Look at His glazed and sunken eyes.
Look at His wounds.
Look Jesus in the Face.
There, you will see how He loves us.
~ St. Therese of Lisieux
- Getting Ready for Lent (2009)
- A Few of Our Lenten Activities (2010)
- Our Lenten Calendar (2008 Calendar with Explanation and 2009 Calendar)
Shrove Tuesday:
Ash Wednesday:
- Receive ashes at Mass
- Serve Ash Wednesday Beans
- From the Jesse Tree to the Jesus Tree
- The Jesus Tree – A Lenten Bible Study
- The Jesus Tree – Week One
- The Jesus Tree – Week Two
- The Jesus Tree – Week Three
- The Jesus Tree – Week Four
- The Jesus Tree – Week Five
- The Jesus Tree – Week Six
- The Jesus Tree – Week Seven
The Jesus Tree kit can currently be purchased from Leaflet Missal.
I’ve started updating any links that are no longer valid, and adding some additional links to new coloring pages (to go along with the symbols and our readings from the New Catholic Picture Bible) that are now available, since I first created these posts back in 2008.
Stations of the Cross:
- Coloring the Stations of the Cross (This year I printed the coloring pages found here and here.)
- Here is the link to a printable version of the wonderful old Stations of the Cross booklet for Children that I remember using as a child. (Thank you Jenn!)

- Crafting our Stations of the Cross (2011 – In Progress)
- Way of the Holy Cross (2011 – Completed)

- More Treasures for Lent and Easter (Jesse Tree Treasures Stations of the Cross)
Crown of Thorns:
- Inspired by Waltzing Matilda
Lent Lap Book:
- Lent: a Journey Towards Easter Faith Folder from Holy Learning
Lenten Cleaning:
- Spring Cleaning ~ The Goal (2008)
- Lenten Cleaning (2009)
- 40 Bags of Stuff (2009)
- 40 Bags in 40 Days and Update (2010)
- Shaking off the Bonds of Stuff :: A 40-Day Plan for Lent (2012)
Meatless Meals for Days of Abstinence:
(Information on Fast & Abstinence)
Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday of Lent):
- Mothering Sunday (2008)
- Laetare Sunday (2009)
- Happy Laetare Sunday! (2011)
Palm Sunday:
- Palm Sunday (2008)
- A Simple Craft for Holy Week and Easter
- Shower of Photos 2009 : Day 5 (Palm Sunday) (“Palm” of Palms Craft)
- Palm Sunday (2010)
- On Palm Sunday (2011)
Holy Thursday:
- A Lenten Tea on Holy Thursday (2009)
- A Lenten Tea on Holy Thursday (2010)
- A Lenten Dinner on Holy Thursday (2011)
- Our 4th Annual Lenten Dinner on Holy Thursday (2012)

Good Friday:
- A Lenten Tea on Good Friday (2009)
- Resurrection Eggs (2009)
- A Few Pictures from Good Friday (2010)
- On Good Friday (Prayer to Jesus Christ Crucified)
- A Lenten Tea on Good Friday (2010)
- A Lenten Dinner on Good Friday (2011)
- Our 4th Annual Lenten Dinner on Good Friday (2012)

Holy Saturday:
- Easter Story Cookies ~ Resurrection Cookies (Recipe)
- Making Resurrection Cookies (2010)
- Resurrection Rolls
Our Picture Books for Lent:
For my older children:
Praying the Way of the Cross:
Other Great Books/Resources:
What I will be reading this Lent:
~ Pope Benedict XVI, from his Sunday remarks before praying the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on February 21, 2010
Updated Post:
The Lenten Season In Our Catholic Home
wonderful source of inspiration. thanks for taking the time to put this together.
i will definitely be referring back to this.
Thank you, thank you Jessica. Your blog is such a tremendous help to this Catholic homeschooling mother.
I'm definitely bookmarking this. God love you.
Thank you so much for putting this all together, Jessica! May you be blessed for your effort in bringing others closer to our Lord. I'm honored to call you friend.
Did you end up getting your own copy of In Conversation with God, Vol. 2? If not, I have an extra copy now. It would be no trouble for me to send it out to you. Just let me know.
Thank you so much Jessica! I really appreciate all your help and ideas! God bless your family this Lent.
Jessica…thank you so much for putting this together. Your such an inspiration.
Thank you very much for getting all this info together!
I've definitely bookmarked this post!!
Just an fyi:
The Jesus Tree Kit is out of stock at Leaflet Missal, and I have not yet been able to find another source for it. Do any of your readers have another source? Thanks!
Thanks for all the great links! Lent is sneaking up on me fast! Also thank you for the heads up about the ipieta. I am downloading it now!
Thank you Jessica! I have been in dire need of some ideas for making Lent more meaningful for my children. Can you tell me more about the sacrifice beans?
Many, many thanks for this, Jessica. Last year I made all the symbols for the Jesse Tree, but not the actual tree. I picked up the felt for the tree this year, but now am wondering–how do you attach your symbols to the tree? I can't quite tell in any of your photos.
Lori, I never had success finding the kit even after watching for several months last year, which is why I undertook just buying the needed felt and making my own based on Jessica's photos (I actually made three of everything and gave the others to godchildren as gifts). It's time-consuming, but worth it (and I'm sure time-consuming even with the kit)!
Thank you for your info – sigh. 🙂
I'm afraid I'll do that as well. Great idea making multiples – I'll have to do that for my grandkids as well, but only one set this year!! I'd better get going on it…
Lori ~ I sent an email to Jodi (Scripture Trees) asking if they are available currently available anywhere, and I haven't heard back yet. I know back in 2009 they stopped selling the kits directly and were only selling them through a contract with Leaflet Missal.
It is nice to have the patterns and the felt all in one kit, but it could easily be made without them. It does take time, but that would be the case with or without the kit.
Kelly ~ Our banner is also made from felt, so the felt pieces stick to it pretty easily – though they will fall off it someone brushes up against the banner, for example.
Mrs. White ~ Last year our children placed a black bean in a jar for each sacrifice they made during Lent. On Easter Morning they found that all the Beans had been replaced with Jelly Beans. (You can see a picture here.)
Thank you for all of your posts. I'd be lost without you! Also, thanks for sharing your source for the Jesus Tree. I was able to call Leaflet on Friday (2/25/11) and order over the kit on the phone even though online it sated out-of-stock.
Yes, I just heard back from Jodi at Scripture Trees. . . She did say that they no longer sell their products directly and that Leaflet Missal is the place to purchase the kit for the Jesus Tree. She also said that they shouldn't be out of stock for long, because they keep reordering more from them frequently.
She also said that "Anytime they order from us, we deliver more kits within a day or so. I think the issue that comes into play is that they receive the product in their warehouse but don't enter them into their system right away. I always suggest that people call Leaflet's toll-free number if their website says they are out of stock."
I hope that helps! 🙂
Don't know if you have read the Advent books Jotham's Journey, Bartholomew's Passage and such, but there is a Lenten book now called Amon's Adventure.
Just wanted to let everyone know… Leaflet Missal has the Jesus Tree Kits marked as in stock on their website. I just ordered one. Also, buy.com has a great price on the New Catholic Picture Bible ($6.63 before shipping)!
Thank you so much for the Jesus tree readings and picture. It's too late to order the kit for Lent, so I used what I had here to make the ornaments and banner. I just finished it today – and hung up the banner so that we are ready to go next week. I am sure this is a tradition that my youngest child will come to love and appreciate. And I am sure the older ones will benefit, too!
God Bless,
PS – I've posted a picture on my blog with a link and shout out back to you – – thanks, again!
Hi Jessica, I can't remember if I've seen it on your blog or not but I'm looking for a downloading Lenten Bingo Game. Any idea where I could find it?
No, the only Bingo Game I've made is the All Saints Bingo. Is that what you are remembering?