Grace upon Grace

by | Jun 11, 2017 | Baby "Grace", Baby News, Precious Moments: 08, Pregnancy | 53 comments

I know it was all the prayers and extra graces from God that got me through the past nine months and this challenging pregnancy… It’s so fitting that she was born on June 8th, on the traditional feast of Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces. I think we’ll nickname her “Grace” here on the blog.

With her birth just two days after the death of my father-in-law, my husband’s brother (Father D. Gordon) pointed out that the name we choose happens to mean Resurrection.  A friend also shared the morning prayer (Divine Office) for June 8th with us, which is also so beautifully fitting:

“I will turn their mourning into joy, 
I will console and gladden them after their sorrows.”

♥ ♥ ♥

Birthday: June 8, 2017
Time: 1:56 AM
Weight: 6 pounds 15 ounces
Length: 19.5 inches

♥ ♥ ♥

Congratulations to her oldest brother, who not only was the person who told me that I was pregnant before I had even considered it a possibility – (“Mom, are you sure you aren’t pregnant? This is not your usual sick… this is your pregnant sick!”) – but was also the person to win the baby hunch online pool for guessing the closest (date, time, length, coloring, etc) before she was born! (Charlotte and my sister-in-law Meagan were so close to winning too!) 

I’m enjoying having another baby girl so very much! Before we were discharged from the hospital this afternoon, I had a little fun dressing her up to bring home, in her new rose covered gown, and taking a few pictures with the letter board the girls and I had started filling out before her birth (just needed a couple changes) and the cute little bunny her cousin gave her at the hospital yesterday!

My sister-in-law picked us up from the hospital and brought us home. It’s so quite here at home with just the baby, while most of the family on their way to Arizona for my father-in-law’s funeral and our other two little ones are staying one more night with my parents. Last night was the first time they had ever spent the night at their grandparent’s home and they are enjoying the treat! Please continue to keep our family in your prayers.

I’ll probably take down this picture after a little while (or update with her blog name), but wanted to share her name with all my dear visitors here at Shower of Roses. Her patron saints tie in to her pregnancy in little ways. All her siblings found out she was going to be a girl on Christmas Eve… There is also a little nod to St. Therese who I’m sure had something to do with her unlikely conception at the beginning of October. God is good!

Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, pray for us! 
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, pray for us!


  1. Sonja Campbell

    Oh my goodness she is a sweetheart! Her name is beautiful, and so is she. God bless the Gordon family as their sorrows turn into joy at their new family member's arrival!

    2017-06-11 05:58:39

  2. Bernadette O.

    Beautiful baby, beautiful name! (I have a daughter named Grace, too!) God bless! 🙂

    2017-06-11 06:33:29

  3. Erin

    Just beautiful 🙂 And yes the nod to St Therese is so perfect. Praying for you as your family experiences all the myriad emotions of birth into eternal life, and new life on this earth. Lots of love my friend xxx

    2017-06-11 06:54:14

  4. Penelope

    She is so beautiful. Her first name is one of my very favorites! 🙂 How blessed your family is, a new baby in this time of sorrow and loss. {{hugs}} and prayers for you all.

    2017-06-11 10:17:15

  5. Jennifer

    Beautiful! Thanks be to God!

    2017-06-11 11:00:43

  6. mebarrett8

    She is really an amazingly pretty baby. I'm so happy for you all, God bless little "Grace".

    2017-06-11 11:42:44

  7. Jodi

    I love her name!!! Of course it's probably because I have a Regina Anastasia & a Trinity Rose!! Congratulations!!!

    2017-06-11 12:15:36

  8. Cynthia

    Congratulations! She's just beautiful and I'm sure the answer to many prayers from you and your readers. Enjoy every exhausting minute.

    2017-06-11 12:16:20

  9. Tracy Bua Smith

    So beautiful in so many ways! Love her name and it's meaning! Thank you for sharing! God bless your precious family!

    2017-06-11 12:16:49

  10. Lady C.

    What a beautiful name 🙂 She's gorgeous! Anastasia is one of the names I kept in my baby list if ever I will have another baby girl. Isn't it awesome that the meaning of the name is Ressurection? I loved it even more when my husband told me that and he said that's in Russian and Latin form. It is also one of the Saints name mentioned in the canon of the Mass. The date of your baby's birth is also the birthday of my 2nd child. My Condolences also to your father in law.

    2017-06-11 12:19:20

  11. MotherOwl (Charlotte

    She looks so content – even happy. May she bring blessings and grace to your family.

    2017-06-11 13:54:38

  12. Joy

    Every blessing and grace to her and you all too. Beautiful baby!

    2017-06-11 15:34:57

  13. thisboymom

    Congratulations! She is precious. Many blessings to your family.

    2017-06-11 16:03:55

  14. mydomesticmonastery

    So unbelievably happy for you, friend! What a beautiful story, too. 😊

    2017-06-11 16:13:29

  15. Kim

    Beautiful name! We have a daughter named Anastasia Marie! Love that she is the only one whose feast day falls on Christmas…Second Mass at Dawn on Christmas Day! Love that she begins the Octave of Christmas with all those martyrs! God bless you and your family!

    2017-06-11 16:17:25

  16. Karen

    Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl {Grace}! She is so cute! My condolences on the passing of your father-in-law. I pray that your family has a safe trip and are all together again. Your family is truly a light in this world. God bless you all.

    2017-06-11 16:33:00

  17. Carolyn

    Your brother in law, Fr. D. Gordon was our pastor when we lived in Scranton Pa. I always feel a special connection to your family because of that. What beautiful baby girl and a wonderful blessing. That prayer from the office just might need to become a print for a wall in my house!

    2017-06-11 16:49:11

  18. Kaylyn Lybeck

    Congratulations to all of you! She is beautiful and you are such an inspiration as always!

    2017-06-11 17:08:23

  19. Ali

    Congratulations to your beautiful family. God bless you abundantly.

    2017-06-11 17:33:25

  20. Annita

    Jessica, I still visit your blog frequently (for nearly 8 years, I think), I just have not commented in a very long time. Your daughter is beautiful. May God bless her. She has been born into a wonderful family. I will pray for the repose of your father-in-law's soul and for your family as you mourn. I know your new baby girl will help all of you through this time. Peace and love, Annita (Mom2Seven)

    2017-06-11 20:06:32

  21. judehsmith

    Oh, she's beautiful! Congratulations to you all.

    2017-06-11 20:54:19

  22. Yvonne Corey

    I am so happy for you! She's so beautiful! Many blessings to your family. You are truly an inspiration to me!

    2017-06-12 00:01:53

  23. Kate

    Just beautiful! Though the sorrows of loss to the joys of birth, many of God's blessings for you and your family.

    2017-06-12 01:29:42

  24. Debbie

    So tiny, so precious, so new… with the Scent of Heaven upon her. Such a pretty baby girl! I thanked Saint Gerard for his prayers for you during your pregnancy and the safe birth of your little miracle. You are so kind to share these adorable photos of her and her beautiful name with us who follow your beautiful family. I love the last photo of her smiling. My mother always told me when a baby is smiling in their sleep they are playing with the angels. It will be such a joy to watch your darling baby Grace grow. I pray that you are able to rest and heal Jessica. May God richly bless your new baby daughter. My heartfelt congratulations to you and your family…

    2017-06-12 03:19:44

  25. Eliana

    Congratulations on the birth of your new baby girl! I love her smile as she sleeps. 🙂 I'll say a prayer for the repose of your father-in-law's soul as well. Wishing you God's great joy and consolation through this special gift.

    2017-06-12 03:51:45

  26. Carla

    Love the story behind her name. It's beautiful!!! Love her name but I'm partial because our last little girl {has the same name}. It's such a beautiful name and it has a rich meaning in the context of your life right now; I love that her feast is the dawn/first mass of Christmas. My little {girl} gets so excited about that on Christmas morning. I hope your little one brings you as much joy and new life as our beautiful {girl} has for us. I'm pretty sure she's my last and she's just a gem to all of us! God bless you, Jessica! Carla

    2017-06-12 03:52:00

  27. Virag

    God may bless all your family. Hugs from Hungary .

    2017-06-12 04:33:06

  28. Valerie

    Jessica, we are thousand of miles apart and will probably never meet – but I'm truly, extraordinarily, delighted to read this happy news. God's richest blessings to you all as you live through these life-affirming days. Good health to you all and peace to you and your household. With love from NZ.

    2017-06-12 05:35:59

  29. Christine M.

    So many little signs of God's love wrapped up in one beautiful gift. . .such a precious blessing! We are so happy for you and will definitely keep your family in our prayers. Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us! God bless!

    2017-06-12 12:30:12

  30. Rosemary

    Congratulations and many prayers for your family. God bless you all.

    2017-06-12 13:46:39

  31. Lindsay K

    Congratulations! I'm so happy for all of you! She's a beauty! 🙂

    2017-06-12 16:43:32

  32. Jen

    Congratulations to you all! Thank you for this beautiful post. She is so beautiful and perfect! God bless you and your family, Jessica! I am so happy for you all!

    2017-06-12 17:31:40

  33. Marilyn

    What a beautiful baby. Welcome to the world {Grace}. She looks so happy. God Bless you and yours. Marilyn

    2017-06-12 20:46:00

  34. Julie

    Congratulations to your family on the addition of your newest little blessing from God. I know {Grace} will be "Showered" with lots of love from all of her siblings. So sorry for the loss of your Father in Law, God brings great joy even when we are experiencing sorrow. May God bless and keep all of you in his care.

    2017-06-12 21:12:00

  35. NancyCarabioBelanger

    So happy for you all, Jessica. Blessings to your family!! She is so beautiful.

    2017-06-12 21:30:37

  36. Beth

    Jessica, what a beautiful little girl. Congratulations and many blessings to you and your whole family!!

    2017-06-12 22:18:25

  37. Dawn

    Congratulations on the arrival of your latest blessing from above… she is beautiful and so content and peaceful in the pictures! Her name is also beautiful. I was sorry to hear about the loss of your father-in-law and have been praying for the repose of his soul and for your family's safe travels. I am sure you are sad that you cannot be there but you have a little bundle to take care of so enjoy her and get your rest! God is so good… what a wonderful blessing for your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing the wonderful news and glad to hear that the delivery went well and you are both doing well. God bless you.

    2017-06-12 22:35:51

  38. Marion

    Blessings to you and all of the family. Marion

    2017-06-12 22:55:05

  39. KEC

    She is beautiful and I am crying tears of joy for you! I am so sorry for the loss of your father-in-law, but what joy that this sweet girl is here and you are both healthy. Many continued prayers for your family, especially during these difficult few days.

    2017-06-13 01:28:26

  40. Angi

    Love the name. My Anastasia Jane will be 12 on the 16th – her twin is Cecilia Faith.

    2017-06-13 04:04:15

  41. Rosalie

    Congratulations! Showers of "Pink" Blessings…So Precious and Love ♥ the name chosen…..and truly "Grace" in the future , for everything going so well in delivery…Prayers for your family….God Bless!

    2017-06-13 14:32:08

  42. kathleenbenitez

    God bless her and her family! She's beautiful and I know she's a cherished gift of God.

    2017-06-13 15:24:39

  43. Sandra

    Congratulations She is beautiful!

    2017-06-13 23:10:42

  44. KAMMiller

    Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful!

    2017-06-13 23:15:35

  45. Sherri

    Congratulations on your lovely little Grace! She is a comfort and blessing to you and she is blessed to be born into your loving family. I will offer a rosary for the repose of the soul of your father-in-law, for safe travels for your family, and for the consolation of your family in your loss.

    2017-06-14 03:35:49

  46. Lori

    Praise God! I'm so happy for you and your family. Prayers for your father in law and family. Eternal rest grant unto him, oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.

    2017-06-14 04:12:14

  47. Mary

    Congratulations & blessings to you and your family 🙂

    2017-06-14 17:48:54

  48. Marie

    Jessica – I never will get sick of looking at that sweet picture! Everything about her name, her birthdate, everything is so beautiful and I am so excited for you and your family!!!! I will continue to pray for you and your family!!!!!! {patron saints}, pray for us!!!

    2017-06-14 18:27:00

  49. Kade

    Dear Jessica, Congratulations on Baby {Grace}! You are an inspiration to me! Do forgive me, I don't want to come across as preachy or anything but I wanted to pass on something that may help with baby. I had the same anxiety with my last baby re weight gain despite endless nursing. What my midwife pointed out to me was that despite, or rather because of, her intense nursing, baby was actually using more calories working to suck the milk and so was not gaining weight and was in fact losing weight – and I was exhausted! She advised pumping my milk after a feed and so every second feed was from the pumped milk. It was easier on baby as she did not have to work so hard to suck the milk, she slept longer between feeds and the suction of the pump was much stronger than babies weak little sucks and so ended up generating more milk. Baby began to gain quickly and I had a lot more milk. I also went on Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek herb capsules (2 three times a day) which really helped a lot too! God bless and keep you and all your dear family!

    2017-06-15 05:20:00

  50. Jennifer

    Congratulations! I seldom see a newborn as pretty as little {Grace}. What a sweetie. Your whole family must be thrilled (despite the sad loss of your dear FIL).

    2017-06-15 13:28:00

  51. Guest

    Overjoyed at her birth! What a baby! What a name! Thank you God for all of the grace! (I don't want to take away from the pure joy in my heart but I have been warned personally about putting names and dates of birth online. I know your visitors are some of the sweetest folks on earth but your pictures are global and could give someone way too much information. I feel like a heel even saying so because they are absolutely picture perfect as everything you do is and I really don't want to take away from that. Speaking up in love isn't always the easiest but I know I must -just in case. Hugs to that precious little one!!!!!!

    2017-06-16 03:45:00

  52. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you! She is such a blessing! ♥ I'm actually in the process of updating the post/pictures now and plan to go through and do the same to the comments, replacing her name with the blog nickname. I have the same concerns, but couldn't resist sharing for a few days (which quickly turned into a week) like I did with our last two babies.

    2017-06-16 04:05:20

  53. Grace

    St. Thérèse was the miracle worker for me with the conception of our last baby, too. I wasn't sure we'd be able to have another baby, and I was praying a double novena to St. Thérèse (up to her feast day and then beginning again on her feast day). I was pregnant by the end of the novena, and our baby boy was born June 23, the eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist, for whom he is named! ❤️❤️❤️

    2017-06-18 22:52:10


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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