Back when our oldest three children were babies (ages 4, 2, and 1), a couple friends and I started organizing an annual All Hallows’ Eve / All Saints’ Party each year on October 31st, as an alternative to trick-or-treating, for our Homeschool Group.
In 2008 I shared a number of posts with ideas and suggestions for costumes, games, food and Saint-O-Lanterns. I’ve been noticing that some of you have been looking for these posts in the archives so I thought I would re-post the links here, since the feast of All Saints is quickly approaching!
- Saintly Costumes
- Saintly Games
- Saint-O-Lanterns
- Fasting and Feasting for All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day
- All Saints Party ~ 2008
- All Hallows Eve ~ 2009
- An All Saints Fair
- Candy Math
(I checked some of the links in the above posts and updated a few that were broken, but, if you notice any others, let me know and I will try and fix them as well.)
This year I am not organizing our party, however each family will be asked to bring one game for the children to play. I’ve been trying to decide what our family will choose for this year, and remembered all the great game and decoration ideas that Anne, at Under Her Starry Mantle, posted last year:
- Early Christian Martyrs Musical Chairs
- Patron Saint Match Relay
- Saints and Symbols Relay
- Pin the… Game for the All Saints Party
- Pinata for All Saints Party
- All Saints Party Decorations
You can also find all sorts of ideas in Lacy’s All Saints Day Link up!
Also, while I was looking back through the archives, we all really enjoyed seeing the various costumes the children wore in the past years. I’ve gathered them all here into one post, and scanned in a couple pictures from our 2004 party!

St. Maximilan Kolbe, St. John Bosco, St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, and St. Patrick refused to be photographed!
You can find more detailed posts from each year in the archives…
Our Cast of Saints: 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009
And going way… way.. back!
Here are a couple pictures from my own childhood!

Back Row (Left to Right): Me as St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Jennifer as St. Catherine of Laboure, Sean as St. George, Jamie as St. Lucy, Paul as St. Isidore the Farmer
This year our oldest four children have decided to dress as St. Isaac Jogues, St. John the Apostle, Mother Teresa, and St. Therese. The youngest two are still waiting for mom to pull out the costumes and make a few “suggestions!” undecided!
Oh, my goodness! How cute!! You must have been reading my mind because I was one of those people searching around looking for All Saints Day ideas!
Thank you so much for this post!!
Thank you, Thank you!! I am planning our inaugural All Saints Day party for our Preschool group from church. Everything I was looking for in one stop?…you are my saint today! 🙂 God Bless.
That picture of you as St. Elizabeth of Hungary looks like Captain!!
Thanks for putting this all together.
The pictures of your little saints are absolutely darling and heart warming! You have so many great ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!
They're right! It IS funnier! 🙂 You have the most amazing All Saint's Day ideas.
So neat to "watch" your kids growing up through the years. Loved the older shots, too!
What a stunningly beautiful baby Twinkle Toes was in her St. Rita costume! And I love Snuggles' "hair" as St. Francis! Thanks for sharing all the photos -what fun!
your little saint dolls are precious.