This year, for our Homeschool Group’s All Saints Party, each family was asked to bring one game. Deciding which one to bring was so hard (there are so many fun ideas!) but I finally settled on doing a “St. Martha’s Cake Walk.”
Basically I set it up like our past Musical Saints, but instead of the children winning a candy when their saint is called, they would get to choose one of the All Saints’ Cupcakes! (…or a lollipop
for those that had already won a cupcake but wanted to keep playing.)
The children all enjoyed choosing their cupcakes!
Even some of our awesome teens joined the fun!
The game did get off to a rocky start (the cd player I borrowed refused to work so another friend ran home to get another one which ended up being broken as well, but then a talented dad was finally able to get the music going! Whew!!), but in the end, it was the very last game being played! (Thank you Hubby for keeping all the remaining children busy while the rest of us worked on cleaning up from the night!)
Note: Playing Gregorian Chant for Kids makes for a very mellow and slow paced saintly cake walk. lol! 🙂
Saint Martha, patron of cooks, pray for us!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
It was so much fun and the kids LOVED the cake walk!
Looks like fun!!
I'm so excited to be seeing the Advent links on your sidebar!!!!!
Fantastic idea!
That is great! Where did you find your saint pictures? They are adorable! I borrowed your idea of Musical Saints for our party. I ended up using 2 Fr. Lovasik saint books and cutting out the pictures and pasting them to cardstock. Then I cut out the ones on the front to use to draw the saint each time. It worked really well, but not quite as cute as yours 🙂
We had St. Cecelia's Musical Chairs at our party and it also was the last game the children were playing. We used a Veggies Tales CD for the music which was very popular! Thank you for all of the great new game ideas – we didn't even use my Saint Bingo game. Came up with a new game idea for next year: Bl. Miguel Pro's Disguises….still working out the details. Blessings!
Annie ~ The Saint Pictures are all from the Catholic Artworks Faith Keepers CD. You can find the link in the post for the All Saints' Cupcakes. They can be printed in black & white (to be colored by the children) or in color for art projects, iron transfers, etc. I use the CD often!!
Oh, and that was a great idea to use a Lovasik Picture Book!!