining fabric and made a little collar to cover up that mistake… 😉

For the shirt I used a white collared dress shirt, some blue painters tape for the stripes, and a couple small pieces of felt for his prisoner number. The blue tape is easily removable, and I just pinned the felt on, so the shirt can return to its current status as one of the boys Mass shirts!

The glasses, although not perfectly round, were from the Dollar Store (they didn’t say they were prescription, but to be safe I still plan to pop the lenses out), the belt was from one of the girls costumes from last year, and Captain pulled out his Black Rosary. I still need to replicate the books and perhaps buy some grey hair color.

It is also really long and the bottom still should be hemmed (somehow)… But that might actually prove to be a good thing since, right after I finished making it, I checked my email to find that our All Saints’ Party needed to be cancelled this year, due to so many families in our group coming down with the flu. We will still have a celebration at home, of course, but I’ve also decided to incorporate a Saints’ Party later in the year, with our Home School Group, after flu season in the spring, so he has plenty of room to grow. I just might need to buy a new white Mass shirt, in the meantime!

So, what do you think?? Despite the many imperfections, Captain was thrilled!! In fact, he told me that it is “the BEST costume EVER!!” And that makes it just perfect, right?!


  1. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    I am so sorry that my coloring page caused you that much work, but you did an amazing job! Seriously! It looks great!

  2. Unknown

    WONDERFUL JESSICA!!!!!!!! What a great costume and now I know exactly what to make my Max when he wants to be his namesake! He was St. Maximilian last year but just wore blue striped pj's since he was only 10 months old!

    So glad you didn't get overwhelmed and thought it through!

  3. Aimee Landreneau

    That is awesome!!! I'll have to show Jacob…he loves St. Max.

  4. Erin

    This is inspiring for somebody else who also rarely uses her sewing machine! I am still trying to picture how you made the robe's sleeves… The blue masking tape is a great idea!!

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone!! Captain is even more thrilled about his costume (if that was possible) after hearing your comments!

    Erin ~ For a visual, check out this Jedi Robe pattern. I basically did the same thing, without cutting up the front of the robe.

  6. Aubrey

    Oh, wow! Well done! That is very creative.

    I am glad for that link; that'll make Noah's simpler.

    Moms could also stop at a thrift store and look for a brown sheet to cut up for costumes–sheets are big and at a thrift store are cheaper than new fabric. That's what I did for the second of my two costumes.

    I am struggling through the second of two Carmelite habits. My sewing machine is NOT cooperating. I'm going to have a serious talk with it tonight and see if it'll let me finish. All I have left are the sleeves!!

  7. Sarah

    Fantastic work, Jessica! You're an incredible mom!

    I'm working on a St. Elizabeth Ann Seton costume for this year. My cousin helped me with the bonnet (thank God!) My other girls will be Mary and an angel. I can't find our wings, so I will have to improvise (or maybe I can find a pair at Target!) I don't know what my twins will be. Probably something in God's creation. But I can't wait until they're a bit older and can be Sts. Benedict and Scholastica!

  8. Anonymous

    that looks awesome. My nephew is going as St. M.Kolbe. she did find a "jail outfit" and some glasses. My nephew even wants to cut his hair shorter!!

    I just posted a couple of costumes on my site. My eldest is going as David (David and Goliath) and my 2 yr old as Joseph in his coat of many colours. Sunshine is going as St. Martin and Mary as Our Lady of La Salette (I better get going!)

  9. Kelly

    It came out great!!! I'm so sorry about the party getting canceled, I know you were looking forward to it.

  10. Marci

    absolutely amazing. it is great!!!

  11. Kelly

    Oh, wow Jessica!! You did a fantastic job! I bet he loves it. 🙂

  12. Elizabeth C.

    Really good job Jessica. It looks awesome!

    My son was St. Maximilian last year, he is a very special saint in our family. I wish I could somehow show you a picture of my son. He looked very much like him with his hair cut short the glasses and all. I didn't have that much to sew since I was fortunate enough to have a long shirt that looked just like a prison shirt and the friar attire already. But I can sure appreciate the time you took to create yours. Our dear priest friend actually cried when he saw him. Oh the memories…


  13. Casey

    That is fantastic – great job. I'm still cutting out our St. George costume here.

  14. Anonymous

    I never doubted you wouldn't come through for a minute! You always do and it is absolutley an amazing costume. A little powder or white flour will do the hair – very little is needed though. Blessings! Sorry to hear so many are down with this flu! Your son makes a terrific St. Max! God Bless!

  15. elm

    Mah-velous!!! And if your child says it's the Best costume EVER… you have hit the jackpot and you have lots and lots of "points" for good mom scores… it'll help when you ask him over and over to help with taking out dirty diapers in a couple months!!

  16. Shelly

    amazing job Jessica!
    Love the painter's tape idea – nice!

  17. Unknown

    He has the faith to go with the costume and that certainly makes it *the best costume ever!* I hope you all have a fantastic time at the All Saints Day Party and get lots of extra graces! I can't believe you have only sewn once!! You are just amazing.

  18. Tricia

    WOW that's FANTASTIC. It gives me hope, and I don't even own a machine! Hope he has a wonderful time.

  19. Yvette

    It looks great!! My kids love it!
    I have been at your blog so often this whole month! It has helped planned our homeschool All Saints Day Party! Thank you so much for sharing, it is has been such a huge help! I have used many of your game ideas and speaking of St. Maximilian I have thought of a booth that suggests to the children to volunteer to be trapped/imprisoned so save another as St Maximilian. I think I will use a refrigerator box along with yarn around as barbwire. I will have to post our celebration later on. I thank you again for your wonderful blog!

  20. Angela

    Great costume! It looks great!

  21. Anonymous

    Oh goodness, that is incredible! I LOVE it!!!

  22. maria1125

    Are you selling it? I want to purchase it.

  23. Monica Crumley

    Painter's tape is a brilliant idea! Thanks!


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