Sponsor Love :: Quarterly Update & Current Specials

by | Nov 7, 2018 | Sponsors | 2 comments

We are working on unpacking and settling into our new home. What a crazy month it has been! I’m hoping to share some pictures here on the blog, and I’m also working on putting together my pre-Christmas giveaways, but first I want to share a little about a couple new sponsors as well as some awesome coupon codes!

Please welcome my new sponsors:

Grace & Grit Design Co. 

We outfit women to beautify their domestic church with religious goods for both the home and lifestyle. We provide stylish, on trend products that are meant to convey the HOPE that we have in Christ so that others may see our HOPE and are encouraged to learn more.
Right now you can SAVE 15% off any product through Dec. 31, 2018 with coupon code: XMASROSE

In addition to visiting the website, you can also follow Grace & Grit Design Co. on Facebook and Instagram
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Ministry thru Mystery
What does Ministry thru Mystery mean?

I’m so glad you asked. Basically, it’s a simple way to describe my writing.

I’ve always had a passion for mysteries. Even as a child I was drawn to who-dunnits, spending hours puzzling out those intriguing plots. If the book also happened to include elements of humor, a touch of romance, and positive messages, then I was in heaven. Now that I’m an author, my novels include this potpourri of styles.

Stories are an incredible way to reach people and I strive to create novels that can strengthen the faith of others. Each of my books has an underlying theme: using your gifts and talents to help others, recognizing who God wants you to be, having the courage to say “yes” to a Divine call, and being a witness to others.

Sadly, our kids are inundated daily with negative and damaging messages through movies, television, music, social media, and even mainstream books. As a mother myself, I understand this problem. In fact, that is how my writing career began.

Years ago, when my children were searching for YA novels, I was having a hard time finding any that would be fun, adventurous, and also reflect our family’s values. I remember wondering why no one was writing the kinds of books I was searching for not knowing that I would eventually become that person.

God has led me on this incredible journey and I pray I can help others who may be facing the same parenting struggles that I did. Besides writing faith-filled novels, I have also started reviewing Christian and Catholic books on my website. Surrounding our children with good, value-based examples is becoming harder and harder to do but I hope to help change that culture one book at a time.

In addition to visiting www.LesleaWahl.com, you can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter

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A special THANK YOU to all my continuing sponsors! 

Prayer Pillowcases
Prayer Pillowcases are more than just a pretty place to lay your head! They’re a unique way to bring Catholic art and prayer into your home and a practical way to share the Faith with your family and friends. Our distinctive line combines original art and favorite Catholic prayers that appeal to all ages and transform pillows from the ordinary to the divine! Honor a special occasion or make any occasion special with the gift of a joyful, lasting (and personalizable) Prayer Pillowcase. We’re always working on new designs and hope you’ll visit again soon to see even more ways to help your loved ones begin and each day with a prayerful heart.

Prayer Pillowcases make lovely Christmas gifts!

Early Bird Shoppers: 20% off  all Prayer Pillowcases now through November 15th with coupon code: EarlyBird

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Culture of Life Studies Program (CLSP)
The Culture of Life Studies Program serves teachers and parents as they guide their students in building a culture that respects and protects the dignity of every human being regardless of age, appearance, or ability. We have two exciting announcements this Fall.

We turned our best selling 100% Pro-Life T-shirt into a super warm and comfy hoodie. Visit prolifehoodie.com and get one today! All proceeds go toward providing pro-life educational materials and support to parents and teachers across the US and Canada.

We have also teamed up once again with the Institute for Excellence in Writing to provide students the opportunity to win cash, prizes, and publication on our website for articulately expressing their pro-life knowledge. Visit prolifeessay.com for more information.

Shower of Roses readers can always save 20% off their entire order using the code: ROSES20

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Sacred Heart Books & Gifts
We are here to serve your needs for Catholic books, curriculum, and gifts. We offer most of our products at 15% off retail. If you are looking for something and can’t find it on our site, please contact us and we will do our best to find it.

Follow Sacred Heart Books & Gifts on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for updates and specials! 

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Gail’s Designs
Gail’s Designs has been creating unique, elegant jewelry and cherished rosaries since 2009. Gail has been an artist for most of her life and is grateful for her faith and being able to make elegant jewelry and cherished rosaries for people of the Catholic faith.


In addition to the website, you can also follow Gail’s Designs on Facebook and Instagram for updates and new designs!

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“Behold Publications, LLC is more than just a publisher! Family owned and operated since its founding in 1999, we have developed great Catholic clubs like the Little Flowers Girls’ Club and Blue Knights Catholic Boys’ Clubs for Catholic girls and boys ages 5 and up. What makes these clubs unique is that they are at their core faithfully Catholic. We don’t “tack on” Catholic identity as other clubs might, but begin and end with a Catholic world view. We also believe that local clubs best operate the way they see fit, so there is no national organization, policies, registration or dues. Groups can easily adjust the program to fit their local needs. Behold Publications also produce a line of historical fiction based on American history and American saints for ages 7-15.”

You can still find my revised and updated Little Flowers Crafting Pages available on their website along with so much more!

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Peanut Butter & Grace 

The mission of Peanut Butter & Grace is to help Catholic parents raise children who know and love Christ and his Church. We do this by providing digital and print resources that assist parents in forming their children in the faith within the daily life of their family. All of our products are made for Catholic parents—either to use themselves, or to hand to their kids.

Free shipping on orders of $25 or more, whole-book previews, and 45-day review!

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Kolbe Academy

With salvation as the ultimate goal, Kolbe Academy’s educational programs allow you to tailor the formation of each child in the Catholic tradition, with a classical approach.

All three of our high schoolers are currently enrolled with Kolbe Academy and working towards the Magna Cum Laude Diploma. In addition to all the benefits of enrolling, I really love the flexibility that Kolbe offers and that we can continue tailoring our curriculum to our family’s preferences and our children’s needs.

In addition to visiting Kolbe Academy’s website, you can also follow them on Facebook or Twitter for updates and specials! 

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Sleightholm Folk Art
“Welcome to Sleightholm Folk Art, formerly known as Audrey Eclectic, a unique collection of American folk art created in the heart of the Oklahoma prairie. My inspiration comes from faith, folk lore, family and good books.” You can read more about Heather’s work here.

In addition to the Etsy Shop you can also find Sleightholm Folk Art on Facebook and Instagram!

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Family Friendly Audiobooks on CD. Wholesome entertainment and education for all ages! 
Sign up for our newsletter and receive a one time use 20% Off coupon!
Also be sure to visit St. Clare Heirloom Seeds specializing in Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid, Non-Treated Heirloom and Open Pollinated Vegetable, Flower, and Herb Garden Seeds

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Almond Rod Toys
Almond Rod Toys makes Saint Blocks that are just the right size for little hands and can be used for imaginative play, building, stacking or collecting. The front has a print of original watercolor artwork. The back has a quote or a prayer chosen to inspire little ones and the one that cleans up behind them. The saint’s name, feast day and patronage are also listed; just enough to be a reminder and an inspiration for further learning.

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Catholic Cuisine Aprons
All of our aprons are embroidered, not screen printed, giving them a rich, elegant, look! Our durable 100% cotton-twill aprons, with soil-release finish for added stain protection, provide ultimate full length cover and comfort.


 I think I might order my girls one for Christmas! 😉

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Have you ordered your Advent Candles yet? 

The 100% Beeswax Advent Candles from The Dominican Nuns that we’ve used and shared and used in the past are available again in limited quantities over at The Cloister Shoppe! 
These never last long! 

Thank you to all of my sponsors and visitors for your support! May God bless you all! 


  1. Mary Pinheiro

    I love all of your sponsors and greatly appreciate them for bringing your blog into my home 🙂 Just had to say "thank you" to them!

    2018-11-08 18:32:50

  2. Katie

    Thanks for the reminder that I need new advent candles! What great giveaways!

    2018-11-13 23:31:41


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

Enter our current giveaways:

St. Nicholas Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Gift Guide Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Advent Book Basket (Winners Announced!)

O Antiphons (coming soon)

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