In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti…

by | Aug 21, 2013 | Playing Mass | 28 comments

Yesterday afternoon I heard praying and singing coming from the girls’ bedroom and found all seven of our children (ages 13 down to 1) playing “Mass!”

My mom saw the picture above (posted from Instagram to Facebook) and called to ask if it had been staged. No, it was not staged!  If it had been staged I would have given my oldest daughter a sweater to cover her shoulders, grabbed the girls’ Mass veils from the van, and brushed everyones hair! 😉  They did this completely on their own, without any encouragement or help from me. 
It brought tears to my eyes to see that this was the way the children had chosen to spend their afternoon, after I had asked the older ones to watch the little ones while I was busy catching up on some computer work and preparing to paint.  The Mass kits hadn’t been pulled out much this year, but when I showed the pictures to my husband last night he pointed out that last weekend, while we were traveling, we had attended two very beautiful Masses (A Baptismal Mass on Saturday and a Solemn Pontifical Mass on Sunday that was part of the William Byrd Festival), in two gorgeous churches, celebrated by two different bishops. The beauty and reverence of the Masses did indeed inspire our children.  
After snapping that first picture (from the back of the “church” with my phone) I was asked to join them for the rest of Mass.  I did, but first I ran to grab my camera.  It was all so sweet!   I sure wish I would have video recorded, especially a little of their singing before they knew I was listening… After that it wasn’t quite as dramatic!
The top bunk was used as a “Choir Loft” for the “Monk” who came down to chant the readings. 
Yes, there was a little confusion in the “congregation” on whether to stand or kneel following the Agnus Dei…  We have been attending a mix of Norvus Ordo (our usual local Mass) and Extraordinary Form Masses (we’ve been recently blessed with one EF Mass a quarter in addition to our occasional trips to the coast for Mass), and the postures at different times of the Mass have been a little confusing for the younger children.   Even though the “general norm” is to kneel following the Agnus Dei, our (recently retired) last archbishop “determined otherwise.”  We usually kneel (at least when we can) and hope that our new Archbishop will make this the “norm” for our diocese!  We also continue to pray for more frequent Latin Masses… 
We were out of Rice Crackers, but the kids found some leftover Banana Chips in the snack bag from our recent trip.
So many precious moments… 
… perhaps all this extra practice will help our little man behave a little better the next time we attend Mass!  😉
He tried to escape during the recent baptism.
“My dolly came to Mass too, ’cause we both made our First Holy Ta-mmunnions!”  

Miniature Mass Set (older version) and Red & Green Vestments (no longer sold) from Our Father’s House 
(the older boys were given these in 2005
Folding Book Stand (similar to this)
Family Prayer for Vocations

O Divine Jesus, Who has taught us to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He send forth laborers into His harvest, be pleased to raise up many holy Priests and religious to work according to the intentions of Your Heart and to procure by their ministry the salvation of souls and the glory of Your Father. And if it should please You, O Lord to choose one such from our family kneeling before you at this moment, we thank You with all of our hearts on this earth and for all eternity. 

Mary, Mother of all Vocations, Pray for Us!


  1. Jacqui

    Beautiful pictures, what a blessing! LOVED those special moments!

  2. Anonymous


  3. Shaina

    Love! I hope my boys play this way someday. For now, I feel blessed that they are both eager to reach the age for first confession and Eucharist.
    God bless you and your family! What a wonderful example you have set that they are clearly modeling. 🙂

  4. Kimberlee

    'Introibo ad altare Dei.
    Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.'
    Clearly, Holy Mass gives joy to their youth! Beautiful pictures of such a beautiful family, Jessica! (and perhaps the Lord will call some of them to follow in their uncle Fathers' footsteps) AMDG!

  5. Barbara

    You have been truly blessed.

    "Everyone to whom much is given, of him will much be required." Luke 12:48

    Your family is a beautiful witness.

  6. Katie V.

    So sweet and how special!! Rascal even holds the chalice so professionally! Will definitely be sharing this post with my boys!! God bless! I pray I can find a Latin mass here!!

  7. Erin

    Precious! And so sweet that they all were playing this together! I love the dried banana chips in particular – great way to improvise!

    I love the way one year olds will copy and pray along with older siblings… my almost two year old now insists we all kneel when the rosaries come out after dinner each night!

  8. Christine

    You should be so proud. This is just beautiful. God is smiling. Angels are singing.

  9. Mom2Seven

    Really, really wonderful, Jessica! Such good kids! +JMJ+

  10. Michelle

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I think your husband is absolutely correct. Let the wonder and beauty of the Mass be a lesson to all of us. Children NEED these beautiful masses to inspire them. I believe these photos of your "beautiful mass" will inspire my children today. God bless you all.

  11. RealMom4Life

    Beautiful! That reminds me to ask my sister if she can make the boys vestments for Christmas this year. The giant black t-shirts turned inside out "worked" but……..

    and rice crackers…what a great idea! We've been used Necco Wafers – but the crackers would be better 🙂 Not sure the younger kids will appreciate the switch 🙂

  12. steph

    This brought tears to MY eyes, so I can't even imagine the way your heart felt to see this beautiful thing!! You are one blessed momma.

  13. Unknown

    What a blessing Jessica!!! I shared your post in my FB!!!

  14. Jan

    We aren't Catholic, but we loved to play "church" when we were little! We were best friends with our minister's family, so they had everything needed at their house. This brought back sweet memories!

  15. Anonymous

    This is lovely! Outside of the fact that they are playing Mass – which is beautiful – they are playing sweetly together – all of them. I might have to remember the TJ's banana chips for my CCD class. I am always trying to find something (low allergen) to teach the kids how to receive with. Sadly, most of my CCD kids come from families that aren't blessed with parents/families who bother to teach them so well that it even becomes their play! You are doing such a beautiful job.

  16. Anonymous

    I love it when my kids play mass. It is so nice and refreshing to know they are paying attention! lol I have been wanitng to get that minuture mass set and those vestments are precious.

  17. Anonymous

    Beautiful!!! God bless your family.

  18. Amber

    Beautiful, thanks so much for sharing the pictures. The banana chips are brilliant, what a good substitute for hosts!!

  19. Michele Chronister

    I love this!! How beautiful! You're definitely making me hope for some sons added to our brood at some point in the future! Right now we just have two little "nuns" for the choir loft. 😉 Thanks for sharing!

  20. Eliana

    Absolutely lovely! It made me think "Awwww" when I saw the first picture.

  21. Karina

    I love the banana chips! My son(s) also have a homemade Mass vestment and love to say Mass. He was given unconsecrated hosts by his godmother to use during his play Masses, but he's run out. My kids get confused too when we visit your diocese, because in ours, we kneel after the Agnus Dei, thanks be to God! Thanks for sharing beautiful photos.

  22. Karina

    THanks for sharing the beautiful photos! I love the banana chips too! My son was given unconsecrated hosts by his godmother to use for his Masses, but I think the congregants kept getting back in the 'communion' line, so he's run out. =)
    I wish all the Novus Ordo Mass postures were the same for the whole US. We kneel here after the Agnus Dei, but when we visit your diocese, my kids get confused too. Your new archbishop is a wonderful treasure. Praying for him, and his Diocese!

  23. Sarah

    This is I think the best thing I have seen all week!!

  24. Anonymous

    I love this! It was so nice to meet you last weekend, I showed my kids this post (they play mass too) My son said"I really need those vestements!" I don"t sew much though 🙁

  25. Anonymous

    I LOVE how little Rose is holding a baby (doll)in her arms!! Too priceless, this tableau!


  26. Chris

    This is just beautiful!
    I'm so impressed! You're doing a wonderful job, Mommy!

  27. Unknown

    So precious. I used to play mass when I was a kid as well…and now I ended up in seminary. Perhaps you have a future priest in the family.

    Mary Mother of Vocations, pray for us and for our vocations


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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