Celebrating the Saints :: Our 2013 Costumes!

by | Oct 31, 2013 | All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, Costumes | 28 comments

Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Juan Diego, St. Gregory the Great, St. John of the Cross, St. John Vianney, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Catherine of Sienna – All Saints in Heaven, Pray for us! 

The excitement has been building all week in our home as we prepare to celebrate the feast of All Saints and welcome over sixty guests to our home this evening for our annual All Hallows’ Eve Party! (You can find pictures from last year’s celebration here.)

I am taking a little break from the final preparations to pop in real quick to say THANK YOU for the outpouring of support and encouragement!!!  I wish I could respond personally to each of you and want you all to know how very much every comment/email, along with all the extra prayers, is appreciated.  God bless you all!

Also, I wanted to share this year’s saint costumes!  I took these pictures on our way to our parish’s All Saints Costume Contest last Friday night and my children will be wearing them all again this evening.  We actually ended up coming home with two prizes!  Chiquita won 3rd place in the 0-10 age category and Rascal won 2nd place in the 11-Adult age category!    I am so thankful that I wasn’t one of the judges… There is no way that I would have been able to choose favorites.  I loved them all!

.: St. John Vianney :. 
Captain (age 13) dressed as St. John Vianney

Costume:  Reusing the cassock from Our Coats of Many Colors (these costumes are such a great investment and this particular one has been used in some way for four years in a row now!), Dad’s Surplus, a lovely purple stole made by a friend, a piece of black felt used for the collar, holding his crucifix, and white flour to add some “gray” to his hair! 

.: St. Gregory the Great :. 
Rascal (age 11) dressed as St. Gregory the Great

Costume: White gown from my childhood saint costume, a purple chasuble made by a dear friend (she will be opening an Etsy store soon!!), my brother’s old miter (which Captain also used in 2008 – it just needed a few repairs and ribbons added to the back), and a sheet of chant!

.: St. Catherine of Sienna :. 

Twinkle Toes (age 10) as St. Catherine of Sienna

Costume: white St. Lucia gown, detached white collar and wimple/veil from our past St. Therese and St. Clare costumes, a black rosary and cross – both gifts from her Uncle Father D.G., white lilies (from her St. Gabriel costume back in 2005!),  our lenten crown of thorns, and (red marker) the stigmata on her hands.

.: Our Lady of Guadalupe :. 

Chiquita (age 8) as Our Lady of Guadalupe 
Costume : homemade veil (made at the last minute last friday with green fabric, gold trim and iron on stars), a red dress (reused from the St. Margaret of Scotland costume in 2009), black ribbon and some white roses. 

.: St. Juan Diego :. 

Snuggles (age 6) as St. Juan Diego 

Costume: A white t-shirt of daddy’s, rope for a belt, brown sandals, a borrowed sombrero, a piece of fabric tied around his neck with a fabric image of our lady pinned on the front in addition to crocheted rosary roses.  I also used some of my eye liner for the little mustache and goatee he wanted! 

.: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton :. 
Rose (age 3) as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Costume: reusing the costume made by Grandma in 2006, a black rosary, and an American Cardinal Reader Primer (which can now be purchased from TAN! Yay!) 
.: St. John of the Cross :. 
Bud (age 1) as St. John of the Cross

Costume:  Once again using my little brother’s old St. Anthony costume from 1991 along with our homemade tonsure, a ivory cape from St. Therese’s costume, and a wooden cross from our vestment liturgical colors set
I was very happy that, other than a few supplies for Chiquita’s veil and a couple items that a friend made for me (more details on those soon!) all the costumes were pulled together with things that we already owned and from the costume box our children love to use year round!

Happy All Hallows’ Eve and Feast of All Saints! 


  1. mamajuliana

    Beautiful costumes! I miss the days when our children were young. You always bring a smile to my face with your posts and pictures

  2. Grace Hincapie

    I didn't know St. John Vianney wore braces! 🙂 Wonderful inspiring costumes Jessica!

  3. Jacqui

    great costumes!

  4. 9peasMom

    I just love it, all of them! You really raise the bar on this feast day and I always get so inspired! Thank you!

  5. Mimi G.

    GREAT COSTUMES!!!! They all look wonderful!

  6. Casey

    Love love love ~ fantastic job to all of you!

  7. theresa EH

    Adorable with a capital A eh 😉

  8. Anonymous

    Fabulous!! Such great ideas and wonderful props and costumes! – Genevieve

  9. Patty

    Simply amazing!!

  10. Anonymous

    Wow … that is some serious inspiration! Lol. St. elizabeth Ann Seton is sooo precious! She looks like a doll! 🙂 can't wait to see the pics from tonight's party. Thank you for the inspiration. I admire you, Jessica. You are a wonderful mother. I love you.

  11. Grace in my Heart

    Totally adorable! Thanks for sharing…great for ideas for next year! 🙂

  12. Anonymous

    Each of your children's costumes are so unique and they have a very creative Mamma to come up with a special costume for each child. I love all of the neat accessories for each of your little Saint's costumes too and how you are able to recycle clothing pieces from year to year!!! I also made homemade Saints costumes for our three children when they were young and really I don't know who had more fun…me researching the Saint and looking for items around our home for our children to wear or our thee youngsters who were so excited to dress as Saints and wear them to the Saints Party at our church. Making homemade costumes is so much fun! Seeing the photos of your beautiful children bring back such happy memories to this Beppe (Dutch for Grandma).
    Sincerely, Debbie

  13. asliceofsmithlife

    Beautiful children, costumes, and Feast Day! Enjoy All Saints' Day with your little saints!

  14. Erin

    How wonderful to have had saint costumes from you and your siblings as children that can be reused now! They all look great! I think that in that first group photo, your oldest son even has a similar facial expression to St. John Vianney as usually pictured on holy cards… a kind of thoughtful peaceful look.

    How did you get the mantle to attach under Chiquita's chin?

  15. Anne

    Your costumes are amazing as usual!

    I just wanted to take a second to say there is no way I could ever thank you for how much your blog has helped me in choosing activities and books for my kids. I was looking for faith-based books about All Souls, so the first place I checked was your archives were I found a link for the book: Father Phillip tells a Ghost Story. What a beautiful awesome book!!! I have never regretted purchasing a single book that you have recommended!! The books are so useful in conveying important information in a child-friendly manner. They always hold my kids' attention and teach them what I want to share with them. I am just forever indebted to you for helping me to raise my children well!! Thank you so very very much. May God bless you for all you do!!

  16. Anonymous

    The kids look great! Their costumes were so adorable.

  17. Anonymous

    Absolutely precious … they all look great! Hope everyone had fun celebrating All Hallows' Eve! Happy All Saints Day! Bernadette 🙂

  18. Kimberlee

    Your children all look fabulous, as always! So lovely to see a new use for the rosary roses. 🙂
    A most blessed Feast of All Saints to all of you! May God continue to 'shower' you all with His choicest blessings!

  19. Anna

    haha, great comment 🙂 where is the button "i like it" ?
    Jessica, great costumes, as always. I like most St. Gregory The Great – did he sing his chant 🙂 ?

  20. Jessica Gordon

    It is pinned under her chin with a safety pin. The fabric is stretchy so I pinned it first and then pulled it over her head.

  21. My beautiful ordinary life

    Hi there, the OL of Guadalupe is so gorgeous. I love her mantle. You did great! And your daughter is absolutely adorable. She fits the part!

  22. Anonymous

    You never cease but to inspire others in our faith and the reason why your blog is so important in continuing this work!

  23. Julie

    I wanted to respond to your comment regarding whether you should continue your blog. I think you are an inspiration to so many of us Mothers in so many different ways. I found your blog when I began leading the older girls in our Little Flower Girls group three years ago. You certainly made my role as a leader easier by utilizing some of your ideas. Now, this year I have undertaken the role of homeschooling and again, I find many of your ideas wonderful and creative. It is discouraging that people would share their negative remarks regarding your personal life, but unfortunately, that is the way many seek to make themselves feel better. I would like to encourage you to stand strong, you are doing so much to inspire me, and I'm sure many others in your blog…please keep it up.

    God Bless,


  24. Sandra Ann

    Brilliant costumes and not a scary horrible face in sight! Many thanks for keeping your blog going, it is a beautiful, inspirational and very helpful resource and would be missed.

    San xx

  25. Anonymous

    I absolutely love your celebration. What joy your family brings to the world!

  26. KJ@letsgoflyakite

    I just stumbled upon your blog on Pinterest. Your All Saints costumes are beautiful.

  27. Unknown


    Really beautiful! More people need it, for their sons. Congratulations to your precious family, you´re marvelous Jessica, thanks for share this idea!

  28. pedro salinas

    From pinterest the images come out neat but time you do not update 🙁


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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