New Testament Lap Book

by | Jan 29, 2010 | Connecting With History: Vol. II, History, Lap Books | 17 comments

I have received a number of emails asking how History is going this year, so I thought I would take a few minutes to finally post pictures of what the boys have been working on these past few months.

Connecting with History Volume II is broken into 7 Units.  Since Unit 1 is broken into 2 parts, we focused on completing Units 1-3 during the fall and are now beginning Unit 4.

In addition to the assigned reading and a few of the suggested activities, my boys worked on putting together a beautiful New Testament Lap Book from Homeschool in the Woods to go along with the topics covered in Units 1-3:

Unit One, Part 1  ::  Preparation for the King (63 B.C. – 1 B.C.)
Unit One, Part 2  ::  The Roman Empire (63 B.C. – 1 B.C.)
Unit Two ::  The Arrival of the King – Jesus the Messiah (AD 1-33)
Unit Three ::  The Spread of the Kingdom – Age of the Apostles (A.D. 33-99)

As we worked our way through the Units, I gave the boys various “Mini Books” to complete which were then stored in a Zip Lock Bag until they were ready to assemble the Whole Lap Book.  This worked very well, since it was completed a little bit each week over a few months time.

It was a great Lap Book, and I am sure I will be using it again when the girls are older!  Here are some pictures:

~ Front Cover ~

~ Inside Front Cover ~
 Prophesies Fulfilled:
Postcards from Paul:
I loved how they could insert the Postcards, containing the writings of St. Paul, into the mailbox, and then close it and put the flag up or down! Very cute! 
Fruits of the Spirit:
Lineage from David to Jesus:
The Crucifixion, Ascension and Pentecost:
~ Behind the Yellow Flap ~

Paul’s Missionary Journey’s:

The Miracles of Jesus:

The Beatitudes:
These were made into a “Pie Book” and then inserted into a pocket. 

The Birth of Christ:
I also loved the beautiful pop up books included in this kit!
~ Behind the Green Flap ~
The Twelve Apostles:
The Parables of Jesus:
As the boys learned about each Parable they illustrated it in their books. 

The Resurrection:

The Last Supper:
The boys loved that once they put this book together, and moved the tab at the bottom, you could see the words “This is my Body” on one side and “This is my Blood” on the other.

~ All Done! ~ 

Here are most of the books the boys read while creating this Lap Book:

Life of Our Lord for Children
The First Christians: The Acts of the Apostles for Children
Jesus by Brian Wildsmith
Mary: The Mother of Jesus
Just Like Mary
Mary My Mother (St. Joseph Picture Books)
Good Saint Joseph (St. Joseph Picture Books)
Jesus With Us: The Gift of the Eucharist (First Communion)
The Miracles of Jesus
The Parables of Jesus
The Man Who Never Died: The Life and Adventures of St. Peter, the First Pope
Saint Peter the Apostle
Apostles of Jesus
Adventures of Saint Paul
How to Be a Roman Soldier
Ben Hur: A Race to Glory – DVD
Ben Hur Radio Theater – CD

* I read A Life of Our Lord for Children aloud, and we are still working on finishing The First Christians: The Acts of the Apostles for Children, also as a read aloud.


  1. Sara

    Lovin' that lapbook!

  2. Lena

    Great work!

  3. Anonymous

    Those are absolutely fantastic!!

  4. Roxaline

    What a great lapbook! I am putting this in the "will do when the girls get older" file!

  5. Kelly

    This is fantastic!!! I just got RC History vol 1 and I'm still looking through it, but I'm really excited to get started. This makes me really excited about vol 2 🙂 Were there any errors that had to be corrected in putting this together?

  6. fadfd

    WOW Jessica those came out great. Did the printables come with RC History's Vol 2 package or did you find those somewhere else? We just purchased it (Vol 2) for our family.

  7. fadfd

    WOW Jessica those came out great. Did the printables come with RC History's Vol 2 package or did you find those somewhere else? We just purchased it (Vol 2) for our family.

  8. fadfd

    Oop's sorry for the double post…

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks everyone!

    I purchased the CD which contained everything we needed to print from Homeschool in the Woods. (You'll find a link at the top of this post where it says "New Testament Lap Book."

    RC History's Connecting with History gives TONS of ideas, but I really liked the looks of this Lap Book and thought it tied in perfectly. It also simplified things for me a bit.

    Since Homeschool in the Woods is not a Catholic Company, I did look through everything as I was printing it out and nothing jumped out at me as contrary to the Catholic Faith. (I could have missed something??) I just loved how perfectly it corresponded with what the boys were studying/reading!

    It is a little spendy for a Lap book, but I felt that between the quality and uniqueness of the Activities (the little pop-up books etc), as well as the time that it saved me, it was well worth it!

  10. fadfd

    Thanks Jessica.

    I've used Homeschool in the Woods' Colonial America CD and liked it so, I'm seriously thinking of purchasing their New Testament CD. It does look good.

    Thanks again for the inspiration!!

    Hope your having a wonderful Sunday.

  11. Beth Cotell

    What a cool lap book. I'm not a homeschooling mom but I always love looking at these lap books. It just makes me more in awe of all the moms and kids that are homeschoolers. Keep up the great work!

  12. Christine

    What would you say the age range is for this lapbook? Also, I thought Homeschool in the woods was a protestant company. Did you find anything contrary to our Catholic beliefs in the lapbook? They did a beautiful job!

  13. Jessica Gordon

    My boys were 9 and 7 when they completed this lapbook. I did help with some of the cutting, etc, but other than that the kids had no problem with any of it. I'm sure older children would enjoy it as well.

    Yes, Homeschool in the Woods is a Protestant Company, but I have been very pleased with the quality of some of their materials (I especially love the History through the Ages Record of Time Books, and plan to eventually have one for each of my children)…

    I did preview all the mini-books before giving them to my children, and didn't find anything contrary to our Catholic beliefs. However, I didn't use any of their lesson plans to go along with the lap book, so I am not sure about those.

    It really tied in nicely with the reading material I was assigning the boys from Connecting with History.

    Hope that helps!

  14. Krista

    Hi Jessica,
    I will be doing RC History Vol.2 with my daughter this coming school year and also have this NT Lapbook. I didn't see anything else from the later units for hands-on projects, like the Celtics, Vikings or Early Medieval periods. I'm sure you did some activities/projects that were in the RC History suggestions – is that what you all did or did you incorporate anything else eternally for lapbooks/notebooking????????

    Thanks in advance!

  15. Jessica Gordon

    We did some, but I think we hit those units around the time I had my miscarriage, so I didn't blog about very many of them! I just noticed you found the Viking Ships the boys created already. I'm really excited to start through the program a second time, incorporating some of the topics we just skimmed through last time!

  16. Krista

    Yes, I did find that Viking blog you did! It's fantastic! Understandable that not much blogging took place in those times… I completely understand that all too well, too.

    Thanks for your reply and I've replied at the Viking's post as well!


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