A “Shower of Roses” Afghan Giveaway!

by | Sep 18, 2010 | Giveaway | 85 comments

Aren’t giveaways so much fun?   In addition to the St. Therese Faith Folder Giveaway, I have also been given the priveledge of hosting another (remember the tote bag from last year?) giveaway sponsored by Catholic Embroidery, in honor of the upcoming feast of St. Therese!

One lucky visitor will win this beautiful “Shower of Roses” Afghan!

Made of 100% Eco2cotton and woven with durability in mind, this blanket is the perfect accent over a couch, at the foot of a bed, in the car, over an armchair, or even around your shoulders. This mellow sage-colored afghan embroidered with the Little Flower’s own words, “I will let fall from Heaven a shower of roses” and stunning Rosebud design not only wraps our homes in warmth, but our hearts too, with the confidence and hope that come from St. Therese’s heavenly intercession.

To enter this give-away:

Please visit Catholic Embroidery’s website and then come back and leave a comment on this post by Midnight on Friday, October 1st, the new feast of St. Therese.  The winner will be chosen with a random number generator and announced here at Shower of Roses on Sunday, October 3rd, her traditional feast day!   Be sure to leave your email address, or have it linked in your profile, so that I am able to contact you.

Special Offer:    Mary Serafino, the founder of Catholic Embroidery, in addition to sponsoring this awesome giveaway, has generously extended the following offer as well:

In honor of our Little Saint, I would love to also give your readers FREE SHIPPING on any purchase of a Shower of Roses Afghan when they use the code STTHERESE. (Please leave code in comments section of checkout. I will reimburse payment afterward.)

St. Thérèse of Lisieux ~ Pray for Us!


  1. Anonymous

    This is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Michele from NH

  2. Rachel Arnold

    This is so nice. I would love to win!

  3. Grace Hincapie

    It's so pretty. I would love to enter for a chance to win.

  4. Julie

    I would love to win this. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Blair

    Please enter me!

  6. Sam

    I would love to win!

  7. Maggie, ofs


    I just went over there and saw the Ultra Portrats. What a really neat idea. My ultrasound is next week on Thursday. I'll have to show this to dear hubby! 😉 Please enter me, the Afghan would make a lovely present for my oldest daughter. God Bless, Maggie
    holinessisforeveryone at gmail . com

  8. Annie

    I especially love the bookmarks. Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Anonymous

    I absolutely love their stuff! Count me in!

  10. Lori N from MN

    I'd love to win – the color of the blanket is perfect for my living room love seat!
    Thanks for the chance!

  11. Lena

    Thanks, again! They offer beautiful creations.
    Pax Christi – lena

  12. Lenetta

    Wow – Little Flower patches! That is really cool!

    Thanks for the chance – nettacow at gmail dot com

  13. Jennifer

    Didn't know about this site – thanks for sharing it with us!


  14. Kristyn Hall

    Thanks for this chance to win, Jessica. I would love to win this and give it to my second daughter for Christmas… she has such a sweet devotion to the Little Flower.
    [email protected]

  15. Casey

    That is beautiful. Thank you for offering the chance to win!

  16. Angela

    Pick me! Pick me!

    Thanks Jessica!

  17. Lillian

    What a lovely buiness! I've never been over there. Its been added to my list of places to shop for Christmas!

  18. Mom2Seven

    It is beautiful! +JMJ+

  19. The Cichy's

    Would love to win this for my daughter. October 3rd is my birthday!

  20. Anna

    What a great site! I love the idea of individual Mass bags for children.

  21. angie

    Oh, please enter me. I have been praying to St Therese for the health of our new baby #7–due in April. my email is [email protected]

  22. Zina in NH

    Beautiful! Please enter me for a chance to win! Thanks!

  23. JenniferM

    I would love a chance to win! Thanks!

    jennifer at heitx dot com

  24. Julie Hahs

    So Nice and UNIQUE!! Thanks!!
    (E-mail [email protected].)

    Julie H.

  25. Lisa

    It's beautiful! My friend prays the Little Flower Chaplet every night. This would make a great gift for her. Thanks for the chance to win

  26. Lowly But Chosen

    So beautiful. 🙂 Thanks so much for sponsoring this giveaway!

  27. Rosary Woman

    Bernadette Walker

    I am a lover of St.Therese de LIsieux .I pray to her every day.
    I fell in love with the words of St.Therese and your beautifl talent .It is the most beautiful piece of work.Please Little St.Therese pick my name the same way you let fall shower of Roses… [email protected]

  28. Lana

    Such a beautiful blanket! Thank you for the chance to win:~)

  29. Anonymous

    Oh, how beautiful! Would love to win! Thank you!

  30. Unknown

    This Afghan is so beautiful!

    I've been praying to St. Therese that I pass my comprehensive exams for my PhD in theology this week with the final part coming on her feast day, October 1!

    Love this blog!

  31. Anonymous

    st therese is always a favorite of mine. Count me in!!

  32. Anonymous

    Thanks for offering this! I love it! It's so beautiful! I would love to win 🙂

  33. Anonymous

    I love there items. What a wonderful item to give away.
    [email protected]

  34. Francesca Morgan

    I love this! I think it would be really special to give to my daughters for the feast of st. Therese. They adore her!!

  35. Jenny

    Beautiful work! Thank you for the giveaway.

  36. Party of Eleven

    Like Kristyn said, this would make a lovely Christmas gift for one of my daughters 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  37. glin

    Oooh, how beautiful! I'd love to win that for *my* Rose who's away at college! Thanks!
    God bless!

  38. Teresa with lots of kids

    This would be a great gift for my daughter who loves St. Therese. I like Catholic Embroidery, just wish I had more time for those kinds of things 🙂

  39. Tracy

    What a beautiful Afghan! Reminds me of my mother. She loved roses too. When she passed away 15yrs ago we made sure there were roses on her coffin. It was beautiful. My grandmother loved roses too.

    I would love, love,love to win this Afghan.

  40. Kelly

    Please enter my name! Thank you for offering this fantastic giveaway! 🙂

  41. Megan

    This Afghan would look lovely on my nursing chair! 🙂 Please enter me.

  42. Anonymous

    I love it! Thanks for giving us all the chance to win it.

  43. Paul and Annie

    I had the honor of meeting Mary and her family in St. Louis last spring and bought one of her beautiful aprons. I just love her products!


  44. JennyM

    Beautiful afghan! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

    I headed over to Catholic Embroidery, but it looks like they're working on their site so we can't see pics of a lot of their products. Looking forward to seeing them- that could be a great site for Christmas gifts!

    (my email: jennymartin dot az at gmail dot com)

  45. Jenny E.

    Jessica, I really enjoyed the kids mass totes, how cute! Thanks for the chance to enter this is a beautiful throw. Blessings,
    [email protected]

  46. Jen

    How very beautiful! We would love to be entered and congrats early to the very lucky winner!

    Blessings and light,

  47. Aubrey

    Oh, boy, it'd be great to have that in our home … or give it to our beloved Monsignor who has encouraged in our parish such love for this little saint. 🙂

  48. Peklet Mom

    Oh I would love to have this afghan. It is very lovely, and I know the people at Catholic Embroidery. They are a wonderful, good, Catholic family.

  49. Katie

    What a beautiful giveaway, I would love a chance to win such a lovely blanket, I have a special love for St. Thérèse of Lisieux, thank you!

  50. Joy Beyond the Cross

    Oh, yes, please include me in the drawing. What a beautiful giveaway! God Bless! – Marie

  51. Jamie Jo Aurora

    This is so Lovely! How beautifully made!

  52. Anonymous

    Oh how beautiful. Put our name in for this one too.

    Maureen from Rhode Island

  53. Dominique

    It is really pretty! I love little flowers 🙂

  54. Joseph

    I would give this to my mother if I won it.

  55. Nadia

    what a precious afghan! and such a pretty color!

  56. Laura O in AK

    What a beautiful afghan! Please enter our family into the giveaway as well.

  57. Sarah

    Please enter me in this giveaway. What a lovely afghan!

  58. Michele in FL

    Beautiful! I would love to be entered.

  59. elm

    Beautifully done! Winning would be so FUN!

  60. Tiny Actions

    Thanks for hosting these giveaways and showcasing some of these fantastic vendors. I think I'm going to put a few of these things on my Christmas list.

  61. Beloved

    This is beautiful and St. Therese is my patroness, I hope I win! God bless! My email is cj _ lapier at hotmail dot com (no spaces!)

  62. Karen

    That is a beautiful throw blanket. I would love to win it!

  63. Jay

    I would love to give this to sister whose confirmation name is St. Therese.

  64. Unknown

    Catholic Embroidery has such beautiful items at reasonable prices. Thank you for the link! St Therese has been such a dear friend to us, esp. recently, since my mom and I have been dealing with some very difficult times as of late. This afghan would be a delight to us both. Thanks for the Blog and the chance to win!

  65. Theresa N.

    The Ultra Portrait on their web site is amazing, I didn't know they could do this.
    Theresa N

  66. Emily

    This is beautiful!

  67. A Pilgrim

    Yes..I absolutely loved the Ultra Portrait idea too! gotta save up! 😉 God bless and thanks!

  68. Victoria

    God gave her an incredible talent that she is using so beautifully! I hope I win that gorgeous afghan for my little Therese!
    Victoria from Virginia
    email- [email protected]

  69. Mimi

    How gorgeous! Thank you for the chance to win.
    greengablesfarm11 at gmail.com

  70. Tina

    Please enter me in the giveaway for this beautiful afghan! Thank you! Tina- gntgriffin at aol dot com

  71. Kim

    Beautiful! And the Catholic Embroidery site is great (especially that Ultra Portrait!).

  72. Vanessa

    This is so pretty! My daughter is named after St. Therese…it would be a beautiful gift for her 🙂

  73. Anonymous

    LOVELY! Thank you for hosting the giveaway.
    beverlykloesel at sbcglobal dot net

  74. Jessica

    St. Therese is my confirmation saint and I have a huge devotion to her. Would love to win this.

  75. Gina

    I would love to win this blanket. St Therese is a very special saint for our family. Thank you so much!
    ginaannemarie at yahoo dot com

  76. Anonymous

    This is a lovely thing to do! I came to the blog today because I am going to share it on facebook for this day. I have a dear friend going through a tough time who would be the one I give it to if I win. Ave Maria!
    [email protected]

  77. Anonymous

    Just happened upon your site today = it has been a blessing. Thank you for the opportunity for the blanket.
    Michelle Marie of the Holy Wounds, OCDS
    [email protected]

  78. Mary

    Just lovely! What a beautiful blanket to wrap yourselves in and be comforted. Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

  79. Jennifer Cope

    What a beautiful afghan! It would go perfect in my basement. 🙂 Thank you for the offer. I know whoever wins will be very grateful. St. Therese, pray for us!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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