My Daybook :: August 21, 2012

by | Aug 21, 2012 | Daybook | 21 comments

Outside my window…
The boys are in the process of cleaning the deck. The kids have been eating outside alot this summer and it shows.  They just finished moving all the furniture and are now hosing it down before they get started with the scrubbing.  It’s a good thing they changed into their swim suits. I think they have gotten more water on themselves, than they have on the deck…  😉  At least they are having fun!

I am thinking…        
about all the half finished blog posts in my drafts folder.  A couple of field trips from this last year, recipes, lap books, and state-by-state posts, to name a few of the forty.  The last post (letter Z) from the girls’s fun Along the Alphabet Path is still in there too.  I’m trying to decide whether I should attempt to finish them, or just delete all the drafts.

I am thankful… 
The kids and I were trying to kill some time in town on Saturday, so I decided to go to Staples and splurge on some Martha Stewart Office Supplies.  I had no idea that it was “Teacher Appreciation Day!” I was so excited when the sweet girl at the checkout asked if I happened to be a teacher and then gave me a gift bag while scanning a 40% off  ENTIRE Martha Stewart purchase coupon.  She let me keep the coupon and I’ve already started making a wish list for when I am able to go back for a few more goodies. Yippee!

Learning all the time… 
We are soaking up the sunshine and enjoying every last minute of our summer break.  September is nearly here though, and I have been spending a little time each day getting ready.  I stocked up on some candy to make the kids each another Patron of Students Back-to-School Treat, and I also went to the dollar store for more poster boards and white tissue paper for our Schultutes.

Celebrating the liturgical year… 
tomorrow is the feast of the Queenship of Mary and the traditional feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.   We’ll be out all morning, but I do have a little bag of Lemon-Lavender Shortbread Cookies that I bought for the kids when I was out Friday night.  I was excited to see that the cookies even happen to be heart shaped!  Perfect!!

Lavender was said to be one of the plants most loved by the Blessed Virgin because it represented purity, cleanliness and virtue.

From the kitchen… 
Hubby was at work on Saturday so I ended up taking all the kids to the Grower’s Market.   We came home with all sorts of goodies including a 25 pound box of apples, another box of peaches, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, chard, onions, and a variety of garlic.  The garlic lady even sent us home with a bag of complimentary plums “for having such a beautiful big family.”  Everyone seemed to be in an extra good mood on Saturday!

I am creating… 
a couple new pages for this blog.  One for Homeschooling and one for Books, Books, Books.   I’m not sure how many of you actually even use the seasonal book lists that I try and rotate on the sidebar, but I’ve been considering deleting that sidebar altogether and creating permanent lists for each month.  I’m just not sure yet.

I am working on… 
a few social media icons so streamline and replace some of the links I have in the left sidebar.  As I simplify and declutter our home, I’ve been feeling like this blog needs a little decluttering too.

I am going… 
out with friends!  On Friday I went out with my sister Julianna, sister-in-law Meagan, and two of Meagan’s friends, to celebrate Meagan’s birthday.  We packed a picnic (or rather ordered dinner to-go) and headed to a “Girl’s Night Out” at a (somewhat) local U-pick Lavendar Farm.  Apparently it isn’t the “popular” place to be on a Friday night, and we were pretty much the only people there, but it was a fun night filled with laughter.  I have another “Mom’s Night Out” next week with some of the Catholic Mom’s from our Homeschool Group and/or area Churches.

I am hoping… 
to finish cleaning and decluttering our school room this week.   I’ve already removed the table (the room just isn’t big enough for it) and organized most of the bookshelves.   I still have one big stack of paperwork to sort through and a few more shelves but, after filling up two big trash bags, it’s finally starting to feel organized.

I am reading… 
lots of books about books! It’s just that time of year.  One of my new favorites is Reading the Saints.  I’ve had this book on my wishlist for a couple years now and finally was able to add it to my collection.  I haven’t been disappointed, it seems like it is going to be another excellent resource for my ever growing collection!

I am praying… 
for wisdom and guidance as I finalize our plans for the coming school year, choose reading material, and create a new schedule to use as a guide for our days.

Pondering these Words…
from Fr. John Hardon:

“A thousand lifetimes would be too short to read everything readable.  Nor is everything in print worth reading.  Common sense, not to say enlightened prudence, tells us we must be selective.  The secret is to know what to read.”

I am listening…  
to Rose ask for another sticker.  I’ve attempted potty training again today and she just made it to the bathroom on time, after quite a few accidents this afternoon.   It’s been a rather long day, but we are making progress!

Around the house… 
We have only used the babies crib once or twice this year, and I don’t even know why I bothered to move the mattress to the highest position before Bud was born.  He did have fun playing in the crib yesterday, while I sorted through the 3-6 month baby clothes to store, however he quickly figured out how to stand up and lean over the side.  Time to lower the mattress!

One of my favorite things…  
watching my babies crawl around and explore.  So, so cute!

This week’s plans…

  • Orthodontist Consultations on Wednesday
  • Dentist Appointments on Thursday
  • Mass on Friday
  • Saturday Morning Grower’s Market
  • Mass on Sunday

A little peek at my day…

Spending time (last Friday) with my little sister Julianna while she was in town visiting…
It’s actually her 24th birthday today!  Happy Birthday sis! 


  1. Poussy Stitches My Love

    Hello my dear, beautiful pictures, I love the lavander .. Have a good day

    your friend in FRANCE

  2. Jennifer Elia

    A trip to a lavendar farm, that sounds lovely. I never heard of such a thing. Now I must google to see if there are any on the East Coast. LOL

    I appreciate all of your book lists, although I must admit not having the money to buy all the ones that I want, but they definitly give me ideas.

    Hope you are well.

  3. Jennifer Elia

    Oh my goodness!!! There is a lavendar farm in New Jersey!! Must plan a trip there next summer. Thank you for the idea.

  4. Pamela

    I really enjoy reading your book lists, really I just enjoy your blog:) We have used so many of your ideas over the years. Thank you so much for sharing all your ideas it has been a big blessing in our home:)

    We are new to the Catholic faith and I have learned so much from just reading your blog posts.

    We love our farmers market and we get to visit it 3 times a week. We buy so much each week that the girls and my husband just walk around the house and munch on Vegetables and fruits throughout the day, which is just wonderful:)


  5. texasgal

    I definitely use your book lists, but I would still use them even if they were not in the sidebar, so organized monthly lists would work just as well. Thanks for all the good ideas and inspiration

  6. Anonymous

    Don't throw away your unfinished posts. Even if you don't have the time to finish them, what you've written already is a diary of something you and your children did, and you might wish to look back on those posts some day. So, I'd stick them in a separate folder for keeps.

    Good for you and your Mom's Night Out! Everyone needs time downtime to refresh themselves.

    That lavender farms looks heavenly!

    Pamela, I'm not new to the faith (just poorly educated in it), but I've learned so much from this blog. I'm not married, nor do I have children, but this is one of my favorite blogs. Jessica continues to blow me away with all she does. –Danielle

  7. Anonymous

    Jessica, I agree with the others- I love the booklist on the side bar. I have ordered several over the years, and certainly appreciate the inspiration.

    My suggestion would be to let go of the "perfectionism" and post the other posts, then they'd be part of the record for you and I'm sure your readers would enjoy some simple posts. Just my 2 cents :). Thanks for such a great blog!–Beth

  8. Kelly

    I was thinking about doing the same thing with the book lists. A couple of years ago I had seasonal book lists on my side bar, but when Colorado changed the laws (I'm not even sure what exactly it was about) I couldn't connect to Amazon's sales anymore. So I just did away with the entire thing. But I really enjoy seeing other's books lists, especially seasonal book lists. Oh, and I'd love to see some of your back posts. I missed not seeing the rest of your Alphabet posts. No pressure, though. Sometimes it's just too much and you don't have the time. God bless the rest of your week, Jessica.

  9. Anonymous

    I think that is am amazing idea for the books page!

    I saw that picture on top of the bike and about had a fit. I didn't see any mention of you getting a totally cool bike….

  10. Jessica Gordon

    I was thinking of you, Amy, when I took that picture at the Lavender Farm! 🙂 Unfortunately it belongs to them, not me…

  11. Jessica Gordon

    Whatever make you think that I might have some perfectionist tendencies?! 😉

    Seriously though, you are right… I do love publishing my posts as a scrapbook and record for my family, but sometimes I get self conscious thinking of everyone that is reading along.

  12. Jessica Gordon

    The commissions from Amazon are such a blessing and I am so very grateful to everyone that orders from my links. I don't think I would be as motivated to keep rotating them without that extra perk. 🙂 That is really too bad that it is no longer an option in Colorado.

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Yay! I was thinking that it would be fun to go back with my children next summer. The farm smelled heavenly and the lavender lemonade was perfect for a hot summer day!

  14. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you Pamela! I, too, have been so very blessed by some of the blogs I read. It's so neat that God can use something as little as a blog to help spread the faith!

    Our farmers market is only open Saturday mornings… It would sure be nice to have a few additional options!

  15. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Danielle! You know, even I am blown away when I look back at some of my old posts. Blogging has been a very good way for me to be able to see just how much we are accomplishing, even when I feel like there just isn't enough time and we're not getting "anything" done. 🙂

  16. Jessica Gordon

    I'm glad to hear that they are helpful! I'll probably leave them for now, and continue updating them as I am able, and maybe start working on a complete list of books for each month as well. We'll have to see…

  17. Misty V

    I love reading your blog! We have used a few of your ideas for our homeschooling. I would love to see your unposted lapbooks and state-by-state posts!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing all your hard work and ideas!

  18. Anonymous

    Please don't delete your drafts. I like reading your blog posts too much for that!! Also, I sure wish I had posted more on my blog because all the kids love going back and looking over the years. God bless you!

    Kris in TN

  19. Joene

    Jessica, I feel like I read everything on your blog! As I always say you are a great example for all of us Mom's! The books are a huge resource to my family. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this blog,it certainly helps build the kingdom of God!

  20. The Little Blue House

    I was so delighted by coming across your post this morning. I read your comment that lavender was one of the Blessed Virgins favorite flowers. I had just moved our Mary garden because my roses looked terrible and she was sitting in weeds and bedraggled rose bushes (thanks to the deer) I moved the statue to the lavender garden and moved a few rose bushes along too

  21. Collette

    I come over to check out your booklists all the time, too, as I slowly build our library – I just love all of your selections (especially Liturgical/seasonal). :0)
    Your blog is so cheery & cozy with the 3 sidebars, books & graphics…although your new tabs are a great idea, too. It is helpful to see everything all in one list!
    I'm putting in my vote for posting your drafts, too (if time allows!) 🙂


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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