She’s Here!!!

by | Dec 16, 2009 | Baby "Rose", Pregnancy | 111 comments

Our little Christmas “Rose” arrived last night!

♥ ♥ ♥

Birthday: December 15, 2009
Time: 11:49 p.m.
Weight: 8 pounds 1 ounce
Length: 19 inches

♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you all for your prayers!
I couldn’t have hoped and prayed for a better labor and delivery!

The baby and I will be staying here at the hospital until tomorrow, so that they can continue to monitor her, due to the Group-B Strep, but so far she is doing wonderfully!

Deo Gratias!


  1. Michaela

    She is gorgeious! Congratulations to you and your family, Jessica!

  2. Regina

    FINALLY (the announcement that is, i talked to you HOURS ago. . . what, are you busy with a new baby 😉

    i think the only thing i got right was the length. oh yeah, and gender but that was a freebee.
    congrats!! hopefully i will get to meet her someday.
    love ya!

  3. Regina

    oh and is it required that you stay longer due to the gbs? i know your propensity to stay as long as possibly so i am really hoping this is by your choice (or else i might just have to consider an at home birth 😉

  4. Casey

    She is just beautiful – congratulations to your family!

  5. Erin

    Tears of happiness here and beaming smile on my face.
    Praise to God all went well, she is simply gorgeous:)
    Congratulations to you all.
    Welcome to the world little Rose:)

  6. Angel

    Congratulations, Jessica! She's a cutie!

  7. Marie

    Congrats and prayers!

  8. Lindsay Boever

    Congratulations! I've been praying and wondering how you were doing and then I log on and see that she was born. Praise God! A beauty like the rest…Enjoy every ounce of her.
    Lindsay Boever

  9. Aimee Landreneau

    Oh, my sweet friend, she is just gorgeous!!! Congratulations to you and the hubby! I can't wait to talk to you!!!

    And you will be home to celebrate the O Antiphons…Deo gratias indeed!

  10. Eileen

    She's soooooo gorgeous! I just love her sweet little lips. So precious! What a lucky little baby, to be in a wonderful family like yours. Congratulations, and Merry Christmas!!! 🙂

  11. Lena

    Praise be to God! She is angelic.
    Pax Christi – Lena

  12. Megan

    Congrats on your Little Blessing. I said a prayer last night that you'd have your little girl soon! Yea, so happy for you and your family! God Bless.

  13. Therese

    congratulations Jessica. She is a beautiful baby.

    Enjoy your baby moon.

  14. Celeste

    Congrats, Jessica and family! And welcome to that adorable little Rose.

  15. Mom2Seven

    Such wonderful news! May God bless you and your beautiful baby girl! Peace, love, hope, and joy!

  16. Anne (aussieannie)

    Oh, she is a beautiful baby!!! Congratulations on your little 'Christmas Rose' ~ may you and your dear family enjoy this coming Christmas especially with Rose in arms!

  17. Julie

    Congratulations!! What wonderful news. May God bless you and your wonderful family and may He allow you some peace and quiet:)

  18. Mattie

    Congratulations! Just on time for Mary di Rosa's feast day! How perfect!

    She is beautiful! I hope you are doing well!

  19. JennyM

    Beautiful!!!! Congratulations to you and your family!

  20. elm


    Such wonderful news on a beautiful baby!!!

  21. Jennie

    Congratulations, she's beautiful! God bless you and your family!

  22. Lillian

    Congratulations!! She's absolutely beautiful! What a blessing!

  23. Nicole Bradica

    Just lovely!! Enjoy this time as a family with your little "Rose." Blessed Christmas!

  24. Tienne

    Congratulations! She's just lovely. 🙂

  25. Christine

    Congratulations! I kept checking your blog, yesterday and today, because I had a feeling she would come last night. Yesterday, was my mom's birthday. What a great day to be born! Your little Christmas Rose is beautiful!

  26. Jo Shabo

    Rose is such a beautiful name! It is my sisters name as well!

    Congrats! What a great Christmas "gift"!!

  27. Lucy

    Many blessings to you all as you enjoy your darling early Christmas present. She is truly adorable with that little rosebud smile – gorgeous like all your little ones :o)

  28. Jennifer

    She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  29. Amy

    Congratulations!! She is so beautiful. May you have a quick recovery and a sweet and wonderful babymoon.

  30. Melissa

    Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  31. Susan

    What a beautiful Christmas present! Congratulations and Merry Christmas!

  32. Anonymous

    So happy to hear your news. No happier time in your life, welcoming a new little one into your family. She is precious! God Bless you all. Our continued prayers.
    The Wittmer's from Maine

  33. Tiny Actions

    Welcome to the world Little Rose. Jessica, many congratualtions to you and your family. Prayers for an easy recovery and a blessed Christmas and happy new year!
    Happy Bonding,

  34. Teresa

    OOOOHHH! How sweet! Congratulations! She's beautiful!~Mimi

  35. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    She's perfect, Jessica! Thank you for the picture!!! Now get some rest!

  36. Sarah

    Absolutely gorgeous and perfect!! A long awaited arrival. I've been keeping you close in thought and prayer.
    A wonderful Christmas gift, your little 'rose'.
    Blessings on you during your recovery!! Thoughts are coming your way from MN!! 🙂

  37. jen mackintosh

    I'm just thrilled, Jessica!!!!! She's absolutely beautiful!!!

    Prayers of thanksgiving here!

    Deo Gratias!

  38. Unknown

    YEAH!!!!!!!! She is beautiful!!!! Congrats to the whole family!!!!

  39. Anonymous

    Yippee!!! Congratulations ~ she is beautiful!

  40. Pamela

    She looks so perfect Congratulations to you and your family, Jessica! So glad labor and delivery went well for the both of you.

  41. Party of Eleven

    Congratulations! She is a beautiful rose! You are truly blessed!

  42. Sarah

    Congratulations, Jessica! She is beautiful in her pink roses =) May God shower your entire family with joy-filled blessings this Christmas! Take care, rest and enjoy your precious new bundle!

  43. Aubrey

    Shoot. I forgot to go guess.

    Again, Congratulations! 🙂

  44. Bethany Hudson

    Congratulations! I had Group B Strep with both my kids, and when my son was born, they didn't have enough time to get me a dose of penicilin. We were in the hospital for five days because of his breathing, but it turned out to be transient and unrelated. I will pray that all goes well with the monitoring of your little one!

  45. Emma

    Dear Jessica
    Thanks be to God ,and congratulations on your sweet adorable girl.
    Welcome little Baby Rose,what a Christmas Rose you are indeed !
    I am so grateful everything went well.Congratulations to the father and proud siblings too.
    Love and prayers,Emma

  46. Lori N from MN

    Praising God for your Christmas Rose… Praying for a quick recovery, Jessica. Congratulations to your family! God's continued blessings,

  47. midwestmom3

    Congratulations! Happy Birthday little Rose. We will be praying for all of you today!

  48. Anne McD


  49. Michelle

    Congratulations! She's beautiful!

  50. Emily Snow

    Jessica, she's beautiful! Just so sweet. Kiss her forehead for me please! I am so happy for you!

  51. Robina

    What a beauty and a blessing. Congratulations. Keeping you and her and your family in my prayers. Enjoy oyur sweet babymoon.

  52. Kimberly Lottman

    Oh Jessica, what a lovely blessing! And the answer to your prayer, you WILL be home to celebrate the O Antiphons with all of your family. You are truly blessed, and your Little Rose, is absolutely beautiful!

  53. Shelly

    congrats to you and your family Jessica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    she is an absolute beauty. what a gift from God 🙂

    Praises to God for a wonderful delivery.

    God bless you!

  54. Lenetta

    Many, many blessings to you as you celebrate the birth of our Savior along with the birth of your precious Rose! Hope you have a wonderful babymoon!

  55. Trina

    I add my congratulations to the rest – she is so beautiful! I am glad to hear that the delivery was smooth!

  56. Anonymous

    Seeing your beautiful Christmas baby brought tears to my eyes! You have been in my prayers… congratulations to the whole family!


  57. Blair

    Congratulations on your beautiful Christmas Rose!

  58. Anonymous

    I am so happy for you guys!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

  59. Melissa

    Congratulations!! She's beautiful!!

  60. Unknown

    Oh Jessica–I am so very happy for a good and safe delivery and your beautiful little rose…and you're home in time for the beginning of O Antiphons! How perfect!

  61. Mary

    "The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother." ~ St. Therese

    Congratulations, Jessica!

  62. kimberly

    Ah, Jessica! She is a gloriously beautiful as her mother…what a delightful little "bud" to add to your bouquet! May God bless and keep her, and all the rest of your dear family…

  63. Elizabeth

    Congratulations! She's beautiful!

  64. Barbara

    Congratulations, Jessica (and family!). And you'll be home for Christmas! God bless you all.

  65. Kelly

    She's beautiful!!!!! She even has rosy lips 🙂 Can't wait to hear the details. All our prayers for a speedy recovery. Home in time to pray the O'Antiphons after all. You got your wish.

  66. Annie Bizzi

    So happy to hear of your safe and relatively easy birth–I had two babies in December and it was such a blessing on a spiritual as well as emotional level. What a gift to be able to birth when Mary did–truly miraculous.
    Love to your beautiful family!

  67. Erin

    Congrats to your family! She is a beautiful little sweetie!!

  68. Unknown

    Congratulations!! She is beautifuL!! Enjoy this most beautiful Christmas with your sweet Rose!

  69. Harmony

    She is absolutely beautiful. What a Blessing.

  70. Anonymous

    Bless your Heart! She is absolutely adorable and what a big baby! Do I see Chiquita in that little face? So happy for you and your wonderful family. The children must be so excited! God Bless! PJ

  71. Sarah


    Welcome Baby "Rose"! What a beauty and a blessing! You and your family will be in my prayers!


  72. Angela

    Congratulations! She's beautiful!


  73. queen of the castle

    Happy Babymoon! Give yourself a good rest and plenty of TLC!

  74. Anna B.

    She is beautiful.. Congrats to you and your family.

  75. Cay Gibson

    She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  76. Karina

    I kept thinking yesterday and today about you, and if your baby had arrived or not! I guess I was being prompted to pray for you. Congratulations! She is just beautiful! And looks like you'll be able to enjoy the O'Antiphon week with your family. Have a very wonderful Christmas! Many prayers.

  77. regan

    what better Christmas gift could your family ask for…so glad mama and baby are doing fine. God bless.

  78. sam

    PERFECT!!! SO happy it all went well, she is precious!!! Thanks for sharing your pregnancy with us and inspiring our family by your example!!! +JMJ+

  79. Gae

    Dear Jessica,
    I am so happy for you!!
    Oh she is so adorable and I love her little rose blanket.♥♥ How happy you all must be.
    How special to have her home for a beautiful family Christmas, enjoy your 'Christmas Rose.'
    Much love♥ and blessings to you all

  80. Sara

    My internet was out yesterday, so I feel gypped getting the news so late!

    Congratulations! She's so beautiful! God bless your family.

  81. Joy Beyond the Cross

    Congratulations! I am so very happy for you and your Christmas Rose! God Bless!

  82. Margaret in Minnesota

    Could you have asked for a more beautiful Christmas gift? I think not.


  83. Lori

    Congratulations! I had a feeling you were having your precious rose on Tuesday! We are all just thrilled for you all! I'm so glad she came early and you can all be home for Christmas:) Love, Lori

  84. Karen Perez

    Jessica, I am so excited for you!!! Congratulations, and have a merry merry Christmas with your beautiful little rose.

  85. Enbrethiliel


    How wonderful! Congratulations!

  86. The Wades

    Oh yea!!! She is a beautiful rose, indeed. Many congratulations. I know you will enjoy her tremendously!

  87. Ellie

    Wonderful wonderful!! I am so happy for you all. What a blessing that all went well!

  88. Helen

    She is a beauty, just like your others. Congratulations to you and Sean!
    Can't think of a better early Christmas gift.
    Love to you all,
    The Jones family

  89. Danielle T.

    Blessings to your family and your new little one. 🙂

  90. Karla in MN

    Congratulations! She is gorgeous…do I detect a bit of a resemblance to Rascal and Chiquita? May you and your family enjoy a peaceful, joyous and Merry Christmas with your new little "Rose"
    God bless.

  91. Anonymous

    All praise be to God for this precious bundle of love!! Welcome little one!!
    Deo gratias!!! Congratulations!!!!

  92. Lana

    Praise God!! So happy to hear all is well:~D

  93. Elizabeth

    Congratulations to your entire family….she is beautiful!!!


  94. Jodi

    Yea! How wonderful! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your family. God bless you all.

  95. Stina

    Congratulations! How beautiful!!!

  96. missy

    Beautiful!!! Congratulations!

  97. Anonymous

    Congratulations, Jessica! A Happy and Holy Christmas season and new year to you all! Sheila

  98. Kristyn Hall

    How wonderful! I am rejoicing with you, Jessica! I have been checking in to your blog periodically, hoping for happy news, and here she is! I bet there are some happy big brothers and sisters, too.
    Congratulations to you all.

  99. Ruth

    Congratulations, Jessica! She's beautiful.

  100. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica!

    What a blessing she is!! Congrats to you and your family! Praying for you both be home soon to enjoy the rest of advent and to have a wonderful Christmas. Miss talking to you! Praying for a wonderful new year for you and your blessings.

    She is so beautiful 🙂

    Michele in Tx (decreasetoincrease)

  101. Anonymous

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl — may God continue to bless you throughout your babymoon, Advent and Christmas!

  102. Carrie

    God Bless you and your new little angel!

  103. Lindy

    Congratulations Jessica! What a beautiful little Rose she is! Many blessings for your family as you welcome and enjoy new life this blessed season.

  104. Jamie Jo


    I have not been on the comptuter since yesterday morning, and wow, comment number 108!!!

    she is soooo beautiful! Can't wait to see more pictures!

    Thank God for a healthy, beautiful baby!! (and mama)
    Much love to you Jessica!

  105. Rachelle

    Thanks for sharing the great news. What a gift. We are so grateful that all went well. Enjoy her, relax and take it easy!

  106. Kelly

    What a BEAUTIFUL baby!! Congratulations!!! I almost didn't check your blog today. I'm so very glad I did. I'm also very happy to hear that everything went well. God be praised!

  107. Dancing Fairy Dolls

    Congrats!!! Wow, 8 lbs! I had 6 lb. baby in 2008. Part of her name has "rose" in it. I hope you will have a Merry Christmas. By the way Dec. 15 is my mom's birthday. Good day for your "Christmas Rose." 🙂 Dancing Fairy Dolls.


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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