In preparation for this year’s All Hallows’ Eve Party, I have been working on a few new games. This year, instead of organizing and/or attending a homeschool party, we will be hosting one at our home and inviting some of our close friends and family. It is going to be so much fun!
We’ve decided not to do any of the carnival style games this year, but rather some fun outdoor group games. I have also been working on a few indoor games, in case the weather isn’t very cooperative, or for after it gets too dark to stay outside.
One of the games I created was this All Saints Bingo Game! I thought about ordering the Saint Search Game from Illuminated Ink, or downloading the 14 Saint Bingo cards from Catholic Mom, but I really wanted at least 30 variations of the cards so I decided to create my own set.
Of course I had to do so in the most difficult way (without the help of an online bingo generator) since I really had a specific idea in mind and wanted to include pictures of all the saints with a free space in the center.
Here is a sample of one of the cards that I came up with:
All of the 67 saint images that I choose to include are from the Picture Book of Saints by Father Lovasik and will be easily recognized by my children. I titled each card with “SAINT,” listed each saint’s name under their picture, and then put “Ora Pro Nobis!” (Pray for us!) in the free space. For markers I decided to use clear and gold glass gems.
I printed the cards on 8.5″x11″ white card stock and, trimmed them (though that wasn’t really necessary, and then started laminating them, along with all the small bingo call cards. Tomorrow I plan to laminate the rest, just as soon as I have some more laminating pouches… I ran out!
Wow! Another great post…and another great printable…I look forward to printing them out when we return home from a Catholic Conference in Dallas. I hope you will add to my "cele-linky with the saints" and I will try to add it to my current All Saints Link list as soon as I can! Thanks for sharing!
You are a lifesaver!!! I was planning to do a Saints bingo game with my catechism class. I have the saints bingo game published by Illuminated Ink, but it doesn't have enough cards in it for my entire class. So I was thinking I would need to create some cards myself. Then I just saw your blog post and can't believe my luck! Thank you for providing this wonderful resource! I am so very, very grateful!
Cheryl Basile
You are amazing! This will be a great addition to our First Friday Devotion/All Saints Day party. Thanks so much for being so generous!
This is fabulous, Jessica! Thank you for sharing it with us, too. You are so generous.
God bless!
have fun!!!
Thank you, Jessica for sharing your hard work!! I feel quite guilty just downloading the fruits of your labor.
We are having a quiet All Saints celebration at home this year and these will be perfect!
God bless!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank yoiu. And God Bless you and Your family. I just printed and laminated these tonight. I will use pennies for "markers"
Thanks! We played your saintly BINGO 3 times so far and my kids have had so much fun with it and Charlotte's scavenger hunt. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jessica. These are wonderful! I'm printing now to use tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you for sharing, Jessica! We're taking this to our homeschool group's All Saints Party today 🙂
God Bless,
Dear Jessica,
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas and templates with others. We had a lovely All Saints party in our parish today. I introduced quite a few of your games suggestions from previous years, but the saints bingo was especially commented on.
May God bless all your hard work.
Marion (from the UK)
My family and I have been blessed by your blog many, many times, but this just might take the cake. I can't tell you how excited and grateful I am to just be able to print these off. I wouldn't have changed a single thing if I had done them myself. We're celebrating our saints at our First Friday homeschool gathering this week, and this will be the perfect addition to what I already had planned. I'm going to laminate them as you suggested so we can use them for years to come.
Thank you, and God bless!
Jessica, look, I did a portuguese version of your Bingo:
Here in Brazil we need ideas like yours! Thank you very much!
Lord bless you and your beautiful family.
AWESOME! Thanks so much for putting this together! Might have to bust this out for Catholic Schools' Week Bingo this year… Keep up the great work!
AWESOME! Thanks so much for putting this together! Might have to bust this out for Catholic Schools' Week Bingo this year… Keep up the great work!
You are truly an inspiration. I found your site this summer when I was looking for ideas for my preschool class for VBS. I am now planning activities for our Faith Rally this weekend. I needed activities for the kids of different ages to play while others are in Adoration. The bingo is perfect.
Thank you and God Bless you for your ministry. You are in my prayers.
Thank-you Jessica! This is great for Confirmation class. Just one dumb question…. how do you play this? Do i make S-A-I-N-and T cards also and call out one of those AND one of the saint cards too? Like if one kid has say… st. James under the "S" and another has St James under the "I". Sorry to other you or anyone can tell me! Tanks sooooo much! donna May God continue to shower you with His Blessings!
Underneath the link to the printable cards is another link to the "Saint Bingo Call Cards." You would cut these out, stick them in a bowl (or something similar), and then call out one at a time until someone has a bingo. I hope that helps! Enjoy the cards! 🙂
Yes, I have the call cards. I just did not know how to tell which column is called. You don't call the letters! (I called a friend to ask) Okay (duh):) Thanks so much! Donna
Wow, how fun is this…thank you so much!
Thanks so much for doing this and making it available! I took it to our early All Saints Day party yesterday and it was a big hit. Thanks again!
Jessica, I rarely comment on your blog, but I read it frequently. I wanted to tell you that we are using your St. Bingo cards at our All Saint's Party this evening – I am ever so grateful to you for putting it together, especially since I imagine it took quite a bit of your valuable time! Thank you. (I'm considering laminating them to save for future years b/c I DID pretty much run out of printer ink!! I had to run the calling cards off on "draft"!!) You are so generous with what you share with your readers; there are many blogs I visit where they sell their original pdf files, and you could very easily do the same, they are of such high quality. Thank you for generously sharing your Faith-based resources with me and all of your very appreciative (I'm sure!) readers. I'll probably write about your game on my own small blog tomorrow and will certainly link back to you!!
Also, I was so saddened to read your most recent post regarding the difficulties that you and your family face as a result of your blogging. I can't imagine what kind of strain that is for you. Based on the majority of the comments readers leave you, it's so apparent how positively you affect the lives of so many. It hadn't occurred to me before, but now it seems obvious that the Evil one would try to attack you and the witness that your blog is for so many. I have been convicted to pray for you and other popular Catholic bloggers that I'm sure endure the same hardships. Peace, and Happy Eve of All Saints!!
Thanks Jessica for sharing your wonderful resources with us. Appreciate your wonderful journey with Lord and the efforts you make. I am just using your Saints bingo cards and guessing labels for our All saints party.
Love this! I've been attempting to download but seem to be having some trouble with the scribd website. Are you able to email the files? Thank you for this valuable resource! God Bless!
Thanks, Katy! Send me a direct email to jessica(dot)showerofroses(at)gmail(dot)com from your email address and I'll forward the documents to you. Happy Feast of All Saints!
I'm very excited to use these bingo cards but have been having trouble with the scribd website. Would it be possible to have you email the files to me?
I'm away from my computer right now, but you can find a different link (to the documents in Dropbox) at the bottom of this post: https://showerofrosesblog.com/2015/10/all-saints-party-printables.html
If that doesn't work let me know and I can email you them tonight.
Thank you, Jessica for your All Saints Bingo and your site. I am looking at it for my 8th grade religious education class. May God Bless you and your family.
Thank you so much for sharing these! We will be using them this Sunday. God bless!
Hola Jessica!! Te escribo desde Bogotá, Colombia. Te sigo hace algún tiempo en tu blog y en Instagram. Agradezco por el material que compartes.
Quisiera saber si para el juego de bingo de santos has tenido alguna colaboración para la traducción al español? Estariamos muy interesados en utilizarlo este año en nuestra comunidad. Dios te bendiga!
I want to use this so bad! Some of the pages of the bingo cards will not load. It says "fail to load" in dropbox. I can only get the first bingo card!
I just printed out a set of bingo cards! I had no problem. Thank you for all your effort put into this great game!
My Dropbox may have been overfull… It should work now!
Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!
Thanks, these are perfect for me to use at our luncheon for our parish seniors. They enjoy bingo and we did an Advent bingo in December. I will also keep for my religious education class (I have both ends of the age-spectrum). Thanks for making them as I’m sure that required oodles of time and thanks for sharing them. God bless.