Where’s Waldo?

by | Nov 9, 2019 | Christendom College | 5 comments

The boys sent me some pictures from Christendom’s Halloween Dance and said that I could share them with you all! They ended up dressing up (with a couple friends) as “Waldo and Wenda” from Where’s Waldo? and “Westley and Buttercup” from The Princess Bride. We had so much fun coming up with costumes while they were home over fall break.  Just six more weeks and they’ll be home again for Christmas!

I love that I can spot Waldo (and Wenda!) so easily in the crowd! 

 I heard that Westley and Buttercup ended up with Honorable Mention (or was it 3rd place?) for their costumes in the costume competition. 

 And from Christendom Today…. “Where’s Waldo?”


  1. Sarah H.

    Aww!! How fun! Their costumes look so great!

    2019-11-09 21:36:41

  2. Debbie

    So happy to see that your two oldest sons are having fun adjusting to college life and making new friends. That does a Mother's heart good. How lovely that you were able to be a part of choosing costume accessories when they were home on Fall break. May the next 6 weeks go by quickly for you. As a mother of grown children I remember how much I missed our children when they were away at college. Your Christmas will be extra special this year when your boys come home!

    2019-11-09 21:40:10

  3. Annette

    These are great pictures! Looks like a lot of fun…. so nice that they shared this with you. Great costumes on everyone. ahhhhh to be young again! 😉

    2019-11-10 03:53:12

  4. Guest

    How funny! They look like they are enjoying college. Deo Gratias and many blessings to them and their classmates!

    2019-11-10 04:36:36

  5. Mary S Pinheiro

    How darling! I still can't believe your boys are old enough to be in college. I love that you all planned their costumes while they were home ❤️

    2019-11-12 02:10:56


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