After Mass on Sunday our family went on another road trip to the coast to meet up (once again) with our dear friends who moved to the midwest a couple years ago! It has been a rainy couple weeks, and it was chilly and misty when we arrived at the beach. All the kids were so excited to be back at the ocean and I was very thankful to breathe the salty sea air as I continue to fight this summer cold. 😉

After unpacking the car and saying hello to all our friends, Sean and the boys started a campfire on the beach with some of the wood they had squeezed into the back of our overcrowded minivan. It was raining but we were determined to roast hot dogs and marshmallows!
One of our little guys forgot his jacket at home and looked so funny in his “homemade” rain jacket recycled by his daddy from a case of water bottles! At least it helped keep him dry.
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
If you're still looking for a new nickname for Snuggles, it should be something from comedy-world, like Mr. Bean or something – he just ALWAYS makes me laugh, and his mimics is absolutely fantastic. He is also the only one who could wear this stylish rain jacket and look so good in it 🙂
Beautiful pictures of Snuggles & Rose, Rascal & Bud.
And Captain seems to grow very fast now, being almost a teenager – by the way: What is the last word on his sweatshirt ?
Greetings from Germany & God bless you all
Thank you, Anna! He is always making us laugh too! 🙂 I've been discussing new nicknames with my husband. At first I was going to try and come up with just a new nickname for Snuggles, but "Rascal" has also outgrown his nickname and so have couple of the other children. When I choose the nicknames 6 years ago I never would have thought I'd still be blogging, or could even imagine our little children at that time actually growing up. 🙁 The time is passing so quickly… Anyways, we are trying to come up with names that they won't outgrown and are considering the Latin versions of some of their patron saints from either their names, baptismal days, or birthdays. We'll see. No matter what it will be confusing since I have been using the current nicknames for so long.
Oh, and it says: "Who needs luck when you've got skills" – He loves that shirt… 🙂
Can there be such thing as a good type of envy? Like an educational envy? Seashore envy? Well, whatever the envy — provided it's allowed — I've got it. You guys are SO lucky to have had such an experience and to see the creatures of the deep so closely. It's almost like Our Lord opened up the secrets of the deep just for your edification.
This place – wherever and whatever it is – has already been on my list of places to visit. Now, I'm just all the more eager. 🙂