Secrets: Visible and Invisible {Sponsored Giveaway}

by | Jul 4, 2018 | Giveaway | 0 comments

To celebrate today’s feast of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the Patron Saint of Young Adults, Catholic Teen Books just released their brand new anthology, Secrets: Visible and Invisible, and I’m hosting a giveaway!

Secret (n.) – something kept hidden from knowledge or view; a mystery.
Seven Stories. One Theme. 
  • In a dystopian future, an innocent picnic turns deadly!
  • Elijah knows nothing of the elderly stranger’s secret past–until her disappearance changes everything.
  • A mysterious, ever-changing painting alarms a group of teens.
  • The cannonball took Dario’s legs . . . Will he lose his soul too? 
  • The arrival of a mysterious girl challenges everything about Jason’s life.
  • An unlicensed driver. His dad’s truck. What could possibly go wrong?
  • An old tale of murder and forbidden love leads to a modern day treasure hunt.
I haven’t had the opportunity to read this brand new book myself, but here is what Regina Lordan from Catholic News Service had to say:

“This anthology of short stories for Catholic teenagers is a true literary treasure. It provides genres for every type of reader, each so well written that the reader is invited to fully escape into many different worlds and places. The short stories will take its readers to dystopian Europe, high school hallways, a city block in summer, and a soldier’s medical ward in 16th-century Italy, just to name a few. The characters are diverse, exciting, relatable; their adventures are accessible, mysterious and enthralling. But within these different settings, there is one uniting comfort: God is always there, whether revealed in a desperate prayer to a guardian angel, through pure romantic love, the presence of Christian charity, men and women religious, or within the sacraments. The hope that comes through Catholicism and Jesus prevails in each vignette, and yet there are still heavy doses of drama, suspense and tactful violence. So if your teens seem totally spaced out and properly engrossed, take courage knowing their love of reading and their love of the faith are being fed through these beautiful stories.”

The Kindle or Paperback Edition are available at Amazon!

.: Giveaway :.

Catholic Teen Books has offered to send one of my visitors a copy of Secrets: Visible and Invisible! Two of the contributing authors have also offered runner-up prizes as well, so the second name drawn will receive a copy of A Soldier Surrenders by Susan Peek about St. Camilus and the third name drawn will receive a copy of Roland West, Loner by Theresa Linden. The winners of each book will be selected and announced in this post on July 18, 2018, the feast of St. Camillus
Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter box below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” – Luke 8:17 RSV-CE


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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