Every year on December 6th, the feast of St. Nicholas, our children wake up to find new slippers (or sometimes as new pair of shoes for winter) filled with treats and chocolate gold coins (last year the bags from Trader Joe’s worked perfectly so I picked up seven more bags last week), along with a new Christmas picture book to add to our ever growing collection.
This year, while I was creating the labels for our Advent Book Basket, I made some little Saint Nicholas labels as well. You can download them from my Dropbox (Black Text or Green Text) if you’d like to use them too.
Here is the list of books my husband and I choose to give our children this year, in addition to Saint Nicholas & the Nine Gold Coins which is in this year’s Advent Book Basket:
For Captain:
‘Round Christmastime, things are a little different on the Emerald Isle. Instead of logs thrown onto the fire, we find turf blazing bright. Instead of cold eggnog spiced just right, the mother and father are enjoying their stout. You’ll find no Donner or Cupid or Blitzen, but Ould Neddy the donkey and his small cart. Father Christmas with his Irish eyes twinkling ushers in his seven elves, and thus begins the wondrous Irish Night Before Christmas. This humorous tale, in the same vein as the famous Cajun Night Before Christmas, is the Irish version of Father Christmas’s yearly visit. Told in delightful brogue, it will have everyone wishing “Nollaig sona agut!” (Merry Christmas to you!)
The Angelus chimed
While into their beds
Climbed eleven “T’ank Gods”
to rest wee sleepy heads.
*”T’ank Gods” – children
I know that our all-things-Irish loving oldest son will get a kick out of this book! I found myself laughing as well. 😉
For Ranger:
“Mark Vogl has given us much more than a parody of the classic Christmas poem. He has infused his version with the spirit of the Confederate soldier, who gladly makes yet another sacrifice for the good of his country. Stephanie Ford’s illustrations are stunning in their authenticity and beauty.” —Charles H. Hayes, author of Civil War Limericks”
For Twinkle Toes:
“It is Christmas Eve. An abandoned gray cat shivers alone in the cold, snowy forest. Not far away in a warm and cozy farmhouse, Jason anxiously asks his brother Nate if Santa Claus will be able to come in such bad weather. But soon the bitter wind stops howling and the sound of sleigh bells rings clearly through the woods. Neither the cat nor the boys know it, but a small Christmas miracle is about to occur…. Tasha Tudor’s radiant illustrations illuminate this story, perfectly expressing the loving spirit that shines through the simple text. Efner Tudor Holmes skillfully combines down-to-earth reality with just a hint of seasonal magic.”
For Chiquita:
“Originally published over twenty years ago, and out of print since 1998, Sleeping Bear Press is proud to bring this beloved Christmas tale to a whole new audience. Moving and nostalgic, and brought to life by glowing watercolor paintings, it reveals the joy of a very special present and the love that a father and daughter share.”
For Snuggles:
“It’s Christmas Eve 722, and Kristoph, a young orphan boy, is accompanying the missionary priest Boniface through the German countryside. They are hurrying to reach the next village by nightfall when they come upon a group of people in the forest worshiping an oak tree and preparing to sacrifice the son of the village chieftain. To prove that the oak is powerless and that there is only One True God, Boniface miraculously fells the giant tree with a single ax stroke. In its place stands an evergreen. Calling it “the tree of the Christ Child,” he instructs the men to mend their lives and take the tree home where it will shelter “loving gifts and lights of kindness.” Now rescued, the son of the village chieftain invites Boniface and Kristoph to share Christmas with his family …around another evergreen that Kristoph cuts down for their own celebration.”
For Rose:
“An old owl tells the Christmas story to the community of birds as he has done so many times before, but when he tells of the special message from the Baby Jesus, a little bird questions why they no longer sing the message. “People no longer listen,” is the sad realization. The birds decide to share the message once more, but this time to the children of the world. And what unfolds is surely a Christmas wonder.”
The book ends with the message:
“Let there be peace.
Peace on Earth!”
Originally I had planned to give her Katy’s Christmas Gift, until I realized we already had it under the old title of The Christmas Bird. I don’t like this one as much, but it’s a simple, sweet story that any little bird lovers will enjoy. Bird Bingo is a favorite game around here, so I think my little ones will especially enjoy the illustrations of all the different birds in this book.
For Bud:
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Little Blue Truck is spreading cheer by delivering Christmas trees to his animal friends. Can you help count each green tree from one to five and back again? Don’t forget to save one for Blue! Beep! Beep!
With the gentle rhythm and signature illustration style that made Little Blue Truck a household name, Blue’s new adventure is full of holiday warmth. Sturdy cardstock pages, a compact and child-friendly text, and flashing colored Christmas lights on the final page come together in a novelty gift book that’s sure to be the favorite treat of the season.”
With a forester for a daddy, I think our little Bud with love this new addition to his Little Blue Truck collection.

.: Giveaway :.
This year I have a copy of the hardcover edition of The Twelve Days of Christmas to give away to one of my visitors!
Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter box below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
For additional Christmas book suggestions you can find some of our lists in the archives:
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.