End-of-School Interviews for 2013-2014

by | Aug 13, 2014 | End-of-School, Home Education | 9 comments

So I have decided to keep using the children’s nicknames online for now. Thank you all for your help with this decision.  I’m so blessed to have such great visitors here at Shower of Roses! It’s been such a joy to share our family with you here and I’m looking forward to continuing to do so, though it is sure getting harder to find the time as the children (and I!) get older… I started creating these interviews at the beginning of summer but was stalling on sharing them until I had made the decision about the nicknames and which version to post.  These were originally inspired by Sarah in 2012 and we made them again last year. It’s so fun to look back at them each year and see how much the children have grown and changed!
Ranger’s Favorite Books: The Royal Ranger, The Chronicles of Xan (Includes: Shadow in the Dark, The Haunted Cathedral, and The Fire of Eden) and St. Thomas Aquinas and the Preaching Beggars 
(So glad he LOVED all the books he was given on Christmas morning! And here are the links to this year’s LEGO Perplexus and one of his Metal Earth creations. He was also really proud to serve Mass for our Archbishop during summer camp! I’m still trying to track down a photo…)  

Twinkle Toes’ Favorite Books: Olivia and the Little Way (or order one with a special inscription from the author by clicking the ad in the sidebar!), The Secret Garden (illustrated by Tasha Tudor), St. Therese and the Roses
Chiquita’s Favorite Books: Strawberry Hill, The Secret Garden (illustrated by Inga Moore) and Sisters of the Last Straw
Snuggles’ Favorite Books: Run, Bug, Run, The Runt Pig and Cobweb the Cat
(He was so excited to read these books on his own! We used these readers with PAL. He is also looking forward to more “MATH, MATH, MATH!!!!” next year.)

Rose’s Favorite Books: Beauty and the Beast (illustrated by Jan Brett) and Saints for Girls
Rose can’t wait for her new Math book to arrive and has been asking to start every day… I’m going to have SIX children in Saxon Math this upcoming school year…. OH, my! 
Bud’s Favorite Books: Is Your Mama a Llama? and See Inside Trains
Our 2013-2014 Field Trips:
I’m starting to look forward to beginning our new school year, but not until after we fully enjoy these last few weeks of summer! 


  1. guest

    What delightful memories!!!!

    2014-08-13 19:30:24

  2. Jennifer

    I was wondering if you had done these. Captain should be proud of how he did on the tests, I see that Rose has moved past "pink-uh", and little Bud is so sweet, but why is he terrified of cheeseburgers??? LOL

    2014-08-13 21:11:05

  3. Mom2Seven

    What fun to read! Beautiful kids! +JMJ+

    2014-08-14 00:25:59

  4. Young_Momma

    Super cute, Jessica! They turned out great! I love getting book ideas from you – a few of mine are intense readers. Can't wait til you share more about what your girls have been reading!! 🙂 "I'm terrified of…. cheeseburgers" – hee, hee! Cute little guy! Cheeseburgers are mighty scary – lol! 😉 Rose made me giggle too with her favorite colors!! 🙂 And, piano lessons – how exciting! We have quite a few piano players in our house too!

    2014-08-14 03:43:14

  5. Bernadette

    So cute! They're all growing up so quickly! 🙂

    2014-08-14 04:18:59

  6. scmom4

    I love how each child has some similar but many unique answers. What an awesome bunch! God bless them.

    2014-08-14 12:48:14

  7. Jamie

    Loved this…And I think my Benjamin would like to make a match with your Rose (in maybe 20yrs?). As he was reading over my shoulder he said to me, "My favorite field trip is the train park". Then we get to Rose and *gasp* she had the same favorite!!! And Is Your Mama a Llama is a favorite for me too 😉 Your children are precious!

    2014-08-14 13:30:08

  8. Krista

    "Awesome Sauce!" These came out so great, Jessica! I enjoyed reading them and seeing just how much the children have grown this year! And as for keeping the nicknames for the blog – MOST DEFINITELY KEEP THEM FOREVER. I feel very strongly about that and no matter what the children may think as they get older, it really is important. It seems harder and harder to keep identity private with the internet now, but it is possible to keep it more private or less private by our OWN doing. And being forever linked to the blog as the kids get older and become adults is really important, too. I don't have a blog for primarily this very reason – privacy. People of today do seem more inclined to "share" too much in general, so it just means we need to be extra diligent to safeguard our family and children, most especially. It's really just a case of "street smarts" and going with your gut on many things. It's amazing to me what people share on YouTube, for example, about their children, families, etc… Sometimes it almost feel uncomfortable to see certain videos – and these are innocent videos like Lego or cats or something not inappropriate – it's just the sharing of info that people seem to "need to share with the public". It almost becomes a "game" perhaps, for some people to see if viewers can "guess" things about them – I don't know…. But, that being said, please do keep the nicknames forever – I really think you will be happy with that decision years from now, no matter any "internet trends" or whatnot that come and go. I see far too many bloggers and social media accounts thinking that they need to "change with the times" or "go with the new", save "dropping out completely". I don't think that's necessary to do. Just keep on with what works for YOU and YOUR FAMILY as you have been doing for these past several years – "if it ain't broke, then don't fix it" kind of thing. There's really no reason to change, but plenty of reasons to NOT change this. "Old skool" blogging is STILL COOL and actually refreshing, because it just lets you "chat" with others that are of similar mind and philosophy without all the other "hype" or "flare" getting in the way. Think back to why you started blogging in the first place – and keep THAT in your heart for you blog…. Just my 2 cents… 🙂 Blessings, to you and your beautiful family and for your special intention for your family (has St Rita given you any hints or answers yet?!?!?!!!????)!

    2014-08-14 14:45:10

  9. Amy Caroline

    Oh my goodness! My year was so wacky I forgot to do this!! I can't believe it! These are so cute and what precious memories.

    2014-08-15 16:33:49


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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