On the Traditional Feast of the Little Flower

by | Oct 4, 2013 | Giveaway, Kids Artwork, St. Therese | 47 comments

Dear St. Thérèse, 
thou wert always good and obedient 
and always did the Will of God. 
Now thou art a great saint in heaven with God.
Thy loving and tender heart rejoices 
to send down roses upon earth. 
O give me the sweet flower of a great love of Jesus!
Pray for me that I may have all the graces I need. 

Prayer from Jesus, Make Me Worthy – a reprint of the original can be found here

Today I spent some precious moments with my little “Rose” teaching her about “Our Patron Saint” using one of my treasured childhood books.   Unfortunately my copy is tattered and missing the cover… I’ve searched for another copy, but have only found the (awful) revised edition from the 70’s with new illustrations and text…. I plan to keep searching!

It’s been an challenging week in our home, with the government shutdown, and I wasn’t able to bake any more special treats for today, but the older girls still celebrated by illustrating (using the same Catholic How to Draw book from yesterday)  a couple more pictures!  I thought they turned out beautifully!

St. Therese by Twinkle Toes (age 10) 

St. Therese by Chiquita (age 8)

Today I have two more giveaways for my dear visitors here at
Shower of Roses!

The first giveaway is for a newly released book titled The Greatest of These is Love.  This book is generously offered by author Megan Therese Schuelke, a young Catholic from Minnesota!   

“Megan Schuelke is a woman beyond her years. Her seemingly perfect world was rocked when she learned at age 17 that her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. In the midst of her desperation and frustration, Megan had a choice to make: She could run away from God, or she could run to Him. Megan chose to take God’s hand through the struggles, discovering along the way the beauty in the life He had planned for her. This book is more than just one young woman’s journey through life. It is a testament of God’s power to turn tears into dancing, to turn darkness into light. Megan’s story is one that inspires and gives hope to all young people searching for truth and love in a world filled with sadness.”


The second giveaway is offered by Mama’s Notebooks.  Heather Wood has generously offered to send the winner of this giveaway a copy of Mama’s Notebook Weekly Planner and Organizer and The Budget Notebook

Mama’s Notebook Weekly Planner and Organizer:
Mama’s Notebook provides you with an easy, flexible, and efficient way to organize your life. In one glance, you can coordinate your meal plan with the whole day’s events and tasks, and there’s always ample room to take notes on the things that matter to you most! Unlike other planners, you can start up Mama’s Notebook on any week of the year, and you can skip weeks as needed. The back section of the planner provides you with easy reference sheets to help you schedule and shop efficiently.

The Budget Notebook:
The Budget Notebook by Mama’s Notebooks is designed to help you keep a household budget that is simple, easy, and accurate. It features charts for everything you’ll need to get your budget under control, as well as a Notes section at the back with ample room for planning, organizing, writing reminder and to-do lists, and tallying up sums.


Note: I have not seen either the book or planners in person, but I am very much looking forward to checking out my review copies! Thank you Megan and Heather!

If you would like to be entered for either of these giveaways, just leave a comment on this post, and make sure your email address is either linked on your profile or included in the comment so that I am able to contact you if you win.

There is still time to enter the other giveaways for a copy of Catholic Mosaic, a copy of St. Therese the Little Flower Daily Journal, and the two children’s picture books. I’ll be back with one last giveaway sometime tomorrow! The giveaways will all be open through Sunday, October 6th and I will update each post and contact the winners next Monday, October 7th.

Thank you all for participating!


  1. Shaina

    I'd love to win that book on love, it might just help me with some things going on right now.

  2. Mia

    I would love to be entered. Thank you!

  3. Amy

    I thought about your family yesterday and said a prayer. Hope that things get better and back to normal as soon as possible (with the government shut down). I would love to be entered into this giveaway. These books look neat! [email protected]

  4. Karra

    Goodness, I could use a planner and help with our budget! Couldn't we all? 🙂 Thanks so much for all these giveaways!

  5. Julie

    So sorry the shutdown is affecting your family. You will be in my prayers. I would love to be entered in this giveaway. Thank you for blessing others with giveaways and especially your lovely blog, even during challenging times.

  6. Anonymous

    Have a blessed day and thank you for another giveaway.
    [email protected]

  7. Beth

    Thank you for the giveaway! The books look great!

  8. teriannm

    Beautiful! Please enter me in the giveaway
    teriannm AT gmail DOT com

  9. Ashley

    I would love to win the budgeting notebook as our budget is in need of a revamp! I hope you and your family are faring well during the shutdown. Email: woleben at hotmail dot com.

  10. Amanda

    These look like great resources. Thanks!

  11. Angie W

    These are all beautiful books. Would love to win any one of them!

  12. Anonymous

    Please enter me! I'm always in desperate need of organization. Thanks Betsy
    Betsybarkley at yahoo dot com

  13. elm

    Love the girls' drawings of St. Therese!! Fun book options… I like that the one planner can be used on the weeks you "need" it!! That is great!

  14. Mimi G.

    Please enter me in the giveaway. The girls did a beautiful job on their pictures!

  15. Hidden Fern

    I would be thrilled to win either giveaway. Very cool! Thanks. 🙂
    jenny @ campbellfam dot com

  16. Julie

    All those books look amazing!! Pretty sure my email is linked, but you know where to reach me if I win anyway.
    I am so sorry about the government shutdowns. Andrew's job is full commission so some weeks/months we don't make ends meet and it is overwhelming. People say "God always provides", but I like to respond that He does not always provide in the material sense. In our case, He provides us with the grace to be joyful in times of need and learn to live without. We have never been the recipients of some anonymous donation, but we have been the recipients of many prayers from family, friends and strangers…and those prayers help us grow closer to Him more than a paycheck could ever do.

  17. Lenetta

    Thank you for the chance! Prayers for you in this time of uncertainty.

  18. Karla in MN

    So sorry about the uncertain income because of the government shutdowns…it is MY belief that the President, Congress, Senate and House should go without Pay until the budget is resolved…NOT the general government employees! Sheesh…they are way overpaid, anyway. ..Prayers offered up your way, and it is lovely of you to do these giveaways!

  19. kgill26

    These books look great- thanks for sharing!

  20. Wendy

    Would love any of the prizes but feeling called for organization right now, a little overwhelmed but praying for guidance.

  21. Unknown

    I would love to win any of these wonderful books!

  22. Anonymous

    Please enter me, thank you!
    child of mary 2002 at yahoo (dot) com

  23. Sue K

    Please enter me in the giveaway for the planner and the budget books. Thanks!

  24. Anonymous

    I would love to win either of these books. I have my own little Therese, so our family has a devotion to her also. Thank you for your wonderful blog and inspiration to other homeschooling families.

    [email protected]

  25. Anonymous

    Count me in. I'd love to win.

  26. 11onmyown.com

    Hoping to win! Thank you for this giveaway!

  27. Christine M.

    It looks wonderful. You and your family are in our prayers. God bless!

  28. mel

    I'm in! That picture of Rose is just precious. 🙂

  29. Unknown

    My dh does our bills and budget but he has been saying how he would like to get back to paper. When he took it over from me, I used a computer program. He has been using that for a couple years but still wishes for paper. This would be a beautiful gift to him to change back to a format that he feels most comfortable using.

  30. Anonymous

    Please enter me as well, all the books you offer are beautiful. Some we just have to purchase anyway and it is so nice to be able to rely on your opinion rather than to pre-read EVERYTHING. Thank you and God Bless your beautiful family!!!
    [email protected]

  31. Anonymous

    Please enter me in the giveaways…how beautiful and thank you!!!
    [email protected]

  32. Maggie Wright

    So excited about all of these giveaways:) Please enter us…. holinessisforeveryone at gmail dot com

  33. Anna

    I would be delighted to win either of these giveaways.

  34. admin

    Such great giveaways… :o) Becky fancyrockfarms at hotmail dot com

  35. Jacqui

    thanks for sharing all these goodies!

  36. Lindsay K

    These look lovely! Thanks!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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