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“Look, Mom! I found St. George!” |
On top of schoolwork, our day was packed full with dentist appointments, orthodontist appointments, catching up at the office, and then golf and soccer practice, so we didn’t get around to making a Dragon Veggie Platter, Dragon Cake, or Sugar Cookie Story Quilt…
However, we received a prototype review packet of SaintCards in the mail today and have been playing ALL evening. The kids keep asking to play “just one more game!”
I love that there is so much information packed into each card – each of the 11 different colors symbolizes something about the saint, the 12 different symbols represent the various months of the liturgical year in which the saints feast days fall, they all list the centuries in which the saints lived and each saints patronage as well – and with all the beautiful images and symbols the little ones can play along too, with just a little help reading the names of each saint!
SaintCards isn’t available to purchase just yet, but you CAN back the project over at Kickstarter! Even if you can’t back the project at this time, please consider sharing the link so they can hopefully reach their funding goals by the May 13th deadline. I’d love to see this available to give as gifts!
Well, I’m off to tuck in the little ones and read them a bedtime story before they fall asleep…
Love those cards, will definitely support them! Thanks for sharing. Your dragon and StGeorge on horseback are too cute. God bless.
2018-04-24 12:59:09
Aren’t they fantastic?? So glad you reviewed and share them! Also, just a littler clarification, their Kickstarter is a pre-order campaign so when you back it at a certain level, you’ll also receive what is listed for the level you choose if they reach their funding goal. But if they don’t, SaintCards won’t be available at all. So everyone…please share!
2018-04-24 13:20:35
Oh that book is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing it 🙂
2018-04-24 14:38:20
Thank you so much for clarifying that, Christen! I really hope they reach the goal!
2018-04-24 15:00:43
Love! Where did you get St. George and the Dragon?
2018-04-24 16:13:41
Can you tell me how sturdy the Ostheimer wooden figures are for playing?
2018-04-24 18:07:59
They are hand carved in Germany by Ostheimer. Pictured in this post is the Black Knight on Red Horse and the Dragon: https://amzn.to/2I0kRyY I purchased ours during a sale over at The Wooden Wagon the year before last and gave them to our younger boys for Christmas. (One received St. Martin and the Beggar and the other received St. George and the Dragon.)
2018-04-24 18:19:23
We've found them to be very sturdy! They have no trouble at all standing up and they hold up well to lots of play. Our six year old loves seeing how many he can stack on top of each other. I picture my grandchildren playing with these toys some day, they are definitely heirloom quality. The only problem we've had is with a corner of one of our peacock's getting chipped off after a big fall onto the hard tile.
2018-04-24 18:28:17
Thank you for sharing the Saint cards. They seem like a wonderful learning tool. Joan
2018-04-24 18:32:39
The Saint cards are something that I would like I love reading about the Saints lives. Bud is so cute. Marion
2018-04-24 20:31:22
Those Saint cards are such a great product. I hope they will be available to purchase in the near future. Twinkle Toes is so pretty and Bud is adorable. That Saint George book is lovely. Marilyn
2018-04-24 21:39:31
Backed them! Can't wait to get ours and hope they make their goal in plenty of time:)
2018-04-24 21:45:51
What a FUN way to celebrate this Feast Day! So heartwarming to see your older children playing with their younger siblings. You have such a dear family…
2018-04-30 19:41:38