She Loves It, She Loves It Not

by | May 13, 2009 | Little Flowers, Little Flowers Tea Party, Mother-Daughter Tea 2009, Party Games, Teatime | 6 comments

I saw this game idea in my last issue of FamilyFun and thought it would be such a great game for out tea party. We played it in between the girls looking at the tea tray and writing down what they remembered.

A bouquet of flowers can do more than brighten a room: used in this activity, they can spark some intriguing conversations. One player holds a daisy (or another flower with lots of petals) and plucks off one petal as she names something that her mother or daughter loves. The next player shares something her mother or daughter loves — not. The flower continues around the table, with mothers talking about their mothers and daughters, and daughters talking about their moms, until the flower runs out of petals.

Here are some pictures I took during the game:

It was so much fun to hear what all the mothers and daughters love, and love NOT!

I promise not to bombard you with any more tea party posts, this should be it! 😉
I hope you have all enjoyed seeing the pictures.


  1. Anonymous

    just found your blog. Can’t wait to try this with my little girl in the future (she is only about 9 months now). God bless.

  2. Andi @ A Little Piece of Pink

    I absolutley love your blog! I am a third grade teacher at a Catholic School. I am always able to find fabulous ideas for Religion acitivities on your blog. I have to admit that I have been stalking you this whole school year! 😉 Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas and thanks for being such a great inspiration as a mother, wife, and Catholic. Your family is beautiful and congrats on the baby!

  3. Anonymous

    Awwww – I loved all of the tea party photos. I have a young and infant son and I don’t see any dainty tea parties in my near future so it is nice to dream. 🙂 As a side comment, i’d like to thank you for your wonderful blog. It has given me many great ideas as how to bring the faith into our home, not only for the children but for my husband and I as well. I am a convert to the Church and didn’t have the benefit of growing up with a lot of the little ‘traditions’ that cradle Catholics enjoy. Between my husband and blogs like yours (and the many other Catholic bloggers out there) my family’s faith is deepening and traditions are being born. Thank you so much! My prayers for you and your little one on the way. God bless your family!


  4. Conservamom

    That Magazine has such great ideas. I can’t wait until my GG is old enough to have a Tea Party with! These pictures are beautiful!

  5. Renee

    I’ve really enjoyed all of your teatime posts. The first year we gathered for Little Flowers, my mother was a speaker for groups with a talk and hands-on how to for the art of a “Victorian tea”, which she blessed our group with many years ago. What fun to watch the girls (ages 8-12) take tea and become such feminine young girls who cared about such things to the point of continuing on at home with their own families. Most of the mothers brought “tea time” to their homeschooling schedules. My own 8yo at the time is now 23, so yes, so many fruits from the efforts of this type of lovely endeavor. How fun it all is! Bravo to you and your friends for doing such a wonderful job at your tea. 🙂


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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