Easter at Ephesus :: Another Brand New Release from the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles {and a “Win It Before You Can Buy It” Giveaway!}

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Easter, Giveaway, Music | 78 comments

“Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live” (John 11:25)

The Benedictines of Mary share with us a glimpse of their community life for one of their most joyous occasions: Easter. The cheer and delight of the Resurrection of Our Lord is woven in the hymns and polyphonic chants in Easter at Ephesus. This jewel of sacred music provides peace and comfort as the angelic harmonies of Easter transport the listener to the delight of the Resurrection: “For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again; even so them who have slept through Jesus, will God bring with him.” (1 Thess. 4:14). Get your copy today and recall the liturgical joy awaiting those who hope in the world to come.

Today I have the privilege of being able to offer my visitors here at Shower of Roses a chance to WIN a copy of Easter at Ephesus before you can buy it! The giveaway is only open through Friday and the winner will be announced in this post and contacted by email on Saturday, February 28th. 

Please help spread the word about this inspiring new album and enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter box below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Easter at Ephesus is available from Amazon and you can also order it directly from the sisters here

Easter at Ephesus will be released on March 3rd but we can help support the sisters by pre-ordering a copy today!


  1. Amy M

    I am so excited you are offering this!! Was just showing my kids one of their YouTube videos yesterday. What a beautiful group of sisters with such wonderful talent! We have their Advent CD. Can't wait to add to our collection!

    2015-02-23 17:41:42

  2. Karla in MN

    I am so looking forward to getting this CD, we have all of them so far.

    2015-02-23 17:51:30

  3. Robyn

    We have been listening to the Lent Cd, and I would love the Easter one!

    2015-02-23 17:54:52

  4. Carrie

    For some reason, my computer won't open the Rafflecopter. :o( Good luck, everyone!

    2015-02-23 18:03:33

  5. Katrina

    I have two of their cds already and love them. I am sure this one will be just as good!

    2015-02-23 18:04:38

  6. Liesa Down

    I would LOVE to have this! I have the other CDs by these beautiful sisters.

    2015-02-23 18:08:45

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Oh no! What browser are you using, Carrie? I can add entries manually and just added an entry for your comment (+2 entries). I can add bonus entries as well for visiting the Facebook pages of De Montfort Music (+1) and Shower of Roses (+1), visiting the sisters website (+1), sharing this post (+1, can earn daily), pinning this post (+1), and pre-ordering the CD (+5). Let me know which bonus entries you've earned and I can add them manually as well.

    2015-02-23 18:13:18

  8. Christine

    I've not heard them before. Thank you for the raffle

    2015-02-23 18:24:41

  9. Leslie

    I would love to have this for Easter! Beautiful!

    2015-02-23 18:31:37

  10. Monica

    Thank you for this opportunity Jessica!

    2015-02-23 18:58:50

  11. Monica

    I re pinned on pinterest but don't know how to link it here?

    2015-02-23 19:04:34

  12. Jessica Gordon

    That's fine, Monica! I noticed that you re-pinned it – love your board name. 🙂 In the box where it is asking for the link just copy/paste the url link to your pin or just say "Yes, I shared a pin." Thanks and good luck! 🙂

    2015-02-23 19:11:00

  13. Bethany

    Have listened to previews and this cd is so beautiful! Would love to win it!

    2015-02-23 19:30:17

  14. Grace

    I have enjoyed their previous albums very much, so it would be lovely to add this to the collections! Thanks Jessica!

    2015-02-23 19:39:38

  15. Laura G.

    Such beautiful music. Their voices sound so angelic. I also did not know of them. Thank you for spreading the word on this wonderful CD.

    2015-02-23 20:01:52

  16. Dawn

    Thank you so much for this chance to win! We have the Lent at Ephesus CD and it is beautiful. We know families whose daughters are there in the convent- so beautiful! God bless you.

    2015-02-23 20:20:35

  17. Janette

    I really want this cd!!

    2015-02-23 20:33:43

  18. Michele Zagorski

    So glad they released another album! One way or another, I'll have it by Easter! 😉

    2015-02-23 20:49:25

  19. ametten3

    I have loved every CD the sisters have released and am so thrilled there will be a new one for Easter. I can't wait to hear it!

    2015-02-23 21:03:15

  20. Cathy

    I'm really looking forward to this CD!

    2015-02-23 21:13:44

  21. Amy

    Our family listened to Advent at Ephesus each evening at dinner this past year and really enjoyed it. We would be delighted to add Easter at Ephesus to this year's Easter season. Thank you for the chance!

    2015-02-23 21:25:15

  22. Jennifer

    We'd love to add this to our sacred music collection.

    2015-02-23 21:28:35

  23. Jodi

    I love their CDs! This is a great giveaway.

    2015-02-23 21:57:25

  24. Judith

    Thank you, would love to win!

    2015-02-23 23:06:22

  25. Carrie

    I'm using Chrome for my browser. I could get Rafflecopter to open on my other laptop but the LCD screen broke on Saturday. So, we had to turn it in for repairs; that'll be 3 weeks. I'm grateful I backed up all my 'business' stuff so I could work from this computer.

    Anywhooooo – Here's what I've earned:
    FB page for De Montfort Music
    Shower of Roses, of course
    Visiting the Sisters' website
    I shared your post. :o)

    Thank you for taking the time to enter these manually.
    God reward you, sweet lady.

    2015-02-23 23:07:16

  26. Jessica Gordon

    No problem at all, and I'm sorry it isn't working for you! I just added your entries. Good luck!

    2015-02-23 23:26:22

  27. katie

    Would love to be entered in the contest! Thanks Jessica!

    2015-02-23 23:25:18

  28. Barbara

    Jessica- I have Chrome too, and am not sure if my entry was registered. Thanks for this giveaway! God bless you.

    2015-02-23 23:26:03

  29. Jessica Gordon

    Yep! It registered. God bless you too! 🙂

    2015-02-23 23:29:56

  30. Christine M.

    We have one of their previous albums and love it! They sing so beautifully and peacefully. Thanks for the opportunity. How do I share the giveaway on my blog? Do I just link back to your site, or is there an image I can also include? Thanks for any help. I just want to make sure I do it correctly. God bless, and blessed Lent!

    2015-02-23 23:28:19

  31. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, just mention the new album/giveaway and link back to this post. You are welcome to include the cover image if you'd like, that's up to you. Thank you!

    2015-02-23 23:38:00

  32. amtaigi

    Oh wouldn't it be awesome!!

    2015-02-23 23:49:04

  33. Joanna

    We really enjoy Advent In Ephesus. Would love to win this!

    2015-02-24 00:48:23

  34. Mary

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    2015-02-24 00:53:32

  35. robyn

    Love their cds!

    2015-02-24 01:38:30

  36. Maura

    Thanks for hosting this!

    2015-02-24 02:14:06

  37. Abbey

    We have found our Advent devotions greatly enhanced by Advent at Ephesus, and I've been looking to add to our collection. Our little boys love to snuggle up to listen as a family.

    2015-02-24 03:17:38

  38. Laura

    Oh I love their music! so excited for their new CD!

    2015-02-24 03:19:59

  39. Shannon

    Thanks for yet another great giveaway!

    2015-02-24 03:24:12

  40. Jen

    Love the sisters!
    Jen in OK

    2015-02-24 03:52:01

  41. Dalia

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely CD. Our family love the Benedictines of Mary. We only have one.

    2015-02-24 06:19:45

  42. Kathy

    They sound like angels!

    2015-02-24 07:16:32

  43. Emily

    I have their "Lent at Ephesus" cd and love it!

    2015-02-24 08:20:21

  44. Christine

    This sounds great! I have been meaning to try one of the Ephesus cds.

    2015-02-24 12:07:12

  45. Kari

    Beautiful! This is my first time hearing about them. Thank you for sharing!

    2015-02-24 14:20:15

  46. Sister Lynn

    We love our neighboring sisters! God bless them and their beautiful music!

    2015-02-24 14:32:32

  47. Angie W

    I love their music. Would love this for the Easter season!

    2015-02-24 14:42:53

  48. Emily

    Deo gratias!

    2015-02-24 14:54:24

  49. housewifespice

    My cousin is joining this order this summer!

    2015-02-24 14:55:24

  50. Frances

    This CD looks wonderful. I have not heard them before. Thank you for the giveaway. 🙂

    2015-02-24 15:47:04

  51. Jill L

    I have 2 of their albums and they both are so beautiful and peaceful. I would love to add this one to my collection.

    2015-02-24 16:42:44

  52. Sandra

    Beautiful! Thanks for such great giveaway. On another topic I am using your lent calendar and it is a great help:) Thanks for sharing your resources:)

    2015-02-24 17:13:19

  53. Kathryn

    Thank you for the giveaway! I know of two of their Sisters.

    2015-02-24 17:34:41

  54. meg

    We just ordered Lent at Ephesus!

    2015-02-24 17:41:52

  55. leah

    We have their Advent album and love it!

    2015-02-24 19:18:21

  56. Lisa C.

    We have both Lent and Advent albums and love them! Can't wait to hear the Easter one!

    2015-02-24 20:12:23

  57. Monica

    What beautiful music. I would love to win it.

    2015-02-24 22:11:43

  58. Cheri

    I really like their music. We have the Christmas one. Excited for the chance to win.

    2015-02-25 01:19:33

  59. Denise

    These beautiful women have moved my heart. I've been very blessed to meet them and will pre-order the CD. If I win I will enjoy blessing someone with such a gift. Thanks for your time in sharing the inspiring, precious parts of your days.

    2015-02-25 02:35:57

  60. Sue K

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    2015-02-25 02:52:26

  61. Erin

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway! We have the advent and saints and angels cds – beautiful!

    2015-02-25 03:58:23

  62. Theresa

    So excited to see this!

    2015-02-25 04:09:06

  63. Jana

    I have their Advent at Ephesus. It's so beautiful. I want the new one. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

    2015-02-25 06:38:35

  64. amelia w.

    I have it saved in my Amazon cart. It would be great to win it first! Thank you.

    2015-02-25 17:23:18

  65. Sarah@TwoOsPlusMore

    I didn't even know this was coming out til I saw your post. Thanks for a great giveaway!

    2015-02-25 21:28:05

  66. Kristin

    I enjoy their Advent at Ephesus and Echoes of Ephesus CDs. I like to play them when I take the baby for a walk. It would be a great addition!

    2015-02-26 04:04:38

  67. Roxaline

    Would love to put it in our Easter basket!

    2015-02-26 10:52:34

  68. Katie

    Ooooh, I'd love to win this! I don't have any of their CDs yet. I might have to get this one for our family Easter basket, if you don't pick my name.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    2015-02-26 10:56:21

  69. Meghan H.

    Their voices are angelic! Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

    2015-02-26 11:16:49

  70. Amani SC

    This would be sweet

    2015-02-26 22:05:11

  71. Emily

    We have Lent at Ephesus and Saints and Angels at Ephesus. I really enjoy listening to them while driving my kiddos around. I would love to have the Easter CD!

    2015-02-26 22:27:46

  72. Erin

    Oh gosh I would love to win this! Their music is simply amazing! My dear friend's sister is a nun there!

    2015-02-27 20:53:31

  73. Denise

    I just wanted to mention that if you buy directly from the sisters I think they may get more of the proceeds. Also, the last time I ordered one of their CDs from Amazon it was available immediately on Amazon music. I don't keep up with apps and am most definitely not techo-savy but I managed to set up my free Amazon music account and add my music purchases. It is wonderful to play it at the computer (in my kitchen) if my CD is in the car. So I order from both : )

    2015-02-27 21:07:04

  74. Lynn

    Great CD. Thank you for the opportunity.

    2015-02-28 00:36:12

  75. Sarah

    They have such beautiful voices! I have 2 of their CDs, Advent at Ephesus and their Marian Hymn CD. Thank you for hosting!

    2015-02-28 01:13:26

  76. Erin

    Thanks and God Bless!

    2015-02-28 03:17:11

  77. Megan

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    2015-03-16 04:05:58


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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