We opened the box on the first day of Advent and the children all enjoyed looking through the box and choosing their favorites! They also commented on how the ornaments were all so different from each other and ultimately they decided, as unique as the ornaments are from the swa
p (as you will see they are made with such a large variety of supplies including: paper, wood, felt, clay, popsicle sticks, foam, etc) they prefer
our old Jesse Tree (the one we have been using since they were babies) and
the set from Jesse Tree Treasures we added a couple years ago. It made me happy to see how much they love the traditions we have established over the years!
The ornaments and the bible stories for each of the ornaments in this set coordinate with those used in
the Holy Heroes Jesse Tree DVD. The videos are short so they have left plenty of time for
our usual readings from the
New Catholic Picture Bible. Snuggles and Rose have been enjoying coloring the corresponding ornaments provided on the DVD as well and adding these new ornaments to a branch we are using as a “tree” for this set.
.: Jesse Tree Swap Ornaments :.

Day 1 Creation: Genesis 1:1-23 – Made by
Mary S.

Day 3 Fall of Man: Genesis 3:1-15, 20-23 – Made by
Day 4 Noah: Genesis 6:5-20, 7:1-23, 8:1-17, 9:1-13 – Made by Sarah M.

Day 5 Abraham: Genesis 12:1-5, 13:14-16, 18:1-10, 21:1-3 – Made by Sarah

Day 7 Jacob: Genesis 27:41-44, 28:10-17 – Made by

Day 9 Moses: Exodus 2:1-10, 3:1-12 – Made by Kelly K.

Day 12 Samuel: 1 Samuel, Chapter 3- Made by Jessica D.

Day 13 Jesse: 1 Samuel, Chapter 16 – Made by (my local friend)
Day 14 David: 1 Samuel, Chapter 17, 19:1-2 – Made by

Day 15 Solomon: 1 Kings, Chapter 3 – Made by Michelle Y.

Day 18 Isaiah’s Prophecies: Isaiah 8:6-7 – Made by Karen (?)

Day 20 Daniel: Daniel 6:11-17, 19-25 – Made by Melody @
Blossoming Joy

Day 21 Jeremiah: Jeremiah, Chapter 31- Made by Veronica
Day 22 Angels: Luke, Chapter 1 – Made by (me!) Jessica @ Shower of Roses (
tutorial here)

Day 23 Zechariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist: Luke, Chapter 1 – Made by Katie @
Raising Young Ones
Day 24 Blessed Virgin Mary: Luke, Chapter 1 – Made by Charlotte @
Waltzing Matilda

Day 28 Magi: Matthew 2:1-12 – Made by
.: O Antiphon Ornaments :.
The O Antiphons begin on December 18th.

O Antiphon: O Lord of Lords – Made by Eliana

O Antiphon: O Radiant Dawn – Made by Alysha
O Antiphon: O King of All Nations – Made by Lindsay K
~ A collage of the Jesse Tree Ornaments with days and symbols ~
I ran out of time to create another for the O Antiphons! 🙂
It was a fun experience and we have some more lovely ornaments to add to our collection! I have been asked if I would participate in a swap again… Honestly, probably not. Between the many hours I spent painting and assembling the angels, and then adding in the cost of craft supplies and shipping two ways (I split the shipping on a large flat rate box with a friend so it was “only” about $17 each, otherwise it would have been about $26 – a local swap would be much less expensive) I would probably opt to put that towards one of
the gorgeous sets from Jesse Tree Treasures (I especially love that they have a
custom set option now!) or work on crafting a new set of our own.
Thank you to Karen for hosting this swap along with a second swap as well! That is over 60 sets of ornaments to sort and mail, and all during her first trimester no less… Amazing!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Wow! So wonderful to see the creativity and artistry in each of the ornaments! I can tell that all of those involved in the swap took a lot of time and care in the making of each one (and shipping them, too!). God bless you all. Happy Advent! Bernadette 🙂
What an awesome box to receive, I wanted so much to participate but in the end could not thanks to a very painful clot in my arm. Seeing all that work makes me realize that I probably won't be able to participate next year either – but oh what a gift!
This was so fun and I love how you photographed and organized them all here. Karen really blessed so many by organizing this.
Thanks for your sweet creation. Your angel will be treasured for many years.
Awesome! I absolutely love these ornaments and can assign my students to make one to bring to school to share with the class. We won't exchange them this year but maybe in the future we can. However, I can put them on display.